I have a long sub. that is *very* sloppy and I need to have it sort by the variable $item_id which is the first field in the flat file db that this sub get's its information from. If I am not making sense, please don't beat me up too bad... I don't know exactly what I'm talking about. I know just enough to get me into trouble.
Hope you can help!
Here is the code:
# create_html_page_from_db Subroutine #
# create_html_page_from_db is used to genererate the
# navigational interface for database-base stores. It is
# used to create both product pages and "list of products"
# pages. The subroutine takes no arguments and is called
# with the following syntax:
# &create_html_page_from_db;
sub create_html_page_from_db
# First, the script defines a few working variables which
# will remain local to this subroutine.
local (@database_rows, @database_fields, @item_ids, @display_fields);
local ($total_row_count, $id_index, $display_index);
local ($row, $field, $empty, $option_tag, $option_location, $output);
# Next the script checks to see if there is actually a
# page which must be displayed. If there is a value for
# the page variable incoming as form data, (ie: list of
# product page) the script will simply display that page
# with the display_page subroutine and exit.
if ($page ne "" && $form_data{'search_request_button.x'} eq "" &&
$form_data{'continue_shopping_button.x'} eq "")
"Display Products for Sale", __FILE__, __LINE__);
# If there is no page value, then the script knows that it
# must generate a dynamic product page using the value of
# the product form variable to query the database.
# First, the script uses the product_page_header
# subroutine in order to dynamically generate the product
# page header. We'll pass to the subroutine the value of
# the page we have been asked to display so that it can
# display something useful in the <TITLE></TITLE> area.
# The product_page_header subroutine is located in
# web_store_html_lib.pl and $sc_product_display_title is
# defined in the setup file.
## Remarked by Jimmy
# &product_page_header($sc_product_display_title);
if ($form_data{'add_to_cart_button.x'} ne "" &&
$sc_shall_i_let_client_know_item_added eq "yes")
print "$sc_item_ordered_message";
# Next the database is querried for rows containing the
# value of the incoming product variable in the correct
# category as defined in web_store.setup. The script uses
# the submit_query subroutine in web_store_db_lib.pl
# passing to it a reference to the list array
# database_rows.
# submit_query returns a descriptive status message
# if there was a problem and a total row count
# for diagnosing if the maximum rows returned
# variable was exceeded.
if (!($sc_db_lib_was_loaded =~ /yes/i)) {
&require_supporting_libraries (__FILE__, __LINE__,
($status, $total_row_count) = &submit_query(*database_rows,
$hits_seen = $form_data{'hits_seen'} + $sc_db_max_rows_returned;
if ($total_row_count == 0)
else {
## Added By Jimmy
## &product_page_header($sc_product_display_title);
##$product_category =~ tr/._/ /;
#Category Page Headers from flat file#
open(prod_page_title,"$ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}/cgi-local/titleinfo.data")||die "Can't Read file";
foreach $ttrec(@prodpagetitle){
if ($orig_cat eq $product_category)
$product_category = $title_desc;
$key_try = $keytry;
$meta_desc = $metadesc;
if ($product_category eq "")
&product_page_header($product_category, $key_try, $meta_desc);
