I've just started looking at Sockets as a method of getting data from one server to another.
My setup is relatively simple having a client and server system. The client sends commands to the server over TCP and ideally should receive multiple lines worth of data back for processing. The problem I have is that I get client 'hangs' which prevents the application from exiting when I ask for, then receive information from the server: (some data is sent back OK)
Client Application: (relevent code shown only)
note: if I know how much information is returned from the server then I can retrieve as follows:
unfortunately however the information returned is not fixed.
Server Application: (relevent code only)
I'd really appreciate any hints you can provide on how to resolve...
I've just started looking at Sockets as a method of getting data from one server to another.
My setup is relatively simple having a client and server system. The client sends commands to the server over TCP and ideally should receive multiple lines worth of data back for processing. The problem I have is that I get client 'hangs' which prevents the application from exiting when I ask for, then receive information from the server: (some data is sent back OK)
Client Application: (relevent code shown only)
print $sock "COMMAND\n"; # send command to server
# print output from server to client application
# end application will store to array
while (<$sock>)
print scalar <$sock>;
close ($sock);
note: if I know how much information is returned from the server then I can retrieve as follows:
print scalar <$sock>;
print scalar <$sock>;
print scalar <$sock>;
unfortunately however the information returned is not fixed.
Server Application: (relevent code only)
my($new_sock, $buf);
while ( $new_sock = $sock->accept() )
while (defined($buf = <$sock_handle>))
# respond to client:
foreach ($buf)
/^COMMAND$/ and
# e.g. return name of all text files back to server
opendir (PATH,$path);
foreach my $entry ( readdir PATH )
if ($entry =~ /\.txt/i)
print $sock_handle $entry,"\n";
closedir (PATH);
close ($sock_handle);
I'd really appreciate any hints you can provide on how to resolve...