NEW: Different colors from previous version.
ALL NEW: Software is not compatible with previous version.
UNMATCHED: Almost as good as the competition.
ADVANCED DESIGN: Upper management doesn't understand it.
NO MAINTENANCE: Impossible to fix.
BREAKTHROUGH: It finally booted on the first try.
DESIGN SIMPLICITY: Developed on a shoestring budget.
UPGRADED: Did not work the first time.
UPGRADED AND IMPROVED: Did not work the second time.
Any other terms to add?
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance. ~George Bernard Shaw
Consultant/Custom Forms & PL/SQL - Oracle 8.1.7 - Windows 2000
ALL NEW: Software is not compatible with previous version.
UNMATCHED: Almost as good as the competition.
ADVANCED DESIGN: Upper management doesn't understand it.
NO MAINTENANCE: Impossible to fix.
BREAKTHROUGH: It finally booted on the first try.
DESIGN SIMPLICITY: Developed on a shoestring budget.
UPGRADED: Did not work the first time.
UPGRADED AND IMPROVED: Did not work the second time.
Any other terms to add?
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance. ~George Bernard Shaw
Consultant/Custom Forms & PL/SQL - Oracle 8.1.7 - Windows 2000