I have a report with 2 subreports. The Main report doesn't use a query but rather the table itself. The same goes for the 2 subreports which are linked to the Main table with an ID field. I have 2 calculated fields in the footer of the Main report which pull data from the 2 subreports..
=IIf([Oracle subreport].Report.HasData=True,[Oracle subreport].Report!PhysicalTotal,0)
=IIf([TblInfo subreport].Report.HasData=True,[TblInfo subreport].Report!FrozenTotal,0)
I have a another control (Total) which has a control source of =[PhysicalTotal]-[FrozenTotal]. All the math works fine but I want to sort the report based on the Total field in the footer. Because I didn't use a query for the report, I don't know how to get the report to sort on this field. Any ideas??
=IIf([Oracle subreport].Report.HasData=True,[Oracle subreport].Report!PhysicalTotal,0)
=IIf([TblInfo subreport].Report.HasData=True,[TblInfo subreport].Report!FrozenTotal,0)
I have a another control (Total) which has a control source of =[PhysicalTotal]-[FrozenTotal]. All the math works fine but I want to sort the report based on the Total field in the footer. Because I didn't use a query for the report, I don't know how to get the report to sort on this field. Any ideas??