Where can I find the SMDR ouput format for a Legend 7.0?
What I need is the start and stop column numbers for account code, call duration, extension number, etc. Any help would be greatly appreciatted. Thanks in advance.
You can find the information in the Feature Reference manual- Station Message Detail Recorder (support.avaya.com > Communications Systems > Merlin Magix) This will show you all available fields, format, etc.
I've got all that, but where in there does it tell me that, for example, the date starts in column 8 and goes for 8 more columns or starts in column 8 and ends in column 15. This is what I need. I have a customer that has purchased a call accounting package from somebody else and I have to integrate the smdr output to their computer. No problem there, just a cord from the smdr jack, a 355af adapter and maybe a 25 pin to 9 pin adapter and possibly a gender changer. But I have to give them the starting and ending columns for call start, call duration, number dialed, account code, outgoing call indicator, call date, extension number and line number fields. I have seen this before but I can't find it now that I need it.
OLDCLYDE sounds like a favorite dog! Hey, try in the DOCS in the pdf file, what you want is all there. I'd post it, but it's large, or email me, and I'll send it to you.
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