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SMS20 sp2 causing "Blue Screen" stop errors on NT40 2

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Feb 8, 2001
We just recently rolled out SMS20 sp2 to our NT40 workstations... on several of them we get a BLUE SCREEN stop error (ex. STOP(0X00000050)(OXFAA0264,OX00000000,0X00000000) page fault in nonpage area)this is an example of a about 5 different ones I have seen. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to this as it occurs in different types of desktops and laptops, the only common thing about them is NT4.0 SP5 and SMS20 SP2. Any help would be greatly appreciated...
P.S. we tried installing SP6a for NT and this did not cure the problem.

Since the Stop 0x50 is a common error across hardware and software issues, I would like to know under what circumstances this happens. If it happens during boot, or during logon, or during environment load, or during use of certain applications. This will help determine whther it's a piece of hardware or software that SMS (or something else?) is having a problem with.

Secondly, the Stop will usually list a file that is having the problem (afd.sys....or aic78xx.sys). Is there one listed?

If you can make the error happen on command, then you could stop each service and see if the error occurs. However, if you can make the error happen on command, then you probably know what causes it s-)!

Although it may appear to happen at different times, under different hardware configurations and without reason...there is almost always a common element across the board. Try and see the commonality.
Origionally it only occurred during login,but as it os now happening on some pc's 10-15 min into use. I will look for the file named in the dump. I set several of these pc's to dump the blue screen to a .DMP file. So far we have not been able to recreate the error. We are also all of the sudden ahving servers crash because the SMS20CLI user is pushing the server utilization to 100%.... I will post the file as soon as I can find out what it is.... Again any help you can lend would be appreciated.
Interestingly, if the error happens on boot and after 10-15 minutes, then it seems to match the Client Installation Process flow (see the SMS Administrator's Guide for the system flow for Client Installation).

If this is the case (client INSTALLATION--not discovery-- causing the error), then it would make sense that you do not see the error any more, since your clients are now installed. (I am assuming that you are using Logon Installation/Discovery).

You may not be able to recreate the error without reformatting a machine and making it a client. This is because the component that causes the error may not be removable (some admins would say that ANYTHING is removable ;-) ).

However, I really don't know what can cause an error like this on installation of the SMS 2 client. WMI? Disk Drivers? HD Controller Drivers? Incompatible hardware?

Update..... seems if we disable McAfee the blue screens don't happen !!! ofcourse McAfee clains there is no problem with their app.... but the problems makes sense because we have the AV set to scan the pc 10-15 mins into the session.
We are having the same problem with Blue Screens and McAfee.
Currently we use Tally Net Census - We are in the process of converting to SMS 2.0. We have not deployed SMS 2.0 yet - but the Blue Screens concern me. Has anyone found a fix for this?

This is very frustrating - the fingers point to our group on this problem.

Thank god someone else is having this problem... I was begining to think I was crazy....we have narrowed it down to either the Novell client or McAfee, leaning twords McAfee....we have Microsoft, McAfee and Novell working with us.... here is my e-mail address: john_larman@dom.com please e-mail me and I will fill you in on what we have found so far...thnaks for the post..John
We too have this problem and it's Blue Screening Desktops throughout the enterprise. We thought it might be our workstations "Compaq Deskpro 4000 & 6000s".

We too run McAfee (v 403a) and suspected it. I can't say what resolution we are using since I am not involved with that part of it. I don’t know we have found one yet.
I know we have had some luck with users booting to NT4 VGA mode and then booting a second time normally. I don't know the success rate of this.

We also noticed a DLL problem with the video cards on these machines and maybe the above solution is just for that (that would make sense). Anyway I will follow this thread to see if anyone has/gets a fix.

If it is a McAfee issue, then there are a few things you can do to fix the problem. First, upgrade to 4.05 or better. After that look at implementing the following points:

1. Exclude scanning of the %WINDIR%\MS directory.
2. Exclude scanning of the %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\DLLCACHE for Win2k machines.
3. Set the SINV sleep interval: Rod Trent
Microsoft SMS Installer ISBN:0072124474
Admin911:SMS ISBN:0072130229
Well we implemented McAfee 4.5 and we set it to exclude the c:\winnt\MS directory, but while this has slowed the instances of "Blue SCreens" they as of yet have not dissapeared. I will try the DLLCACHE exclusion and see if that helps... thanks for the info, I will keep you posted.
Hardware info....
Just in case you needed to know .. we are running
IBM worstations and laptops w/NT 4.0 and Novell clients (v4.6 and 4.8) Mcafee 4.03, but we have upgraded to 4.5 and this did not help..
We are running NT 4.0 SMS servers with a mixed NT 4.0 and Novell 4.11 distribution point envionment.
We have tried the following fixes and tricks:
*excluding the winnt\MS directory in Mcafee
*upgrading Mcafee from 4.03 to 4.5
*upgrading Novell client from 4.6 to 4.5
*Upgrading the NT workstation SP from 5 to 6a
So far the only thing that stops the Blus Screens is to de-install Mcafee or SMS.... We are in contact w/Microsoft and Mcafee, either of which blames the other.
My e-mail address is john_larman@dom.com, please feel free to e-mail me and I will give you the contacts @ Mcafee, please contact them as they think that this problem is ours and they have not seen anyone else with it.
OK... after beating Microsoft with "Blue Screen" dump files ( we sent in about 40 ) they have narrowed it down to the NaiFiltr.sys file is the culprit. Microsoft said that this file is corrupting the memory address it uses and when the process tries to access it, it fails and blue screens !!! So now we are fighting with McAfee, who still don't belive it.... so GEARMESH, if you are still getting these stop errors, please e-mail me so i can give you the contact at McAfee , because they need to know someone else is having the problem... thanks for your imput.
Hmm, this is a very interesting thread.
I've been having the same STOP error using Compaq machines, their management agents, a Novell client and McAfee virusscan. I have noticed that when I do not install the management agents the bsod's are gone, but after reading this, suspect that McAfee might be at fault here.
I'll be testing that shortly.
Thanks for putting all this in an online discussion - helps everybody!!
If any of you guys are having this problem, PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE, let McAfee know..so far we are the only ones who have reported this and they think we are crazy, even though Microsoft has pointed all the dumps to them. If you need a contact let me know and I will give you mine @ McAfee. They need to know that their software is causing problems. john_larman@dom.com
I have the same problem on some Dell 600 Workstations. The stop error indicated that it was a problem with the ATI video driver. I upgraded the video driver and the problem was fixed.
The Dell's are notorious for blue screens primarily their interaction with SMS's RC component. Lots and lots of info on this circulating. One company I am aware of are sending all of their Dell's back and having them "fixed". Rod Trent
Microsoft SMS Installer ISBN:0072124474
Admin911:SMS ISBN:0072130229
IIS 5.0: A Beginner's Guide - ISBN:0072133724
Rod is right, the Dell's are really bad about "Blue Screens".Send them back before your warrenty is up.
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