Does anyone know whether it is possible to buy some kind of software RAID for NT that would do a simialr job that actually fitting a physical RAID SCSI card. I am about to buy a SCSI RAID card but would like to save money by using software instead. Thanks!
Software RAID can be done through Disk Administrator. It's not as fast as a hardware raid, but using a stripe set with parity will get you the redundancy you need.
RAID 5 requires 3 physical disks with identical partitions, and you cannot RAID the boot and/or system drives. If you can swing it, the best setup I have run into with software fault tolerance is:
2 physical drives (+- 4gb each) mirrored for the operating system and
3 physical drives (identical size) in a stripe set w/parity for data.
Hope this helps... - Bill
"You can get anything you want out of life, if you'll just help enough other people get what they want" - Zig Ziglar
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