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Sorting Table Dynamically 1

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Sep 25, 2000
I wish to sort a table dynamically using array.sort method. Below is my code, but it didn't work, can any one give help ???

--------------- Script ----------------------

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;JavaScript&quot;><!--
function myObject(number,text,date,name) {
this.number = number;
this.text = text;
this.date = date;
this.name = name;

function setObject(number,text,date,name){
myObjectArray[objectArrayIndex++] = new myObject(number,text,date,name);


var objectArrayIndex = 0;
var myObjectArray = new Array();


function Compare(a,b) {
for (var i in myObjectArray) {
return a[0]-b[0];

function showObjectArray(object,length) {
var output = '<CENTER><TABLE BORDER=1>';
output += '<TR>' +
'<TH><A HREF=&quot;test18.htm?number&quot;>number<\/A><\/TH>' +
'<TH><A HREF=&quot;test18.htm?text&quot;>text<\/A><\/TH>' +
'<TH><A HREF=&quot;test18.htm?date&quot;>date<\/A><\/TH>' +
'<TH><A HREF=&quot;test18.htm?name&quot;>name<\/A><\/TH>' +
for (var i=0; i<length; i++)
output += '<TR>' +
'<TD>' + object.number+ '<\/TD>' +
'<TD>' + object.text + '<\/TD>' +
'<TD>' + object.date + '<\/TD>' +
'<TD>' + object.name + '<\/TD>' +
output += '<\/TABLE><\/CENTER>';

var sortProperty = window.location.search.substring(1);

if(sortProperty.length != 0)



------------- End Script --------------------
Can any one help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [sig][/sig]
Heres one that works - I've made some changes to your script and also added the function myArraySort (coloured red). This was found on (search for javascript sort):-

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;JavaScript&quot;>

function myObject(number,text,date,name)
this.number = number;
this.text = text;
this.date = date;
this.name = name;

function setObject(number,text,date,name)
myObjectArray[objectArrayIndex++] = new myObject (number,text,date,name);

var objectArrayIndex = 0;
var myObjectArray = new Array();


function myArraySort() {
var changes=true;
for(;changes;) {
changes = false
for(var i=0;i<myObjectArray.length-1;++i) {
if (sortProperty == &quot;number&quot;) {
var v1 = myObjectArray.number;
if(isNaN(v1)) v1 = 0;
var v2 = myObjectArray[i+1].number;
if(isNaN(v2)) v2 = 0;
if(v1 > v2) {
changes = true
var temp = myObjectArray
myObjectArray = myObjectArray[i+1]
myObjectArray[i+1] = temp
}else if (sortProperty == &quot;text&quot;) {
var v1 = myObjectArray.text;
var v2 = myObjectArray[i+1].text;
if(v1 > v2) {
changes = true
var temp = myObjectArray
myObjectArray = myObjectArray[i+1]
myObjectArray[i+1] = temp
}else if (sortProperty == &quot;name&quot;) {
var v1 = myObjectArray.name;
var v2 = myObjectArray[i+1].name;
if(v1 > v2) {
changes = true
var temp = myObjectArray
myObjectArray = myObjectArray[i+1]
myObjectArray[i+1] = temp
}else if (sortProperty == &quot;date&quot;) {
var v1 = myObjectArray.date;
var v2 = myObjectArray[i+1].date;
if(v1 > v2) {
changes = true
var temp = myObjectArray
myObjectArray = myObjectArray[i+1]
myObjectArray[i+1] = temp

function showObjectArray(object,length)
var output = '<CENTER><TABLE BORDER=1>';
output += '<TR>' + '<TH><A HREF=&quot;sort.html?number&quot;>number<\/A><\/TH>' + '<TH><A HREF=&quot;sort.html?text&quot;>text<\/A><\/TH>' + '<TH><A HREF=&quot;sort.html?date&quot;>date<\/A><\/TH>' + '<TH><A HREF=&quot;sort.html?name&quot;>name<\/A><\/TH>' + '<\/TR>';
for (var i=0; i<length; i++)
output += '<TR>' + '<TD>' + object.number+ '<\/TD>' + '<TD>' + object.text + '<\/TD>' + '<TD>' + object.date + '<\/TD>' + '<TD>' + object.name + '<\/TD>' + '<\/TR>';
output += '<\/TABLE><\/CENTER>';

var sortProperty = window.location.search.substring(1);

if (sortProperty.length != 0) myArraySort();



You will see that there are seperate sections within the sort function for the four sort columns/types. The last three all do a text sort - you will need to change the date sort if you intend to use real dates within your array.

Give it a go, and get SORTED :) [sig][/sig]
Thanks flatbloke !!! hmm...... but actually i need a Array.sort method instead of the bubble sort method.

I have to call the function Compare several times, but it seem like fail to do it. I dunno what's wrong with the script.

Can u pls show me. Thanks !!!!!!! [sig][/sig]
The problem with your script is that you are trying to sort an array of arrays. Within the sort function you need to tell the sort which property is being sorted on. Having thought about this I came up with the following (which I have tested in IE5 and NN4):-

function myCompare(a,b)
var prop1 = eval('a.' + sortProperty);
var prop2 = eval('b.' + sortProperty);
if (prop1 > prop2) return 1;
if (prop1 == prop2) return 0;
if (prop1 < prop2) return -1;

var sortProperty = window.location.search.substring(1);

if (sortProperty.length != 0) myObjectArray.sort(myCompare);

You can reverse the sort order by making the following changes:-

function myCompare(a,b)
var prop1 = eval('a.' + sortProperty);
var prop2 = eval('b.' + sortProperty);

if (prop1 > prop2) return -1;
if (prop1 == prop2) return 0;
if (prop1 < prop2) return 1;


Enjoy! :) [sig][/sig]
flatbloke , a million thanks for u !!!!!!!! It works !!!

hmm... i got some questions..

This array.sort method is much more simple than bubble sort method, but why a lot of tutorial or forum always use this method ???

What i know is the fastest sorting method is using either shell sort or quick sort, but y the bubble sort is so famous.

Thanks for answer !!!!!! :)

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