I'm having problems with the following whenever a cd is inputted via cdinput.html it runs cdprocess.jsp to create an XML document with DOM in memory this is sent to the server and is later printed out to the users screen. The server must be started in order for it to work. For some reason it doesn't seem to be working? In cd process i'm suppose to modify a few things they've been numbered i've complete all of them so far but i'm not sure if #4 is correct. I've been stuck on it for a while now, any help would be appreciated.
<br /><center>
<table width="500" border="0"
cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
<td bgcolor="lightblue">
<font color="white" face="Arial"><b>CD Input</b>
<form method="post" action="cdprocess.jsp">
<td><b>CD Title:</b></td>
<td><input type="text" name="cdtitle" size="20"></td>
<td><b>CD Artist:</b></td>
<td><input type="text" name="cdartist" size="20"></td>
<td><b>Track 1 title:</b></td>
<td><input type="text" name="track1title" size="20"></td>
<td><b>Track 1 time:</b></td>
<td><input type="text" name="track1time" size="20"></td>
<td><b>Track 1 rating:</b></td>
<td><select name="track1rating">
<option value="1"> 1 </option>
<option value="2"> 2 </option>
<option value="3"> 3 </option>
<option value="4"> 4 </option>
<option value="5"> 5 </option>
</table><br />
<input type="submit" value="Enter CD">
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
The server half of a simple client/server application.
The server that reads lines of text from a socket and sends
back a copy of the same text to the client.
The main difference between this example and SimpleServer is that
this one allows multiple sequential (not concurrent) connections
from clients.
public class SimpleServer2 {
public static final int serverListenPort = 10151;
The main method is the entry point for the application.
Because this is a simple application for testing, everything
is done inside the main method.
@param args Arguments entered on the command-line.
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
ServerSocket myServerSocket = null;
// Try to open a server socket listening on specified listen port
try {
myServerSocket = new ServerSocket(serverListenPort);
catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Could not listen on port" + serverListenPort);
System.err.println("Perhaps somebody else is using that port number??");
/* **************************************************
* This is where the difference begins.
* Note the while(true) loop, which means that we will
* accept an infinite number of connections from clients,
* one at a time. The server will never exit by itself,
* you will have to kill it manually by typing Ctrl-C
* at the command line where it is running.
* ************************************************** */
while(true) {
// Create a variable to hold the socket that we get when a
// new client connects
Socket myClientSocket = null;
// Accept a new connection from a client
// This method call will block until a client does connect
try {
myClientSocket = myServerSocket.accept();
catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Accept failed.");
// Now that we have a socket, the reading and writing code
// is basically the same as in the client application.
// We start by getting hold of the output stream to write data
// to the socket, and the input stream to read data from the socket.
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(myClientSocket.getOutputStream(), true);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(myClientSocket.getInputStream()));
String inputLine, outputLine;
// Now use a loop to read in lines of text from the client, and
// echo them back to the client
// Note that this time we do NOT break out of the loop.
// We will just wait for the client to close the connection,
// and when it does, our inputLine will be null and then we
// will break out of the loop.
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
outputLine = inputLine;
// If we have broken out of the loop, we can assume that
// the input is closed. The output probably is too, but
// just in case, we'll close it anyway.
<%@page import="java.io.*"%>
<%@page import="java.net.*"%>
<%@page import="javax.xml.parsers.*"%>
<%@page import="org.w3c.dom.*"%>
<%@page import="org.apache.xml.serialize.*"%>
public static final String serverHost = "cdserver";
public static final int serverPort = 10151;
<hr />
Socket mySocket = null; // socket object
PrintWriter sockOut = null; // to send data to the socket
BufferedReader sockIn = null; // to receive data from the socket
try {
// #1 add line that creates a client socket
mySocket = new Socket(serverHost, serverPort);
// #2 add lines that create input and output streams
// attached to the socket you just created
sockOut = new PrintWriter(mySocket.getOutputStream(), true);
sockIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(mySocket.getInputStream()));
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
throw e; // This time the JSP can handle the exception, not us
} catch (IOException e) {
throw e; // This time the JSP can handle the exception, not us
String cdTitle, cdArtist, track1Title, track1Time, track1Rating;
// Retrieve the HTML form field values
cdTitle = request.getParameter("cdtitle");
cdArtist = request.getParameter("cdartist");
track1Title = request.getParameter("track1title");
track1Time = request.getParameter("track1time");
track1Rating = request.getParameter("track1rating");
* Our goal is to build an XML document in memory using DOM.
* We will build it up one tree-node at a time, and when it is
* finished, we will write the whole lot out to a file on disk.