#End Category Page Headers (for SEs)#######
## Removed by PMT $hits_seen = $form_data{'hits_seen'} + $sc_db_max_rows_returned;
# Now that the script has the database rows to be
# displayed, it will display them.
# Firstly, the script goes through each database row
# contained in @database_rows splitting it into it's
# fields.
# For the most part, in order to display the database
# rows, the script will simply need to take each field
# from the database row and substitute it for a %s in the
# format string defined in web_store.setup.
# However, in the case of options which will modify a
# product, the script must grab the code from an options
# file.
# The special way that options are denoted in the database
# are by using the format %%OPTION%%option.html in the
# data file. This string includes two important bits of
# information.
# Firstly, it begins with %%OPTION%%. This is a flag
# which will let the script know that it needs to deal
# with this database field as if it were an option. When
# it sees the flag, it will then look to the bit after the
# flag to see which file it should load. Thus, in this
# example, the script would load the file option.html for
# display.
# Why go through all the trouble? Well basically, we need
# to create a system which will handle large chunks of
# HTML code within the database that are very likely to be
# similar. If there are options on product pages, it is
# likely that they are going to be repeated fairly
# often. For example, every item in a database might have
# an option like tape, cd or lp. By creating one
# options.html file, we could easily put all the code into
# one shared location and not need to worry about typing
# it in for every single database entry.
#print @database_rows;
foreach $row (@database_rows)
@database_fields = split (/\|/, $row);
foreach $field (@database_fields)
#pmt play
#print "$field";
#print "$field\n";
if ($field =~ /%%cart_id%%/)
$field =~ s/%%cart_id%%/$cart_id/g
} # End of if ($field =~ /%%cart_id%%/)
if ($field =~ /%%session_id_place%%/)
$field =~ s/%%session_id_place%%/$session_id_place/g
} # End of if ($field =~ /%%session_id_place%%/)
if ($field =~ /%%detail%%/)
$field =~ s/%%detail%%/$detail/g
} # End of if ($field =~ /%%detail%%/)
#####KEEP THIS HINT print $field;
# For every field in every database row, the script simply
# checks to see if it begins (^) with %%OPTION%%. If so,
# it splits out the string into three strings, one
# empty, one equal to OPTION and one equal to the location
# of the option to be used. Then the script resets the
# field to null because it is about to overwrite it.
if ($field =~ /^%%OPTION%%/)
($empty, $option_tag, $option_location) = split (/%%/, $field);
$field = "";
# The option file is then opened and read. Next, every
# line of the option file is appended to the $field
# variable and the file is closed again. However, the
# current product id number is substituted for the
# %%PRODUCT_ID%% flag
open (OPTION_FILE, "<$sc_options_directory_path/$option_location")
&file_open_error ("$sc_options_directory_path/$option_location",
"Display Products for Sale", __FILE__,
while (<OPTION_FILE>)
$field .= $_;
close (OPTION_FILE);
} # End of if ($field =~ /^%%OPTION%%/)
} # End of foreach $field (@database_fields)
# Finally, the database fields (including the option field
# which has been recreated) are stuffed into the format
# string, $sc_product_display_row and the entire formatted
# string is printed to the browser along with the footer.
# First, however, we must format the fields correctly.
# Initially, @display_fields is created which contains the
# values of every field to be displayed, including a
# formatted price field.
@display_fields = ();
@temp_fields = @database_fields;
if ($form_data{'detail'} eq "yes")
@sc_db_index_for_display = @sc_db_index_for_display_detail;
$sc_product_display_row = $sc_product_display_row_new;
foreach $display_index (@sc_db_index_for_display)
if ($display_index == $sc_db_index_of_price)
$temp_fields[$sc_db_index_of_price] =
push(@display_fields, $temp_fields[$display_index]);
# Then, the elements of the NAME field are created so that
# customers will be able to specify an item to purchase.
# We are careful to substitute double quote marks ("), and
# greater and less than signs (>,<) for the tags ~qq~,
# ~gt~, and ~lt~. The reason that this must be done is so
# that any double quote, greater than, or less than
# characters used in URL strings can be stuffed safely
# into the cart and passed as part of the NAME argumnet in
# the "add item" form. Consider the following item name
# which must include an image tag.
# <INPUT TYPE = "text"
# NAME = "item-0010|Vowels|15.98|The letter A|~lt~IMG SRC = ~qq~Html/Images/a.jpg~qq~ ALIGN = ~qq~left~qq~~gt~"
# Notice that the URL must be edited. If it were not, how
# would the browser understand how to interpret the form
# tag? The form tag uses the double quote, greater
# than, and less than characters in its own processing.
@item_ids = ();
foreach $id_index (@sc_db_index_for_defining_item_id)
$database_fields[$id_index] =~ s/\"/~qq~/g;
$database_fields[$id_index] =~ s/\>/~gt~/g;
$database_fields[$id_index] =~ s/\</~lt~/g;
push(@item_ids, $database_fields[$id_index]);
# Finally, $sc_product_display_row is created with the two
# arrays using printf to apply the formatting.
sree_printf ($sc_product_display_row,
} # End of foreach $row (@database_rows)
if ($form_data{'detail'} eq "yes")
&product_page_footer_detail($status, $total_row_count, $hits_seen); # replaced authors $total_rows_returned
&product_page_footer($status, $total_row_count, $hits_seen); # replaced authors $total_rows_returned
Hope you can help!
