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Software Architecture Question

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May 24, 2001
I need some advice from some of the more seasoned technical leaders. Currently we have an application here that has outgrown its current architecture. The application is a sales system that was designed around Lotus Notes. The application is huge and is centered on the messaging technology in Notes. It is my belief that notes can no longer support the application. Notes is definitely not a relational DB, which is its first weakness. The architecture I am considering is along the lines of having a front-end interface, which is nothing more than input and output. The backend would be an Oracle database for storing the information. I would then need some middleware to control the workflow. I am not sure if this is a good architecture to use. Also I have been thinking of using Java as the language to design the front end, since I need web functionality. The question here at the bank is do we redesign it in notes or do we move it into another language. I need some advice. Is Java the best way to go? Is the architecture I described good or is there a better one? Please help!!!
Thanks in Advance
oracle and java thats the best I know, that sound good for the web. So long and thanks for all the fish.
This seems like the perfect approach for a multi-tier architecture.

If the application is this huge - why not give J2EE a try (for the middleware)? We're just working with it at the university, it does take its time to get used to it - but I think it's worth the effort, as the EJB containers take care of so many things you won't have to bother with afterwards (Multithreading issues, ressource handling, database connection pooling) and the connection to the DB via JDBC works just fine. Didn't try it with Oracle yet though...

For the frontend you should consider JSPs - as you need web functionality anyway (as you mentioned) you can just as well let the Browser do the dirty jobs (the layout and stuff) and concentrate on programming a nice and usable interface ;-) allow thyself to be the spark that lights the fire
Techx -

I'm a Lotus Notes programmer and you're right, it's no relational database. However, the advice you're receiving to completely redesign what you have and use all new technology requires a whole lot of thought. Be careful of jumping ship and thinking you're going to quickly redesign what you have. Many, many banks use Lotus Notes very successfully. The strength it has is that it's tightly interwoven into its email system. It's really great to be able to embed a link into an email and jump directly to a specific record in another database.

Things to consider:
1) Do you have Oracle and Java developers?
2) What's the time frame? (Converting takes LOTS of time)
3) Can you afford to go 2x - 3x overbudget? (The mistake people make is that Lotus Notes can be easily re-engineered in Oracle. NOT true)
4) What makes you think the application is maxed out in the first place? Maybe sales records just need to be archived. That's what you'd do in Oracle anyway.
5) Have you looked at the Domino web server? It's really quite amazing and it's the cornerstone of IBMs Websphere strategy.

Good luck,

Seattle, WA
Having been there and done it from a J2EE point of view I would definitely recommend this approach. My experience is with BEA Weblogic server and its the best product I’ve used for web integration.... its actually stable!! And the ejb2.0 spec contains message-based beans so this might actually help you when converting. And oracle connection isn’t an issue.

Good points have been raised above, especially about your budget. Oracle and Weblogic, running on a couple of Solaris boxes adds up to a few pound! As for Java developers, if your people are anyway competent, they wont have any probs with the language..its fool proof! :)

But is your system well documented? Will the likely successful out come of the project completely depend on a single developer? Don’t go there…

I'm not a Notes person, but an Oracle person. Yes Oracle and Java J2EE and BEA Weblogic are an excellent choice.
They are mature and solid products (not without any bugs..)
And it is the type of architecture that will offer you a long term solution...

but it is not cheap.

Richard have good points.

Isn't there a wait to interact Notes and Oracle ? If so,
i would take a look at a phase one where you redo the most critical part to become Web (Notes/Domino) + Oracle DB
for the big transactions or redo that part only in J2EE.
Thaking into account Richard point's, budget, time and expertise.

Good luck.
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