I have two cursors, a parent and child.
Parent has textboxes while child has grid.
The problem is some columns in the grid of the child are read-only and I can't make it editable except for a numeric field and datefield.
I have no problem with the parent textboxes because they are editable using SetAll.
For the child, I tried grid setall textboxes readonly .F. and enable = .T., still not working.
Please see attached image.
- gryff15 -
Parent has textboxes while child has grid.
The problem is some columns in the grid of the child are read-only and I can't make it editable except for a numeric field and datefield.
Thisform.container1.grid1.ReadOnly = .F.
Thisform.container1.grid1.Column10.Sparse = .F.
Thisform.container1.grid1.Column10.Enabled = .T.
For lnCountCol = 1 To lnTotalCol
lnColNo = "column"+Alltrim(Str(lnCountCol))
Thisform.container1.grid1.&lnColNo..ReadOnly = .F.
Thisform.container1.grid1.&lnColNo..Enabled = .T.
I have no problem with the parent textboxes because they are editable using SetAll.
For the child, I tried grid setall textboxes readonly .F. and enable = .T., still not working.
Please see attached image.
- gryff15 -