here is the code, I have been fooling with this for days, I can do the sort but when you sort and then try to go to page 2 etc, it goes by to the default sort,
This is the detail page, I have it keeping the session var from the summary page.
<cflock scope="session" throwontimeout="no" type="exclusive" timeout="30">
<cfparam name="session.ordreby" default="">
<cfif isdefined("url.orderby")>
<cfset session.orderby = url.orderby>
<cfset request.sort = session.orderby>
<!--- Maintain summary filtering variables at session level --->
<!--- Variable carried from the summary page --->
<CFPARAM NAME="session.cust_summary1.UserFilter" TYPE="string" DEFAULT="">
<CFPARAM NAME="session.cust_summary1.DateFrom" TYPE="string" DEFAULT="">
<CFPARAM NAME="session.cust_summary1.DateThru" TYPE="string" DEFAULT="">
<CFPARAM NAME="session.cust_summary1.Rank_By" TYPE="string" DEFAULT="">
<CFPARAM NAME="session.cust_summary1.Rank_Order" TYPE="string" DEFAULT="">
<!--- Variable to do the sorting --->
<CFPARAM NAME="SESSION.recordidin" default="">
<!--- Variable to select Customer from Summary Page --->
<CFPARAM NAME="url.recordidin" default="">
<cflock scope="session" throwontimeout="no" type="exclusive" timeout="30">
<cfparam name="session.ordreby" default="">
<cfif isdefined("url.orderby")>
<cfset session.orderby = url.orderby>
<cfset request.sort = session.orderby>
<cfif isdefined("url.orderby")>
<cfset session.orderby = trim(url.orderby)>
<cfset form.rank_by = trim(url.orderby)>
<cfelseif isdefined("form.rank_by")>
<cfset session.orderby = trim(form.rank_by)>
<cfset session.orderby = "profit">
<cfif Isdefined("url.orderbytype")>
<cfset session.orderbytype= trim(url.orderbytype)>
<cfset form.rank_order=trim(url.orderbytype)>
<cfelseif isdefined("form.rank_order")>
<cfset session.orderbytype = trim(form.rank_order)>
<cfset session.orderbytype="asc">
<CFIF IsDefined("FORM.UserFilter")>
<CFSET SESSION.summary.UserFilter = FORM.UserFilter>
<CFSET SESSION.summary.DateFrom = FORM.DateFrom>
<CFSET SESSION.summary.DateThru = FORM.DateThru>
<!--- Set up for Customer Select from Summary Page --->
<cfif isdefined("form.debtor_acct_no")>
<cfset session.recordidin = trim(form.debtor_acct_no)>
<cfelseif isdefined("url.debtor_acct_no")>
<cfset session.recordidin = trim(url.debtor_acct_no)>
<!--- <cfif not isdefined("url.orderbytype")>
<cfset url.orderbytype=session.orderbytype>
<cfif not isdefined("url.orderby")>
<cfset url.orderby=session.orderby>
</cfif> --->
<!--- set return to summary page 0--->
<cfset list_page="customer_summary.cfm">
<!--- Retrieve expense records from database --->
<CFQUERY NAME="Summary" DATASOURCE="Printstreamtest" >
Margin FROM JOB_SUMMARY WHERE debtor_acct_no='#session.recordidin#' AND Invoice_DATE IS NOT NULL AND PROFIT <> 0
<!--- If the user provided a filter string, --->
<!--- show only matching films and/or expenses --->
<CFIF session.cust_summary1.UserFilter IS NOT "">
AND (BILL_COMPANY LIKE '%#session.cust_summary1.UserFilter#%' OR JOB_NO LIKE '%#session.cust_summary1.UserFilter#%'
OR SALESREP LIKE '%#session.cust_summary1.UserFilter#%' OR DEBTOR_ACCT_NO LIKE '%#session.cust_summary1.UserFilter#%'
OR MARGIN LIKE '%#session.cust_summary1.UserFilter#%')
<!--- Also filter on From date, if provided --->
<CFIF IsDate(session.cust_summary1.DateFrom)>
AND INVOICE_DATE >= #CreateODBCDate(session.cust_summary1.DateFrom)#
<!--- Also filter on Through date, if provided --->
<CFIF IsDate(session.cust_summary1.DateThru)>
AND INVOICE_DATE <= #CreateODBCDate(session.cust_summary1.DateThru)#
ORDER BY #session.orderby# #session.orderbytype#
<!--- ORDER BY Variance ASC --->
<cfquery dbtype="query" name="SummarySum" >
SELECT sum(REVENUE) AS TotalRev, sum(Cost) AS TotalCost, sum(PROFIT) AS TotalProfit, ((sum(Profit)/sum(Revenue))*100) AS TotalMargin FROM Summary