/* Start of the DOM code */
// Create a new DOM factory, and from that a new DOM builder object
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
// Note that we are creating a new (empty) document
Document document = builder.newDocument();
// The root element of our document wil be <cd>
// It gets stored as the child node of the whole document (it is the root)
Element rootElement = document.createElement("cd");
// Create an element for the CD title called <title>
Element cdTitleElement = document.createElement("title");
// Add a text code under the <title> element with the value that
// the user entered into the title field of the web form (cdTitle)
// Place the <title> element underneath the <cd> element in the tree
// Create an <artist> element with the form data, place underneath <cd>
Element cdArtistElement = document.createElement("artist");
// Create a <tracklist> element and place it underneath <cd> in the tree
// Note that it has no text node associated with it (it not a leaf node)
Element trackListElement = document.createElement("tracklist");
// In this example we only have one track, so it is not necessary to
// use a loop (in fact it is quite silly)
// But the code below is included to demonstrate how you could loop
// through and add a set of different tracks one by one if you
// needed to (although you would need to have the track data already
// stored in an array or a java.util.Vector or similar
int numTracks = 1;
for (int i=0; i<numTracks; i++) {
String trackNum = Integer.toString(i+1);
// Note that this element has an attribute associated with it that
// is the track number. It will look like: <track id="1">
// The <track> element is placed underneath <tracklist> in the tree
Element trackElement = document.createElement("track");
trackElement.setAttribute("id", trackNum);
// Track title element called <title>, placed underneath <track>
Element trackTitleElement = document.createElement("title");
// Track time element called <time>, placed underneath <track>
Element trackTimeElement = document.createElement("time");
// Track rating element called <rating>, placed underneath <track>
Element trackRatingElement = document.createElement("rating");
/* End of DOM code */
/* Start of serialization code */
// Create a new OutputFormat - this is something specific needed by the
// XMLSerializer class shown below. We will specify that we want the
// generated XML to be formatted with indenting so it is easy to read.
OutputFormat format = new OutputFormat();
/* **********************************************************************
* **********************************************************************
* Note: the next line of code is the one change to serialization
* **********************************************************************
* ********************************************************************** */
// Create a new XMLSerializer that will be used to write out the XML
// This time we will serialize it to the socket
// #3 change this line so that it serializes to the socket,
// not to the "out" object
XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer(writer, format);
// Call the serialize() method, and pass to it out XML document
// stored in memory in a DOM tree
/* End of serialization code */
// Print out a message to indicate the end of the data, and
// flush the stream so all the data gets sent now
BufferedReader stdIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
String fromServer;
String fromUser;
#4 add a while loop that reads text from the
server socket input stream, line by line, and prints
it out to the web page, using out.println(...);
Note that because the reply from the server will contain
XML, you will need to call upon the toHTMLString() method
defined below to escape the < and > symbols so that they
will display correctly in the web browser.
Also note that as you receive the reply back from the
server, you should look out for the special <!--QUIT-->
string that will indicate when there is no more data
to receive.
while ((fromServer = sockIn.readLine()) != null) {
// If the reply from the server said "QUIT", exit from the
// while loop by using a break statement.
if (fromServer.equals("QUIT")) {
out.println("Connection closed - good bye ...");
// Print the text from the server out to the user's screen
out.println("Reply from Server: " + fromServer);
// Now read a line of text from the keyboard (typed by user)
fromUser = stdIn.readLine();
// If it wasn't null, print it out to the screen, and also
// print a copy of it out to the socket
if (fromUser != null) {
out.println("Client: " + fromUser);
// Close all the streams we have open, and then close the socket
This method will escape any special HTML characters in a string
of text. For example, if you are trying to print out an XML
document using a JSP, you need to escape all the '<' and '>' tags
so that the web browser will not try and treat them as HTML.
Note that generic utility code like this would usually be put into
a JavaBean, but is put in the JSP here for simplicity.
This code taken from H. Bergsten, JavaServer Pages, O'Reilly, 2001.
private static String toHTMLString(String in) {
StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; in != null && i < in.length(); i++) {
char c = in.charAt(i);
if (c == '\'') {
else if (c == '\"') {
else if (c == '<') {
else if (c == '>') {
else if (c == '&') {
else {
return out.toString();
<hr />
Re: small input program (html) using sockets.
Author: spear_arrow Apr 29, 2005 8:49 PM (reply 1 of 2)
.. and also it does work but for some reason it just hangs with text that's been entered via the textfields
Re: small input program (html) using sockets.
