I ran into a problem when using NIC teaming with SMS 2.0 (doesn't matter what SP levels.) This was related to an RPC failure/hang. Some other symptoms were: eventviewer would not open (hour glass came up as if it was going to open...then just dissapear.), Server mananger will not open....but ping works. While the server is in this state, you have to hard shut down the machine and reboot. (Or kill RPC)
Please let me know.. (have case open with MS...your input-if similar- would be appreciated.)
No I am not using teaming. Could you take a look at the other post I placed today. Name is Bill Rady. I am really having some problems and maybe you could help. Thanks
I am new to the world of SMS. Currently SMS2.0 SP3 is installed on a machine running Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP2. Ever since I installed this piece of sh$t product I have encountered problems. The problems I am encountering are:
1)It seems each night, no idea where/when (I think 12:00 am or later??) since no error messages or strange events appear in event logs, the server running sms just hangs or can't see the network. Other computers in the network can't see this machine. This machine is NOT a DC. It has SQL 7.0/SP3 and SQL 2K/SP1. Nothing fancy on this machine. In order to resolve problem, I am forced to do a system/cold reboot. Strangly enough, on the nites when I shutdown SMS services, the problem does not happen. So, I know that it is SMS related. Other times, the system hangs with 100% CPU.
2)Network Discovery only discovers some machines on the network but all.
By the way, Netowrk Disc is the only method of discovery right now. Heart Beat is turned off as well as the others.
3)Can't execute any of the sample reports. I receive the message Cannot Connect To SQL Server. This one should be ok, since I am the admin and the database is fine.
I know this seems like alot, but I would be indebited if someone would help me with this. The install went with out incident. I have only begun to fool around with SMS. There is nothing Fancy about the install, followed all the directions (probably my mistake).
For a test, I would remove NETWORK MONITOR from the server. You probably installed this as one of the options during the initial installation. You can remove and re-add this easily by running the sms installation again.
Also, what type of backup software are running on the server. You may want to turn this off one night as a test (I know...this may not be possible.)
I had Compaq Insight Manager running on the servers that were hanging. This was good, because I was able to tell exactly when the server started to hang. Even though nothing was recorded in the System log of eventviewer, I was able to link APPLICATION log problemed events with the exact hang time. This has helped me identify what was causing my hang.
(SMS is a good product. Give it some time...you'll see.)
Hey Joe - thanks alot. Would you be willing to give me a call regarding this. Could probably answer some of the 'dummer questions' I might have. Call my office collect (860)647-9922. I would really appreciate.
Joe - I really appreciate your help. How do I remove the Network Monitor? tried the setup and no option given to remove components. If you could call my office, I think some of my problems are simple for an expert like you and more complex for me.. You can call collect at 860-647-9922.
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