where debtor_acct_no='#session.recordidin#'
<!--- Number of rows to display per Next/Back page --->
<CFSET RowsPerPage = 20>
<!--- What row to start at? Assume first by default --->
<CFPARAM NAME="URL.StartRow" DEFAULT="1" TYPE="numeric">
<!--- Allow for Show All parameter in the URL --->
<CFPARAM NAME="URL.ShowAll" TYPE="boolean" DEFAULT="No">
<!--- We know the total number of rows from query --->
<CFSET TotalRows = summary.RecordCount>
<!--- Show all on page if ShowAll passed in URL --->
<CFIF URL.ShowAll>
<CFSET RowsPerPage = TotalRows>
<!--- Last row is 10 rows past the starting row, or --->
<!--- total number of query rows, whichever is less --->
<CFSET EndRow = Min(URL.StartRow + RowsPerPage - 1, TotalRows)>
<!--- Next button goes to 1 past current end row --->
<CFSET StartRowNext = EndRow + 1>
<!--- Back button goes back N rows from start row --->
<CFSET StartRowBack = URL.StartRow - RowsPerPage>
<!--- Page Title --->
<TITLE>Customer Profit detail</TITLE>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<script src="sortable.js"<>/script
var browser=navigator.appName + " " + navigator.appVersion;
function calendar1()
if (newWind.opener == null)
{ newWind.opener = window; }
function calendar2()
if (newWind.opener == null)
{ newWind.opener = window; }
<BODY background="../aborCost/Images/abrbacklogogreen.jpg" link="#0000FF" vlink="#0000FF" alink="#0000FF">
<H2 align="center"><font color="##000099">ABR Services, Inc Details for Sales
and Profit</font></H2>
<!--- Simple style sheet for formatting --->
FORM {font-family:sans-serif;font-size:smaller;}
TH {font-family:sans-serif;font-size:smaller;
TD {font-family:sans-serif;font-size:smaller}
TD.DataA {background:silver;color:black}
TD.DataB {background:lightgrey;color:black}
<!--- Simple form to allow user to filter results --->
<H2 align="center">
<!--- Simple style sheet for formatting --->
FORM {font-family:sans-serif;font-size:smaller;}
TH {font-family:sans-serif;font-size:smaller;
TD {font-family:sans-serif;font-size:smaller}
TD.DataA {background:silver;color:black}
TD.DataB {background:lightgrey;color:black}
<!--- Simple form to allow user to filter results --->
<div align="center"></div>
<CFFORM ACTION="#CGI.SCRIPT_NAME#" METHOD="get" name="myform">
<div align="center"></div>
<table width="80%" border="2" align="center" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2" bordercolor="#000099" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
<td colspan="2"> <div align="center"><strong><font size="-1">FILTER JOB
<tr valign="middle">
<td bordercolor="#CCCCCC"> <strong><b> Rank
By <cfinput name="rank_by" Type="text" Value="#session.orderby#" size="24">
<!---- </b>:</strong> <select name="Rank_By" id="select6">
<option value="Job_No">Job Number</option>
<option value="REVENUE">Revenue</option>
<option value="Cost">Cost</option>
<option value="Margin">Margin</option>
<option value="PROFIT">Profit</option> --->
<cfinput name="rank_order" Type="text" value="#session.orderbytype#" size="24">
<!--- </select> <strong>Order:</strong> <select name="Rank_Order" id="select7">
<option value="ASC">Ascending</option>
<option value="DESC">Descending</option>
</select> ---></td>
<td nowrap bordercolor="#CCCCCC"><b>
<!--- Filter string --->
Filter:</b> <cfinput name="UserFilter" type="Text"
<tr valign="middle">
<td nowrap bordercolor="#CCCCCC"> <b>
<!--- From date --->
Dates:</b> From
<cfinput name="DateFrom" type="Text"
message="Please enter a valid date, or leave it blank."
validate="date"> <a href="javascript:calendar1()"><img src="file:///C|/CFusionMX/ width="18" height="19" border="0"></a>
<!--- Through date --->
<cfinput name="DateThru" type="Text"
message="Please enter a valid date, or leave it blank."