Author: spear_arrow Apr 30, 2005 7:04 AM (reply 2 of 2)
the following also has me stumped:
// #3 change this line so that it serializes to the socket,
// not to the "out" object
i tried changing the first parameter to the socket "mySocket" but it just gives me a compilation error.
<br /><center>
<table width="500" border="0"
cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
<td bgcolor="lightblue">
<font color="white" face="Arial"><b>CD Input</b>
<form method="post" action="cdprocess.jsp">
<td><b>CD Title:</b></td>
<td><input type="text" name="cdtitle" size="20"></td>
<td><b>CD Artist:</b></td>
<td><input type="text" name="cdartist" size="20"></td>
<td><b>Track 1 title:</b></td>
<td><input type="text" name="track1title" size="20"></td>
<td><b>Track 1 time:</b></td>
<td><input type="text" name="track1time" size="20"></td>
<td><b>Track 1 rating:</b></td>
<td><select name="track1rating">
<option value="1"> 1 </option>
<option value="2"> 2 </option>
<option value="3"> 3 </option>
<option value="4"> 4 </option>
<option value="5"> 5 </option>
</table><br />
<input type="submit" value="Enter CD">
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
The server half of a simple client/server application.
The server that reads lines of text from a socket and sends
back a copy of the same text to the client.
The main difference between this example and SimpleServer is that
this one allows multiple sequential (not concurrent) connections
from clients.
public class SimpleServer2 {
public static final int serverListenPort = 10151;
The main method is the entry point for the application.
Because this is a simple application for testing, everything
is done inside the main method.
@param args Arguments entered on the command-line.
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
ServerSocket myServerSocket = null;
// Try to open a server socket listening on specified listen port
try {
myServerSocket = new ServerSocket(serverListenPort);
catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Could not listen on port" + serverListenPort);
System.err.println("Perhaps somebody else is using that port number??");
/* **************************************************
* This is where the difference begins.
* Note the while(true) loop, which means that we will
* accept an infinite number of connections from clients,
* one at a time. The server will never exit by itself,
* you will have to kill it manually by typing Ctrl-C
* at the command line where it is running.
* ************************************************** */
while(true) {
// Create a variable to hold the socket that we get when a
// new client connects
Socket myClientSocket = null;
// Accept a new connection from a client
// This method call will block until a client does connect
try {
myClientSocket = myServerSocket.accept();
catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Accept failed.");
// Now that we have a socket, the reading and writing code
// is basically the same as in the client application.
// We start by getting hold of the output stream to write data
// to the socket, and the input stream to read data from the socket.
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(myClientSocket.getOutputStream(), true);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(myClientSocket.getInputStream()));
String inputLine, outputLine;
// Now use a loop to read in lines of text from the client, and
// echo them back to the client
// Note that this time we do NOT break out of the loop.
// We will just wait for the client to close the connection,
// and when it does, our inputLine will be null and then we
// will break out of the loop.
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
outputLine = inputLine;
// If we have broken out of the loop, we can assume that
// the input is closed. The output probably is too, but
// just in case, we'll close it anyway.
<%@page import="java.io.*"%>
<%@page import="java.net.*"%>
<%@page import="javax.xml.parsers.*"%>
<%@page import="org.w3c.dom.*"%>
<%@page import="org.apache.xml.serialize.*"%>
public static final String serverHost = "cdserver";
public static final int serverPort = 10151;
<hr />
Socket mySocket = null; // socket object
PrintWriter sockOut = null; // to send data to the socket
BufferedReader sockIn = null; // to receive data from the socket
try {
// #1 add line that creates a client socket
mySocket = new Socket(serverHost, serverPort);
// #2 add lines that create input and output streams
// attached to the socket you just created
sockOut = new PrintWriter(mySocket.getOutputStream(), true);
sockIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(mySocket.getInputStream()));
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
throw e; // This time the JSP can handle the exception, not us
} catch (IOException e) {
throw e; // This time the JSP can handle the exception, not us
String cdTitle, cdArtist, track1Title, track1Time, track1Rating;
// Retrieve the HTML form field values
cdTitle = request.getParameter("cdtitle");
cdArtist = request.getParameter("cdartist");
track1Title = request.getParameter("track1title");
track1Time = request.getParameter("track1time");
track1Rating = request.getParameter("track1rating");
* Our goal is to build an XML document in memory using DOM.
* We will build it up one tree-node at a time, and when it is
* finished, we will write the whole lot out to a file on disk.
