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Smart Start Error - Error Code 59

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Apr 17, 2001
I keep getting this error after I configure my array. 3 18.2gb drives, one array. Windows 2000 Server O/S.

Error is as follows: Smart Start can't continue because there are no physical or logical disks on the primary controller. Error Code 59. The system erase utility must be ran to prepare the system for Smart Start.

I've ran system erase utility over and over, I can't get by this error. Anyone have any ideas?????

Thanks alot!!!!!
Is your server picking up the disks during the power-up sequence? -----------------------------------------------------
"It's true, its damn true!"
I got the same thing on friday on a ML350. win2k, ml350, smartstart 5.4 Called compaq reran it several times ended up creating the logical drive through the f8 or f9 don't remember and setting the hard disk to first controller.

good luck.. Jeff
With the newer G2 (Black) Servers.. use the RBSU (Rom Based Setup Utitlity) to Change the BOOT controller to your Array Contoller.

You Can access this by using F9 when prompted

When you've changed the order to reflect wht you want press F10 to save the config and the F10 again to exit save changes.

Hope this helps
Tried and true:

On a Compaq Proliant 8000, the link epohl provided worked...here was the problem:

The problem reads:
Error is as follows: Smart Start can't continue because there are no physical or logical disks on the primary controller. Error Code 59. The system erase utility must be ran to prepare the system for Smart Start.

The link epohl provided says specifically (for older servers like the Proliant 8000)
On a server that uses the Compaq System Configuration Utility, set the disk controller receiving the installation as the primary controller and ensure that a hard drive is attached to it.

Sometime during the SmartStart configuration (by the way, the Server Profile Diskette helps a lot!), you will enter the Compaq System Configuration Utility. Instead of letting SmartStart continiue on its way during the Compaq System Configuration Utility, choose to modify the settings (not sure of the exact wording here). In my case, I noticed that the SCSI controller was set as the primary (first) controller, while the RAID (4250ES) controller was set as the third controller. Since the SCSI controller only had a CD-ROM attached, there were "no physical or logical disks on the primary controller". I set the 4250ES as the primary (first), which moved the SCSI controller to third, and I was able to resume normal SmartStart setup of the server. I also noted that this happened only on two of my older Proliant 8000s (550 MHz), while it did not happen on one of my newer Proliant 8000s (700MHz). Thanks to epohl and hope this helps in the future (for those old servers that aren't retired, anyway).

P.S. this is the only place I've found a solution to this problem. Thanks again, epohl.
I'm having this exact problem on a DL380 G2 right this minute. I've gone through the Array Configuration Utility, and it's reporting there are drives, I've created logical partitions, and I've used the RBSU to disable the embeded controller and set the other controller (in my case a Smart 5312) as the primary. However, it still gets stuck in the loop of rebooting, giving error 59, and doing the system erase. I can't get it past this at all.
Any further suggestions from anyone?
What version of SmartStart are you using?

"It's true, its damn true!"
Originally I was using ver. 5.30, but a friend of mine had a copy of 5.4.
It seems like it's working now. Hopefully anyway, the tentacles, they are crossed.
If this is a new install of the OS on the server. Windows does not see or load the proper array drivers. As soon as you boot up to the Windows CD start pushing F6 to load extra driver from disk. From there you have to load the Array dirver from compaq. If you wait for windows to prompt you to load the driver will will not work. This is a known issue between Compaq and Windows.
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