validate="date"> <a href="javascript:calendar2()"><img src="file:///C|/CFusionMX/ width="18" height="19" border="0"></a>
<td width="20%" nowrap bordercolor="#CCCCCC"> <div align="center">
<!--- Submit button to activate/change/clear filter --->
<input name="Submit"
<CFFORM ACTION="#CGI.SCRIPT_NAME#" METHOD="post" name="myform">
<table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" class="sortable" id="999">
<!--- Row at top of table, above column headers --->
<td height="53" colspan="2">
<!--- Message about which rows are being displayed --->
<cfoutput> Displaying <b>#URL.StartRow#</b> to <b>#EndRow#</b> of <b>#TotalRows#</b> Records <a href=#list_page#>[Link
to Profit Summary Page]</a><br>
</cfoutput> </td>
<td colspan="5" align="right" valign="bottom"> <cfif NOT URL.ShowAll>
<!--- Provide Next/Back links --->
<cfinclude template="../Job_Rank/NextNIncludeBackNext.cfm">
</cfif> </td>
<!--- Row for column headers --->
<th height="48" colspan="2" valign="middle"> <div align="right">Totals For
Selection </div></th>
<th width="176" valign="middle"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </th>
<th width="200"> <div align="right"><cfoutput>#Dollarformat(SummarySum.TotalRev)#</cfoutput> </div></th>
<th width="200"> <div align="right"> <cfoutput>#Dollarformat(SummarySum.TotalCost)#</cfoutput> </div></th>
<th width="200"> <div align="right"><cfoutput>#Dollarformat(SummarySum.TotalProfit)#</cfoutput> </div></th>
<th width="200"> <div align="left"><cfoutput>
<div align="right">#LSNumberFormat(SummarySum.TotalMargin,',99999999999999.9')# %</div>
<div align="right"></div></th>
<th width="155" height="25"><div align="left">Salesrep</div></th>
<th><div align="left"></div>
<div align="left">Customer</div></th>
<th> <div align="left"><A href="customer_profit_detail.cfm?&orderby=job_no<cfif url.orderbytype eq "asc">&OrderByType=Desc </cfif>">Job No</a></div></th>
<th><div align="right">Revenue</div></th>
<th><div align="right">Cost</div></th>
<th><div align="right">Profit </div></th>
<th> <div align="right">Margin</div></th>
<!--- For each query row that should be shown now --->
<cfloop query="summary" startrow="#URL.StartRow#" endrow="#EndRow#">
<!--- Use class "DataA" or "DataB" for alternate rows --->
<cfset Class = IIF(summary.CurrentRow MOD 2 EQ 0, "'DataA'", "'DataB'")>
<tr valign="baseline">
<td height="24" nowrap class="#Class#"> <div align="justify"> #Summary.SALESREP#</div></td>
<td nowrap class="#Class#"> <div align="justify"> #Summary.DEBTOR_ACCT_NO# #Summary.BILL_COMPANY#</div></td>
<td class="#Class#"> <div align="justify">
<div align="center">
<div align="left"> <a href="../Detail.cfm?recordID=#Summary.JOB_NO#">#Summary.JOB_NO#</a></div>
<td class="#Class#"> <div align="right"><i>#DollarFormat(Summary.REVENUE)#</i></div></td>
<td class="#Class#"> <div align="right">#DollarFormat(Summary.COST)#</div></td>
<td class="#Class#"> <div align="right">#DollarFormat(Summary.PROFIT)#</div></td>
<td class="#Class#"> <div align="right">#LSNumberFormat(Summary.Margin,',99999999999999.9')# %</div></td>
<!--- Row at bottom of table, after rows of data --->
<td height="70" colspan="5"> <cfif NOT URL.ShowAll AND TotalRows GT RowsPerPage>
<!--- Shortcut links for "Pages" of search results --->
<cfinclude template="../Job_Rank/NextNIncludePageLinks.cfm">
<!--- Show All link --->
<cfoutput> <a href="#CGI.SCRIPT_NAME#?&ShowAll=Yes">Show
All</a> </cfoutput> </cfif>
<!--- <CFIF NOT URL.ShowAll>
<!--- Provide Next/Back links --->
<cfinclude template="../Job_Rank/NextNIncludeBackNext.cfm"> </td>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td height="3"></td>
<td width="537"></td>
<div align="center"><strong><B> </B></strong> <strong>
This is the detail page, I have it keeping the session var from the summary page.