/* Start of the DOM code */
// Create a new DOM factory, and from that a new DOM builder object
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
// Note that we are creating a new (empty) document
Document document = builder.newDocument();
// The root element of our document wil be <cd>
// It gets stored as the child node of the whole document (it is the root)
Element rootElement = document.createElement("cd");
// Create an element for the CD title called <title>
Element cdTitleElement = document.createElement("title");
// Add a text code under the <title> element with the value that
// the user entered into the title field of the web form (cdTitle)
// Place the <title> element underneath the <cd> element in the tree
// Create an <artist> element with the form data, place underneath <cd>
Element cdArtistElement = document.createElement("artist");
// Create a <tracklist> element and place it underneath <cd> in the tree
// Note that it has no text node associated with it (it not a leaf node)
Element trackListElement = document.createElement("tracklist");
// In this example we only have one track, so it is not necessary to
// use a loop (in fact it is quite silly)
// But the code below is included to demonstrate how you could loop
// through and add a set of different tracks one by one if you
// needed to (although you would need to have the track data already
// stored in an array or a java.util.Vector or similar
int numTracks = 1;
for (int i=0; i<numTracks; i++) {
String trackNum = Integer.toString(i+1);
// Note that this element has an attribute associated with it that
// is the track number. It will look like: <track id="1">
// The <track> element is placed underneath <tracklist> in the tree
Element trackElement = document.createElement("track");
trackElement.setAttribute("id", trackNum);
// Track title element called <title>, placed underneath <track>
Element trackTitleElement = document.createElement("title");
// Track time element called <time>, placed underneath <track>
Element trackTimeElement = document.createElement("time");
// Track rating element called <rating>, placed underneath <track>
Element trackRatingElement = document.createElement("rating");
/* End of DOM code */
/* Start of serialization code */
// Create a new OutputFormat - this is something specific needed by the
// XMLSerializer class shown below. We will specify that we want the
// generated XML to be formatted with indenting so it is easy to read.
OutputFormat format = new OutputFormat();
/* **********************************************************************
* **********************************************************************
* Note: the next line of code is the one change to serialization
* **********************************************************************
* ********************************************************************** */
// Create a new XMLSerializer that will be used to write out the XML
// This time we will serialize it to the socket
// #3 change this line so that it serializes to the socket,
// not to the "out" object
XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer(writer, format);
// Call the serialize() method, and pass to it out XML document
// stored in memory in a DOM tree
/* End of serialization code */
// Print out a message to indicate the end of the data, and
// flush the stream so all the data gets sent now
BufferedReader stdIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
String fromServer;
String fromUser;
#4 add a while loop that reads text from the
server socket input stream, line by line, and prints
it out to the web page, using out.println(...);
Note that because the reply from the server will contain
XML, you will need to call upon the toHTMLString() method
defined below to escape the < and > symbols so that they
will display correctly in the web browser.
Also note that as you receive the reply back from the
server, you should look out for the special <!--QUIT-->
string that will indicate when there is no more data
to receive.
while ((fromServer = sockIn.readLine()) != null) {
// If the reply from the server said "QUIT", exit from the
// while loop by using a break statement.
if (fromServer.equals("QUIT")) {
out.println("Connection closed - good bye ...");
// Print the text from the server out to the user's screen
out.println("Reply from Server: " + fromServer);
// Now read a line of text from the keyboard (typed by user)
fromUser = stdIn.readLine();
// If it wasn't null, print it out to the screen, and also
// print a copy of it out to the socket
if (fromUser != null) {
out.println("Client: " + fromUser);
// Close all the streams we have open, and then close the socket
This method will escape any special HTML characters in a string
of text. For example, if you are trying to print out an XML
document using a JSP, you need to escape all the '<' and '>' tags
so that the web browser will not try and treat them as HTML.
Note that generic utility code like this would usually be put into
a JavaBean, but is put in the JSP here for simplicity.
This code taken from H. Bergsten, JavaServer Pages, O'Reilly, 2001.
private static String toHTMLString(String in) {
StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; in != null && i < in.length(); i++) {
char c = in.charAt(i);
if (c == '\'') {
else if (c == '\"') {
else if (c == '<') {
else if (c == '>') {
else if (c == '&') {
else {
return out.toString();
<hr />
Re: small input program (html) using sockets.
Author: spear_arrow Apr 29, 2005 8:49 PM (reply 1 of 2)
.. and also it does work but for some reason it just hangs with text that's been entered via the textfields
Re: small input program (html) using sockets.
Author: spear_arrow Apr 30, 2005 7:04 AM (reply 2 of 2)
the following also has me stumped:
// #3 change this line so that it serializes to the socket,
// not to the "out" object
i tried changing the first parameter to the socket "mySocket" but it just gives me a compilation error.