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May 30, 2003
Hello, i have a problem with the runtime for windows version 5.2. The file access is very slowly in a local network, but in a remote access is very, very slowly. Do you know what is the problem. The configuration is a server in SCO-UNIX with samba and access with a ADSL. Thank you and excuse my bad english.
José Ramón
Using Acucorps "thin client" will solve the problem.


Thank you for responding my question, but this is not the case because i don't use acu server and for use thin client i need acuserver. In remote with samba it works, but slowly.
Thank you and best regards
Here is another possible solution. This was in Acucorps newsletter for June.


File Access to Windows Shared Files

On Windows systems, the speed of file access to Vision files located on a Windows shared drive can be variable. The cause of this variability is attributed to an imperfect interaction between the way the Windows operating system handles file locks and the way it caches shared files on the local system. In Version 4.3.1, to improve performance, the method used to access Vision files on Windows shared drives was changed. Subsequently, although most users have experienced good performance and no problems, some users have experienced sporadic file corruption problems (error 98, 90). To minimize the possibility of these errors, in Version 5.2.1 the runtime has reverted to the pre-4.3.1 method of opening files. Although this method can result in somewhat slower performance, it is safer. The faster method can still be used and is configurable via a Windows registry entry.


Changing the Windows registry incorrectly can cause serious problems
that may necessitate a complete reinstallation of the operating
system. Changes to the Windows registry should be made only by a
qualified Windows system administrator. Changes to the
Windows registry are not recommended.

To change the runtime to use the faster, but riskier method of opening
files on Windows shared drives, in the registry key:


manually set a registry value of type DWORD:

GetUniqueId Uses CreateFile

to the value "0". When this entry is set to "1" (the default),
the safer method is used.

Performance Tip: File OPENs are relatively expensive operations,
especially on DOS and Windows systems. Eliminating non-essential
file OPENs could significantly improve application performance
Thank you for your response Ted, I tried compiling in version 4.1 and with the runtime for this version it works fine. Best regards,
José Ramón
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