<cflock scope="session" throwontimeout="no" type="exclusive" timeout="30">
<cfparam name="session.ordreby" default="">
<cfif isdefined("url.orderby")>
<cfset session.orderby = url.orderby>
<cfset request.sort = session.orderby>
<!--- Maintain summary filtering variables at session level --->
<!--- Variable carried from the summary page --->
<CFPARAM NAME="session.cust_summary1.UserFilter" TYPE="string" DEFAULT="">
<CFPARAM NAME="session.cust_summary1.DateFrom" TYPE="string" DEFAULT="">
<CFPARAM NAME="session.cust_summary1.DateThru" TYPE="string" DEFAULT="">
<CFPARAM NAME="session.cust_summary1.Rank_By" TYPE="string" DEFAULT="">
<CFPARAM NAME="session.cust_summary1.Rank_Order" TYPE="string" DEFAULT="">
<!--- Variable to do the sorting --->
<CFPARAM NAME="SESSION.recordidin" default="">
<!--- Variable to select Customer from Summary Page --->
<CFPARAM NAME="url.recordidin" default="">
<cflock scope="session" throwontimeout="no" type="exclusive" timeout="30">
<cfparam name="session.ordreby" default="">
<cfif isdefined("url.orderby")>
<cfset session.orderby = url.orderby>
<cfset request.sort = session.orderby>
<cfif isdefined("url.orderby")>
<cfset session.orderby = trim(url.orderby)>
<cfset form.rank_by = trim(url.orderby)>
<cfelseif isdefined("form.rank_by")>
<cfset session.orderby = trim(form.rank_by)>
<cfset session.orderby = "profit">
<cfif Isdefined("url.orderbytype")>
<cfset session.orderbytype= trim(url.orderbytype)>
<cfset form.rank_order=trim(url.orderbytype)>
<cfelseif isdefined("form.rank_order")>
<cfset session.orderbytype = trim(form.rank_order)>
<cfset session.orderbytype="asc">
<CFIF IsDefined("FORM.UserFilter")>
<CFSET SESSION.summary.UserFilter = FORM.UserFilter>
<CFSET SESSION.summary.DateFrom = FORM.DateFrom>
<CFSET SESSION.summary.DateThru = FORM.DateThru>
<!--- Set up for Customer Select from Summary Page --->
<cfif isdefined("form.debtor_acct_no")>
<cfset session.recordidin = trim(form.debtor_acct_no)>
<cfelseif isdefined("url.debtor_acct_no")>
<cfset session.recordidin = trim(url.debtor_acct_no)>
<!--- <cfif not isdefined("url.orderbytype")>
<cfset url.orderbytype=session.orderbytype>
<cfif not isdefined("url.orderby")>
<cfset url.orderby=session.orderby>
</cfif> --->
<!--- set return to summary page 0--->
<cfset list_page="customer_summary.cfm">
<!--- Retrieve expense records from database --->
<CFQUERY NAME="Summary" DATASOURCE="Printstreamtest" >
Margin FROM JOB_SUMMARY WHERE debtor_acct_no='#session.recordidin#' AND Invoice_DATE IS NOT NULL AND PROFIT <> 0
<!--- If the user provided a filter string, --->
<!--- show only matching films and/or expenses --->
<CFIF session.cust_summary1.UserFilter IS NOT "">
AND (BILL_COMPANY LIKE '%#session.cust_summary1.UserFilter#%' OR JOB_NO LIKE '%#session.cust_summary1.UserFilter#%'
OR SALESREP LIKE '%#session.cust_summary1.UserFilter#%' OR DEBTOR_ACCT_NO LIKE '%#session.cust_summary1.UserFilter#%'
OR MARGIN LIKE '%#session.cust_summary1.UserFilter#%')
<!--- Also filter on From date, if provided --->
<CFIF IsDate(session.cust_summary1.DateFrom)>
AND INVOICE_DATE >= #CreateODBCDate(session.cust_summary1.DateFrom)#
<!--- Also filter on Through date, if provided --->
<CFIF IsDate(session.cust_summary1.DateThru)>
AND INVOICE_DATE <= #CreateODBCDate(session.cust_summary1.DateThru)#
ORDER BY #session.orderby# #session.orderbytype#
<!--- ORDER BY Variance ASC --->
<cfquery dbtype="query" name="SummarySum" >
SELECT sum(REVENUE) AS TotalRev, sum(Cost) AS TotalCost, sum(PROFIT) AS TotalProfit, ((sum(Profit)/sum(Revenue))*100) AS TotalMargin FROM Summary
where debtor_acct_no='#session.recordidin#'
<!--- Number of rows to display per Next/Back page --->
