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something verry interesting.

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Dec 27, 1999
I have noticed that over the past few months especially, the number of disable view source type posts has increased drammatically. maybee it's just me, but it also seems that a growing number of people have a site that they think has this disabled in the right-click menu, and the View menu on the toolbar. Doubting this, we have all gone to this page, and tried to see it, with (as it always is) no problem viewing the source.

well, I have come to say that I have found another website that has this option disabled. now dont just go to another thread, I have proof, recorded by screenshot. I also have a screenshot of the about box generated by IE when you go Help>about internet explorer , just so you know my browser version.

visit this url to see the screenshots (its a one-page angelfire site set up for this purpose):

I am running IE 5.50.4134.0600IS on win me :)-().

just thought we might all need some proof (I know I did)

I have emailed the webmaster to find out his technique, and will post his response here (if he lets me).

**\\||It was recently discovered that research causes cancer in rats||//**
i can't go to this site right now, but did you try the view-source: trick in netscape ?? it has to be working !!!!
As an aside from the main point ... the screenshot of the Help-About box from his IE says "This is a customised version of Internet Explorer" ... what does that mean?

Also, quite commonly, if a page is taking a long time to finish loading, it may look as if the page has completed loading, but IE will 'gray out' the View Source option until every byte of the page has loaded.

That might be why we have the above posted screen shots.
rycamor - I know that the page has loaded completly, because I am running on a cable modem, and I had browsed the page for several minutes before trying to view the source.

grega - the phrase "this is a customized version of internet explorer" simply means that the browser was supplied with some other software, and/or the registry has been edited so the the title bar displays something other than "Microsoft Internet Explorer". For example, my current title bar says "something verry interesting. - Tek-Tips - Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by @Home"

iza - Normally I would have tried to do this in netscape, however, I do not have it loaded on this machine. Seeing how I would never use it, I saw no reason to have it take up space on the hd (I design for IE only most of the time)

all - I regret taking so long to respond, I was busy. Also, I can reproduce this! I have returned to the site, and If you right-click on the site within the first few seconds of being at the SITE (keep in mind this is not a page by page thing, and it has to be a new browser session. this is also after the page has loaded), you can view the source. This leads me to believe that they are using an external program to hide their source from others

b.t.w. - Still no response from the email I sent to the webmaster. theEclipse
**\\||It was recently discovered that research causes cancer in rats||//**
i guess they're setting some property on their web server - this would be the best way ...
Well, I am also using IE 5.5 and I had no trouble viewing the source. For proof, here's a portion of the source (not gonna post the whole thing here; too long):

<META NAME=&quot;keywords&quot; CONTENT=&quot; Electronics, surplus electronics, electronic parts & components, computers, software, CPU, IBM PC Pentium II, Pentium III, DVD, DVD-ROM Drives, SCSI CD-ROM Drives, 486 550 Mhz RAM, GB, Hard Drives, computer accessories, LCD, CCD, Microcontrollers, Lasers, Fiber Optics, Stepper Motors, Holography, Electro-Optics, trade shows, swap meets, conferences, On-line magazine, auction&quot;>

<META NAME=&quot;description&quot; CONTENT=&quot;eio is a versatile electronics surplus source associating information with the distribution of electronics, computer and optical materials. We have implemented interactive via email, technical forums.&quot;>

<BODY BACKGROUND=&quot;backgrnd.gif&quot;>
<IMG SRC=&quot;smleio.gif&quot; ALT=&quot;[eio]&quot;>
<I><B>Updated 02/13/01</B></I>
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etc. I'd go along with what rycamor said above: usually if the page has not finished loading yet ... OR if IE &quot;hangs&quot; indetectably and THINKS it hasn't finished loading yet -- the &quot;view source&quot; selection will remain grayed out.

I would be very interested to learn how it can be disabled though.

By the way ... I did not find the right-click function on this site to be disabled either.

&quot;smashing it together and chopping it to bits since 1996&quot;
that is really wierd. I can also view the source, for a short period of time. oh well theEclipse
**\\||It was recently discovered that research causes cancer in rats||//**
p.s. still no response from the webmaster theEclipse
**\\||It was recently discovered that research causes cancer in rats||//**
If you build a customized version of IE (editing the registry and such) you can add/delete functionality that is typically there. jaredn@eae.net -
if it is javascript, or meta tag related, the effects are not going to take place until the page is completely loaded, I dont understand why people are so jumpy about hiding html and javascript, if you have something important, do the information through server-side programming. Karl
Experienced in : C++(both VC++ and Borland),VB1(dos) thru VB6, HTML/Dhtml, Visual InterDev 6(ASP/WebProgramming/Vbscript)

personally, i gree with kb244. I am not sure why anyone would want to do that, the ability to view someone's source is the ability to learn (if you can decode what it does). I support an open-source enviroment. The only reason that I started this thread is to show all you people that all of these other peopke are not so crazy.

**\\||It was recently discovered that research causes cancer in rats||//**
right, but it's not a javascript solution at all - i can use some c++ to make MY version of ie if you come to my site, that will cache the source code for sure as jaredn said (it's not that tough at all to disable this or that !!), or add some scripts on my server side - but i won't post the way to do so here
- because it's not related in any way to jscript, so people asking for a jscript solution ARE crazy anyway ;-) (i mean, asking for a CLIENT solution to hide the code ...)
- but mostly because i agree with theEclipse and Karl, there's no point in hiding your code on the web, that's what coding & learning are about ;]
While I have never wanted to, nor bothered to try, there are some legitimate times when hiding code would be acceptable to me. 2 cases:

1. You are doing work for a client who demands it.
2. You spent that last 10 months of your life writing an amazing API that is absurdly powerful and full-featured, and you want a lousy $30 USD for its use. jaredn@eae.net -
**\\||It was recently discovered that research causes cancer in rats||//**
Just another reason to hide html/js code. When you've created a media player and are developing for a radio bradcast website, like sonicnet. You don't really want to let people know where the stream is coming from, do you?

Go to or or
These sites all have players with context menu disabled. /*Ricardo Vercesi
Web Development*/
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