Here is the code:
# create_html_page_from_db Subroutine #
# create_html_page_from_db is used to genererate the
# navigational interface for database-base stores. It is
# used to create both product pages and "list of products"
# pages. The subroutine takes no arguments and is called
# with the following syntax:
# &create_html_page_from_db;
sub create_html_page_from_db
# First, the script defines a few working variables which
# will remain local to this subroutine.
local (@database_rows, @database_fields, @item_ids, @display_fields);
local ($total_row_count, $id_index, $display_index);
local ($row, $field, $empty, $option_tag, $option_location, $output);
# Next the script checks to see if there is actually a
# page which must be displayed. If there is a value for
# the page variable incoming as form data, (ie: list of
# product page) the script will simply display that page
# with the display_page subroutine and exit.
if ($page ne "" && $form_data{'search_request_button.x'} eq "" &&
$form_data{'continue_shopping_button.x'} eq "")
"Display Products for Sale", __FILE__, __LINE__);
# If there is no page value, then the script knows that it
# must generate a dynamic product page using the value of
# the product form variable to query the database.
# First, the script uses the product_page_header
# subroutine in order to dynamically generate the product
# page header. We'll pass to the subroutine the value of
# the page we have been asked to display so that it can
# display something useful in the <TITLE></TITLE> area.
# The product_page_header subroutine is located in
# web_store_html_lib.pl and $sc_product_display_title is
# defined in the setup file.
## Remarked by Jimmy
# &product_page_header($sc_product_display_title);
if ($form_data{'add_to_cart_button.x'} ne "" &&
$sc_shall_i_let_client_know_item_added eq "yes")
print "$sc_item_ordered_message";
# Next the database is querried for rows containing the
# value of the incoming product variable in the correct
# category as defined in web_store.setup. The script uses
# the submit_query subroutine in web_store_db_lib.pl
# passing to it a reference to the list array
# database_rows.
# submit_query returns a descriptive status message
# if there was a problem and a total row count
# for diagnosing if the maximum rows returned
# variable was exceeded.
if (!($sc_db_lib_was_loaded =~ /yes/i)) {
&require_supporting_libraries (__FILE__, __LINE__,
($status, $total_row_count) = &submit_query(*database_rows,
$hits_seen = $form_data{'hits_seen'} + $sc_db_max_rows_returned;
if ($total_row_count == 0)
else {
## Added By Jimmy
## &product_page_header($sc_product_display_title);
##$product_category =~ tr/._/ /;
#Category Page Headers from flat file#
open(prod_page_title,"$ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}/cgi-local/titleinfo.data")||die "Can't Read file";
foreach $ttrec(@prodpagetitle){
if ($orig_cat eq $product_category)
$product_category = $title_desc;
$key_try = $keytry;
$meta_desc = $metadesc;
if ($product_category eq "")
&product_page_header($product_category, $key_try, $meta_desc);
