Hi, I have a Folder Collection.
The name of the folders is the date they where created.
How can I sort the collection, so that the oldest folder is first and so on?
Or if that is not possible how can I get the name of the oldest folder?
I don't think you can sort the contents of FSO, but you could insert the results in a db, or you might be able to do some magic with the dictionary object...
This is not a bug - it's an undocumented feature...
I was going to,
but I had to code my Idea first. Here it is:
getoldestBackup = Date()
For each Folder in objRootFolder.SubFolders
If getoldestBackup < cdate(Folder.Name) then
getoldestBackup = cdate(Folder.Name)
End If
once it's done I'll have the date of the oldest Backup. That's all I needed. Because now I have a function that keeps calling itself and delets the oldes backup until only 5 are left.
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