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Mar 13, 2002
I am using the following to output a file listing the contents of a directory. Is there anyway i can modify this to output by date created or date modifed?


print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";

# Configuration:

$internal_path = "r:/";
$list_directories = "true";
$list_files = "true";
$list_bytes_total = "true";

@Directory_Parent = $internal_path;

while (@Directory_Parent)
$directory = shift (@Directory_Parent);
opendir(DIR, $directory) || next;
while (defined($child = readdir(DIR)))
if ((-d "$directory/$child") && ($child ne ".") && ($child ne ".."))
push(@Directory_Parent, "$child");

if ($list_directories eq "true")
{ push (@Directory_List, "$child"); }
{ push (@File_List, "<br>"); }

if ((-f "$directory/$child") && ($list_files eq "true"))
{ push (@File_List, "$child"); }
{ push (@File_List, "<br>"); }

if ((-f "$directory/$child") && ($list_bytes_total eq "true"))
$filename = "$directory/$child";
$bytes = $bytes + (-s $filename);


if ($bytes)
push (@Bytes, " $directory : $bytes");
$bytes = 0;

open(OUTFILE, "> C:/LIST.txt") or die "can't open outfile : $!\n";
# @Directory_List = sort { $a cmp $b } (@Directory_List);

# @File_List = sort { $a cmp $b } (@File_List);

print "Parent Directory Of:\n $internal_path\n\n";

$" = "\n";

if (@Directory_List)
{ print "Child Directories Found:\n @Directory_List\n\n"; }

if (@File_List)
{ print "Files Found:\n@File_List\n\n"; }
{ print OUTFILE "FileLIST:\n@File_List\n\n"; }

$" = " ";

use the stat() function or a file test operator

- Kevin, perl coder unexceptional! [wiggle]
I would probably want to use 'ctime' in the stat function but how would i sort them. I would probably need to obtain that info on all the files first...??
I probably want 'mtime' not 'ctime'. I am looking for some examples on how i can use this.
What are you trying to do with your script? It appears to be doing a rather simple thing the hard (and probably slow) way. You can use File::Find to list all the folders and files in a directory and the preprocess function to sort them however you want. But I am not quite sure what the goal of your script is.

- Kevin, perl coder unexceptional! [wiggle]
The goal is to look at a directory and write the contents to a file sorted by date modified or date created.

if ur in a *nix env; can u user `ls -ltr` or `ls -lt`
Or Dir /od on win.

[red]"... isn't sanity really just a one trick pony anyway?! I mean, all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you are good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit!" - The Tick[/red]
uh-oh...here come the shell commands.....

- Kevin, perl coder unexceptional! [wiggle]
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