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Slow/Hang when accessing network files 1

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Nov 14, 2002
I know that this is almost a duplicate thread of what I posted awhile ago, but the problem still exists.

Main File Server: Windows Small Business Server 2000
Problem Workstations: Windows XP Professional

Ok this is a very weird issue that I am experiencing. When I boot up an XP client everything works fine. That is, internet, printing and accessing files on the Small Business Server box. But, when I leave the XP machine running over night or for a period of time during the day (idle), major problems occur. When the user (Windows XP) tries to access a file over on the server, it will take a ridiculously long time to open, close, save, modify the file. Files include word and excel files. Sometimes, it does not allow me to browse the network through Windows Explorer and just hangs.

Please note that Windows 2000 clients works fine. Seems to be platform specific.

Also, note that I recently reformatted a Windows XP box and reinstalled the OS and the problem still exists.

Please help or comment as this is an ongoing issue and is in urgent attention.
This is very likely either a DNS issue, and autonegotiatiion issue or both. See: thread779-583552
Do you have a printer shared on this network? I have seen thie kind of behavior with xp and Me and xp and 98
what seems to happen is that it trys to finish /connect to the printer before it reconnects to the network it requires a reg hack that makes xp not try and connect to the networked printer. If this Is the case I will post the reg hack instructions for you
Thanks, I will go through your checklist and post the results. I have performed and confirmed a number of them already in the past with no success.
Also, I don't know if this may be useful to iterate, but all other OS (ie, Windows 2000 clients) DO NOT experience the issues mentioned above.

And, I have disabled autodisconnect from the Client's level, but have not from the server level. I will try that now. Also, seeing that you cannot disable autodisconnect with "-1" in the registry, would the value "FFFFFFFF" disable autodisconnect in the registry?

Yes, I have two shared printer on the network. Hmmm, I never read or heard of this being the cause. Can you provide more info please :)
vandellia was referring to a known issue with slow browsing of remote shares. The client-side registry change disables the default of checking for scheduled tasks and printers:

Open your registry and find the key below.
To disable checking for scheduled tasks delete the {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF} sub-key.

To disable checking for printers delete the {2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D} sub-key.

The change should take effect immediately.

Registry Settings
System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RemoteComputer\NameSpace]

The autodisconnect function works on the computer hosting the shares. Setting it to -1 I am told does not disable it. A high value of all F's sounds good. That's a long time.

Hmmm, i have read that I should disable or set a high value for the autodisconnect feature, in which I did on the client's end before, because I thought that it was either platform specific or individual PC specific, because the issues were only present on PCs running XP. Now, I applied the cahnge to the server but only was allowed a maximum of (0xffff) 65,535.

This is beacuse of this:- (taken from
"For a Windows 2000 Server in a Domain, running either as a domain controller or as a server, the maximum value is 65,535 (0xffff). Values set above this will be returned to 0xffff after policy refresh. Windows 2000 Servers in a workgroup may be set to any value as indicated."

I really hope this will resolve this annoying issue that I am experiencing.

If this does not work, then I will run down your cheaklist that you provided in
thread779-583552 by disabling the checking for scheduled tasks and printers from the client's end, will this affect printing or scheduled tasks in anywhere? Is there a link with more information for this?

Thanks a lot
Really appreciate all the help.
I do not have a Microsoft link for the checking of remote scheduled tasks and printers, although the patch has been around on the web for a long time. I have used it and have not seen any ill effects on the client. It was part of a service pack (I think #3) for NT, and just sort of disappeared after that for later server OS versions.

Again, this patch is designed to expedite the browsing of a file share, it may or may not be relevant in your particular case but I have yet to see where it hurt anything and often helped.

In your case autodisconnect sounds more promising, and making certain there are no DNS resolution issues. Again, XP handles the discovery of network resources very differently from previous clients. It is very DNS and not netbios oriented. And the local client DNS cache only retains entries for about 7 minutes.
Ok, I will try this as well and leave overnight. In the meantime, I will DNS troubleshoot this matter more indepth.

Once again thanks again for all your help and prompt responses. I will keep you posted.
I've got this same exact problem, beating my head against four XP PCs here at the ofice over it...
Strangely enough, it only started maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago (depending on which user you ask).

Please update if you manage to find an answer and I'll do the same

This sounds like the older version of the Windows Update hotfix Q811493 was installed.

This link is typical of removal instructions:
If a subsequent Windows Update session wants to install this hotfix, allow it. The revised versions do not have the problems.
So far users have not been complaining about it as much as before. I will monitor over the next week and post my results. So, I guess disabling autodisconnect on the server's end did improve network performance.

I will keep u all posted
and thanks again

Please post back with your experience. My gut instinct is that SP4 on Win2k (available, see my post for direct download sites on the Win2k forum) and soon to be seen SP2 for Windows XP will bell this cat.

But I am happy to see some improvement from the links I provided above.

Please post again after a suitable review of your own network experience.
Sorry everyone and especially bcastner for not replying any sooner. I have been away on vacation and have re-entered into the IT world again :)

Well, guess what? The problem still exists, except it allows a longer time of troublefree time. That is, it will show its problems and start bottlenecking after 4 hrs as opposed to 1 hr (this is an example of course).

So in review of my experience. The problem persisted and was in annoying existance before I applied the autodisconnect fix on the Server, but after, it is somewhat bearable but still very annoying. Therefore, the problem still exists and will try bcaster suggestions in regards to DNS. I will keep all of you posted.

Good luck yokleyb
and thanks again bcastner

Performing ipconfig /all from an XP machine indicates the DNS Server to be (actually from any PC for that matter)

This is because of:
On my DHCP Server, under Scope Options
The IP address is

Do you think this may be a problem?
I've been having the same issue only I have two identical xp machines. One runs fine the other is rediculously slow. I've tried every thing anyone can think of. The only other thing I can think of is the fact that the xp machine that runs slow has sp1 and the one the works fine does not. This has got to be it or at least have something to do with the problem. Try unistalling service pack 1 if possible. I set up the same scenario on my bench in my office with two xp pro machines without any service packs and they worked nicely. Let me know if you come up with anything. I'd really appreciate it.
Hmmm. I believed that I tried a PC without SP1 before and encountered the same problems. Maybe I will try this again.

Thanks for the advice

PS. My problem still exists :( and have not had any luck with its as yet.

Did you ever resolve that problem?

I am have the same problem here.

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