<CFSET RowsPerPage = 20>
<!--- What row to start at? Assume first by default --->
<CFPARAM NAME="URL.StartRow" DEFAULT="1" TYPE="numeric">
<!--- Allow for Show All parameter in the URL --->
<CFPARAM NAME="URL.ShowAll" TYPE="boolean" DEFAULT="No">
<!--- We know the total number of rows from query --->
<CFSET TotalRows = summary.RecordCount>
<!--- Show all on page if ShowAll passed in URL --->
<CFIF URL.ShowAll>
<CFSET RowsPerPage = TotalRows>
<!--- Last row is 10 rows past the starting row, or --->
<!--- total number of query rows, whichever is less --->
<CFSET EndRow = Min(URL.StartRow + RowsPerPage - 1, TotalRows)>
<!--- Next button goes to 1 past current end row --->
<CFSET StartRowNext = EndRow + 1>
<!--- Back button goes back N rows from start row --->
<CFSET StartRowBack = URL.StartRow - RowsPerPage>
<!--- Page Title --->
<TITLE>Customer Profit detail</TITLE>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<script src="sortable.js"<>/script
var browser=navigator.appName + " " + navigator.appVersion;
function calendar1()
if (newWind.opener == null)
{ newWind.opener = window; }
function calendar2()
if (newWind.opener == null)
{ newWind.opener = window; }
<BODY background="../aborCost/Images/abrbacklogogreen.jpg" link="#0000FF" vlink="#0000FF" alink="#0000FF">
<H2 align="center"><font color="##000099">ABR Services, Inc Details for Sales
and Profit</font></H2>
<!--- Simple style sheet for formatting --->
FORM {font-family:sans-serif;font-size:smaller;}
TH {font-family:sans-serif;font-size:smaller;
TD {font-family:sans-serif;font-size:smaller}
TD.DataA {background:silver;color:black}
TD.DataB {background:lightgrey;color:black}
<!--- Simple form to allow user to filter results --->
<H2 align="center">
<!--- Simple style sheet for formatting --->
FORM {font-family:sans-serif;font-size:smaller;}
TH {font-family:sans-serif;font-size:smaller;
TD {font-family:sans-serif;font-size:smaller}
TD.DataA {background:silver;color:black}
TD.DataB {background:lightgrey;color:black}
<!--- Simple form to allow user to filter results --->
<div align="center"></div>
<CFFORM ACTION="#CGI.SCRIPT_NAME#" METHOD="get" name="myform">
<div align="center"></div>
<table width="80%" border="2" align="center" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2" bordercolor="#000099" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
<td colspan="2"> <div align="center"><strong><font size="-1">FILTER JOB
<tr valign="middle">
<td bordercolor="#CCCCCC"> <strong><b> Rank
By <cfinput name="rank_by" Type="text" Value="#session.orderby#" size="24">
<!---- </b>:</strong> <select name="Rank_By" id="select6">
<option value="Job_No">Job Number</option>
<option value="REVENUE">Revenue</option>
<option value="Cost">Cost</option>
<option value="Margin">Margin</option>
<option value="PROFIT">Profit</option> --->
<cfinput name="rank_order" Type="text" value="#session.orderbytype#" size="24">
<!--- </select> <strong>Order:</strong> <select name="Rank_Order" id="select7">
<option value="ASC">Ascending</option>
<option value="DESC">Descending</option>
</select> ---></td>
<td nowrap bordercolor="#CCCCCC"><b>
<!--- Filter string --->
Filter:</b> <cfinput name="UserFilter" type="Text"
<tr valign="middle">
<td nowrap bordercolor="#CCCCCC"> <b>
<!--- From date --->
Dates:</b> From
<cfinput name="DateFrom" type="Text"
message="Please enter a valid date, or leave it blank."
validate="date"> <a href="javascript:calendar1()"><img src="file:///C|/CFusionMX/ width="18" height="19" border="0"></a>
<!--- Through date --->
<cfinput name="DateThru" type="Text"
message="Please enter a valid date, or leave it blank."
