Hi,<br><br>We have a large Novell v4.2 site using a mixture of windows 95 and 98 machines, all logging in with the new novell clients.<br><br>All machine are connected through 100 Mbps switch, and the lines have been tested, no problems where found.<br><br>They use Wordperfect 6.1 (16 bit) as a word processor, when they access the network drive to open a file, it takes a long time 2 - 3 minutes for the desktop machine to respond with a list of files that can be opened. I think the problem is related to the fact that :<br><br>A. WP 6.1 is 16bit and Win 98 is 32bit, and do not sit together very well.<br><br>B. Win 98 gets interested in how many files there are in a folder, and Win95 does not. Can this be disabled in the Registry??<br><br>All the 98 machines are at least Acer P333 machines and are slow, the machines running Win95 are Acer P100, and have speed issues at all.<br><br>I am out of things to try, anyone have any ideas.... (Please)
<br><br>Thanks in advance.<br><br>Paul