#End Category Page Headers (for SEs)#######
## Removed by PMT $hits_seen = $form_data{'hits_seen'} + $sc_db_max_rows_returned;
# Now that the script has the database rows to be
# displayed, it will display them.
# Firstly, the script goes through each database row
# contained in @database_rows splitting it into it's
# fields.
# For the most part, in order to display the database
# rows, the script will simply need to take each field
# from the database row and substitute it for a %s in the
# format string defined in web_store.setup.
# However, in the case of options which will modify a
# product, the script must grab the code from an options
# file.
# The special way that options are denoted in the database
# are by using the format %%OPTION%%option.html in the
# data file. This string includes two important bits of
# information.
# Firstly, it begins with %%OPTION%%. This is a flag
# which will let the script know that it needs to deal
# with this database field as if it were an option. When
# it sees the flag, it will then look to the bit after the
# flag to see which file it should load. Thus, in this
# example, the script would load the file option.html for
# display.
# Why go through all the trouble? Well basically, we need
# to create a system which will handle large chunks of
# HTML code within the database that are very likely to be
# similar. If there are options on product pages, it is
# likely that they are going to be repeated fairly
# often. For example, every item in a database might have
# an option like tape, cd or lp. By creating one
# options.html file, we could easily put all the code into
# one shared location and not need to worry about typing
# it in for every single database entry.
#print @database_rows;
foreach $row (@database_rows)
@database_fields = split (/\|/, $row);
foreach $field (@database_fields)
#pmt play
#print "$field";
#print "$field\n";
if ($field =~ /%%cart_id%%/)
$field =~ s/%%cart_id%%/$cart_id/g
} # End of if ($field =~ /%%cart_id%%/)
if ($field =~ /%%session_id_place%%/)
$field =~ s/%%session_id_place%%/$session_id_place/g
} # End of if ($field =~ /%%session_id_place%%/)
if ($field =~ /%%detail%%/)
$field =~ s/%%detail%%/$detail/g
} # End of if ($field =~ /%%detail%%/)
#####KEEP THIS HINT print $field;
# For every field in every database row, the script simply
# checks to see if it begins (^) with %%OPTION%%. If so,
# it splits out the string into three strings, one
# empty, one equal to OPTION and one equal to the location
# of the option to be used. Then the script resets the
# field to null because it is about to overwrite it.
if ($field =~ /^%%OPTION%%/)
($empty, $option_tag, $option_location) = split (/%%/, $field);
$field = "";
# The option file is then opened and read. Next, every
# line of the option file is appended to the $field
# variable and the file is closed again. However, the
# current product id number is substituted for the
# %%PRODUCT_ID%% flag
open (OPTION_FILE, "<$sc_options_directory_path/$option_location")
&file_open_error ("$sc_options_directory_path/$option_location",
"Display Products for Sale", __FILE__,
while (<OPTION_FILE>)
$field .= $_;
close (OPTION_FILE);
} # End of if ($field =~ /^%%OPTION%%/)
} # End of foreach $field (@database_fields)
# Finally, the database fields (including the option field
# which has been recreated) are stuffed into the format
# string, $sc_product_display_row and the entire formatted
# string is printed to the browser along with the footer.
# First, however, we must format the fields correctly.
# Initially, @display_fields is created which contains the
# values of every field to be displayed, including a
# formatted price field.
@display_fields = ();
@temp_fields = @database_fields;
if ($form_data{'detail'} eq "yes")
@sc_db_index_for_display = @sc_db_index_for_display_detail;
$sc_product_display_row = $sc_product_display_row_new;
foreach $display_index (@sc_db_index_for_display)
if ($display_index == $sc_db_index_of_price)
$temp_fields[$sc_db_index_of_price] =
push(@display_fields, $temp_fields[$display_index]);
# Then, the elements of the NAME field are created so that
# customers will be able to specify an item to purchase.
# We are careful to substitute double quote marks ("), and
# greater and less than signs (>,<) for the tags ~qq~,
# ~gt~, and ~lt~. The reason that this must be done is so
# that any double quote, greater than, or less than
# characters used in URL strings can be stuffed safely
# into the cart and passed as part of the NAME argumnet in
# the "add item" form. Consider the following item name
# which must include an image tag.
# <INPUT TYPE = "text"
# NAME = "item-0010|Vowels|15.98|The letter A|~lt~IMG SRC = ~qq~Html/Images/a.jpg~qq~ ALIGN = ~qq~left~qq~~gt~"
# Notice that the URL must be edited. If it were not, how
# would the browser understand how to interpret the form
# tag? The form tag uses the double quote, greater
# than, and less than characters in its own processing.
@item_ids = ();
foreach $id_index (@sc_db_index_for_defining_item_id)
$database_fields[$id_index] =~ s/\"/~qq~/g;
$database_fields[$id_index] =~ s/\>/~gt~/g;
$database_fields[$id_index] =~ s/\</~lt~/g;
push(@item_ids, $database_fields[$id_index]);
# Finally, $sc_product_display_row is created with the two
# arrays using printf to apply the formatting.
sree_printf ($sc_product_display_row,
} # End of foreach $row (@database_rows)
if ($form_data{'detail'} eq "yes")
&product_page_footer_detail($status, $total_row_count, $hits_seen); # replaced authors $total_rows_returned
&product_page_footer($status, $total_row_count, $hits_seen); # replaced authors $total_rows_returned