validate="date"> <a href="javascript:calendar2()"><img src="file:///C|/CFusionMX/ width="18" height="19" border="0"></a>
<td width="20%" nowrap bordercolor="#CCCCCC"> <div align="center">
<!--- Submit button to activate/change/clear filter --->
<input name="Submit"
<CFFORM ACTION="#CGI.SCRIPT_NAME#" METHOD="post" name="myform">
<table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" class="sortable" id="999">
<!--- Row at top of table, above column headers --->
<td height="53" colspan="2">
<!--- Message about which rows are being displayed --->
<cfoutput> Displaying <b>#URL.StartRow#</b> to <b>#EndRow#</b> of <b>#TotalRows#</b> Records <a href=#list_page#>[Link
to Profit Summary Page]</a><br>
</cfoutput> </td>
<td colspan="5" align="right" valign="bottom"> <cfif NOT URL.ShowAll>
<!--- Provide Next/Back links --->
<cfinclude template="../Job_Rank/NextNIncludeBackNext.cfm">
</cfif> </td>
<!--- Row for column headers --->
<th height="48" colspan="2" valign="middle"> <div align="right">Totals For
Selection </div></th>
<th width="176" valign="middle"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </th>
<th width="200"> <div align="right"><cfoutput>#Dollarformat(SummarySum.TotalRev)#</cfoutput> </div></th>
<th width="200"> <div align="right"> <cfoutput>#Dollarformat(SummarySum.TotalCost)#</cfoutput> </div></th>
<th width="200"> <div align="right"><cfoutput>#Dollarformat(SummarySum.TotalProfit)#</cfoutput> </div></th>
<th width="200"> <div align="left"><cfoutput>
<div align="right">#LSNumberFormat(SummarySum.TotalMargin,',99999999999999.9')# %</div>
<div align="right"></div></th>
<th width="155" height="25"><div align="left">Salesrep</div></th>
<th><div align="left"></div>
<div align="left">Customer</div></th>
<th> <div align="left"><A href="customer_profit_detail.cfm?&orderby=job_no<cfif url.orderbytype eq "asc">&OrderByType=Desc </cfif>">Job No</a></div></th>
<th><div align="right">Revenue</div></th>
<th><div align="right">Cost</div></th>
<th><div align="right">Profit </div></th>
<th> <div align="right">Margin</div></th>
<!--- For each query row that should be shown now --->
<cfloop query="summary" startrow="#URL.StartRow#" endrow="#EndRow#">
<!--- Use class "DataA" or "DataB" for alternate rows --->
<cfset Class = IIF(summary.CurrentRow MOD 2 EQ 0, "'DataA'", "'DataB'")>
<tr valign="baseline">
<td height="24" nowrap class="#Class#"> <div align="justify"> #Summary.SALESREP#</div></td>
<td nowrap class="#Class#"> <div align="justify"> #Summary.DEBTOR_ACCT_NO# #Summary.BILL_COMPANY#</div></td>
<td class="#Class#"> <div align="justify">
<div align="center">
<div align="left"> <a href="../Detail.cfm?recordID=#Summary.JOB_NO#">#Summary.JOB_NO#</a></div>
<td class="#Class#"> <div align="right"><i>#DollarFormat(Summary.REVENUE)#</i></div></td>
<td class="#Class#"> <div align="right">#DollarFormat(Summary.COST)#</div></td>
<td class="#Class#"> <div align="right">#DollarFormat(Summary.PROFIT)#</div></td>
<td class="#Class#"> <div align="right">#LSNumberFormat(Summary.Margin,',99999999999999.9')# %</div></td>
<!--- Row at bottom of table, after rows of data --->
<td height="70" colspan="5"> <cfif NOT URL.ShowAll AND TotalRows GT RowsPerPage>
<!--- Shortcut links for "Pages" of search results --->
<cfinclude template="../Job_Rank/NextNIncludePageLinks.cfm">
<!--- Show All link --->
<cfoutput> <a href="#CGI.SCRIPT_NAME#?&ShowAll=Yes">Show
All</a> </cfoutput> </cfif>
<!--- <CFIF NOT URL.ShowAll>
<!--- Provide Next/Back links --->
<cfinclude template="../Job_Rank/NextNIncludeBackNext.cfm"> </td>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td height="3"></td>
<td width="537"></td>
<div align="center"><strong><B> </B></strong> <strong>