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Sould i use it Windows 2003 Server

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Technical User
May 17, 2003
I have been having this problem i am setting up a server but people keep on saying that i should not use windows 2003 server, but they never say why, can you please help me decide should i use windows 2003 server or Lunix.

Thank you
You should really post this question here forum931 for a better response.

I have used Win2003 Beta RC1 and RC2, and really its Win2k Server with a XP GUI! (UCK!!! :)) Its a bit faster if you have the hardware.

Also, I wouldn't recommend it as its not been Service Packed yet. Wait till SP1, and then see if you can get an eval to see if its worth the cash.

Steve Hewitt
coro, and while you post in the 2003 Forum, could you add what it is WHY you want a 2003 server? As in: what are you going to do with it?
For instance, if it is for a webserver only, that would be overkill. If it is as Domain controller and Exchange etc. then Linux is not an option.
So, clarify your needs to complete the question so others can give you a more acurate answer.

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Many people say stay away until the first service pack is out, but I don't agree. IF you are choosing between W2K and W2003 server I would say go with the new version. They closed most if not all ( ok, I'm dreaming ) of the security doors left open by default in W2K server with this new release.

If the choice is just between Linux and Windows, which do you know? If you don't know Linux I would suggest Windoze. It's designed for use by people who don't wish to memorize many command line commands and switches. In fact, that's part of how they stole the server market from Novel 10 years ago: ease of use.

For security, hands down it's Linux. Both are attacked, however Microsoft to this day still plays down reports of exploits, or stalls on releasing a fix ( perhaps in part because so much code is involved it wants to be sure the patch doesn't break something else, which happens with MS fairly often ). Linux patches take a matter of days or a week or two to come out. Everyone can see every line of the code for Linux: Microsoft holds the keys for it's own code.

I would like to set it up as a server "firewall and mail server"

Some people say the firewall is not that good.

"Some people" does not matter coro.
It is what YOU feel ok with and what YOU want to do that matters because YOU have to work with it.
The build in Firewall capabilities are not as good as a 'real' firewall, sure, so, your option is the get a 'real' dedicated firewall.
For those who suggest to you to use Linux, that is all fine, but if you don't know the first thing about it, don't go that road.
If you have a friend or so who does know, Linux is easily set up as a firewall and even mailserver for 'free', on an old PC.
For the other things you may want, you can still use a Windows 2003 server, behind the firewall.

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So you are saying not to use the firewall that is in windows 2003 because it is not that good.

As for Lunix i have no problem setting it up but when i leave my school no one will be able to use it after. I do not think there will be any hacking going to it but i just want to be certain that i can have a safe network.
No, I am not saying that, I am saying it is not as good, read: powerfull, as a 'real' firewall.
It is enough to protect you but has not got the advanced possibilities the big ones do.
But, that does not mean it is not ok to use it if you don't need advanced settings.
If it is just to shield your website and email, it will do just fine.

What do you mean "when I leave my school" ?

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I am presantly in school and we have just got ADSL i am setting up a wierless netowrk in the school and a server so that i can access things from outside. The server has not been bought because i am the one to make the descition on what we sould buy.
We will have 50 machines on the network but most of them are peoples privet machines so there is no need for Domains just work group.

Have you been using windows 2003 server at all.
Yes I am using 2003 on 1 server.

If you don't need a domain, why would you use a server then? Just take any dedicated machine to 'act' as server.

Is this to be permanent or is it just a school project?
If it is permanent, it has to be fool-proof a long time, for a project, you could skip a few things.
No it is a long term situation, but i will be doing mantance for the shcool updates and things but i would prefer that i did not have to go it to the school unless i have to. There is no real need for a domain just a websrver with (iis) or Apache, mailserver firewall and then a few other things...
It is really up to me to what happenes there is a firewall on the wierless at the moment but i do not like it there is not real way or changing anything on it or accessing it form outside becuase i uses mac addresses and there is just a stupid " interface, you can not even get at that.

Also there are no machines on the network all the time and i would like to have a servre so it there are any problems i can just go to that machine.

P.S: What ways are there of accessing the windows 2003 server form outside "ssh telnet ftp". What i meen is what serveces are there that windows 2003 can hold.
For access from outside, you can use Terminal Services or any other Remote Control software, like Remote Admin and others.

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