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Slow data grid

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Jun 23, 2005
I have a created a simple ASP page that return a row of 7K records using a data grid control and created a link for whomever to download the code as a CSV file. Everything works fine but for the result to be displayed on the data grid control is slow and it takes a lot longer to open a link for a CSV file. I am just guessing there is something inside the code that slows the whole process.
My question is:
1-Can I use one connection string and use it with two different objects.
2-Can I use one sql statement for both CSV file link and display the record in a data grid control.
3-Can I combine the code I use to create a CSV file with data grid and still get the CSV file and display the record in a data grid control.I really apprecite if someone could take a look at and give me an advise where to make the correction.
Below is the code :

<Title>connecting to a database using VB</Title>
<style type="text/css">
.style4 {
font-size: 24px;
font-weight: bold;

<%@ Page Trace="False" Debug="True" Language="VB" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb"%>

<Script runat="server" language="VB">

Dim myConnection as OleDbConnection
Dim dr as OleDbDataReader
Dim cmd as OleDbCommand
Dim connectionString as string
Dim i As Integer
Dim filename as string
Dim sb as System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim myConnectionc as OleDbConnection
Dim drc as OleDbDataReader
Dim cmdc as OleDbCommand
Dim connectionStringc as string

Sub page_load()

connectionString = "provider=MSDAORA;Data Source=xx;User ID=yy;Password=yy;"
myConnection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString)

cmd = New OleDbCommand("SELECT (substr( ITEM ,1,4)||'.'||substr(item,5)) as Item , IDESCR ,IDESCRL ,IUNITS FROM ITEMLIST WHERE ISPECYR='01' and IOBSELET = 'N' and ITEM <> '2999509/00001 ' ",myConnection)
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
dgMetric.DataSource =dr

connectionString = "provider=MSDAORA;Data Source=xx;User ID=yy;Password=yy;"
myConnectionc = new OleDbConnection(connectionStringc)

filename = "MetricItemList.csv"
cmdc = New OleDbCommand("SELECT (substr( ITEM ,1,4)||'.'||substr(item,5))as Item_Number, IDESCR as Short_Description, IDESCRL as Long_Description, IUNITS as Unit FROM ITEMLIST WHERE ISPECYR='01' and IOBSELET = 'N' and ITEM <> '2999509/00001 ' ",myConnectionc)
drc = cmdc.ExecuteReader()
sb = New System.Text.StringBuilder

End sub

Sub Click(ByVal sender as System.Object, ByVal e as System.EventArgs)

'for field name
For i=0 to drc.FieldCount-1
If i < (drc.FieldCount-1) then
sb.Append(Chr(34)&drc.GetName(i)&Chr(34)& VbCrLf)
End If

'for field value
While drc.Read()
For i=0 to drc.FieldCount-1
If i < (drc.FieldCount-1) then
sb.Append(Chr(34)&drc.GetValue(i).ToString & Chr(34)&",")
sb.Append(Chr(34)&drc.GetValue(i).ToString & Chr(34)& VbCrLf)
End if

End while
Response.ContentType ="Application/x-csv"
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition","attachment;filename="""& filename &"""")

End Sub


<table width="100%" border="0" >
<form runat="server">

<div align="center"><span class="style4">Bid Letting </span><br>
Trns*port Item Lists (Metric System -This list went into effect with the 2000 Spec. Book)
<P align="right"> Metric system item list data below as:
<asp:LinkButton id="btnSubmit" runat="Server" text=" Comma-Separated Values" OnClick="Click"/>
<asp:DataGrid id="dgMetric" runat="server" autoGenerateColumns="false" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
<ItemStyle Font-Name="Arial" Font-Size="9pt" ForeColor="#000000"/>
<HeaderStyle Font-Name="Arial" Font-Size="9pt" Font-Bold="true" BackColor ="#003366" ForeColor ="#FFFFFF"/>
<AlternatingItemStyle Font-Name ="Arial" Font-Size ="9pt" BackColor ="#CCCCCC"/>
<asp:boundColumn DataField="Item" HeaderText="Item Number"/>
<asp:boundColumn DataField="IDescr" HeaderText="Short Description"/>
<asp:boundColumn DataField="IDescrl" HeaderText="Long Description"/>
<asp:boundColumn DataField="Iunits" HeaderText="Unit Name"/>


Before actually delving into how you could reduce the code on the page and combine the different functionality that you need, I would suggest looking at the results that are actually sent to the page.

7000 records is a lot of data for an ASP.NET page to process, and im my opinion is far too much - think of the resulting HTML and how much needs to be outputted to the browser. You could try paging the results so that only x number of rows need to be written out which will reduce the time taken to load the page.


Need help finding an answer?

Try the Search Facility or read FAQ222-2244 on how to get better results.

or you could also write out a stored proc that returns only the required rows. that will also save some time...

Known is handfull, Unknown is worldfull
Someone this morning suggested to me that i should use dataget control and display a certain number of records that way it will increase the the time for the selected resulted to be displayed.I took his suggestion and spent a fair amount of time and move from data grid to data set and the properties of dataset to dispay a 1k record at a time.Just to come to my point even though i used datasets and create a datagrid that pages the time it takes for the row record to be displayed is still longer. Can someone out there throw some idea how i should take care of this problem is appreciated.below is the code i used

<Title>connecting to a database using VB</Title>
<style type="text/css">
.style4 {
font-size: 24px;
font-weight: bold;

<%@ Page Trace="False" Debug="True" Language="VB" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb"%>

<Script runat="server" language="VB">

Sub page_load()
Dim myConnection as OleDbConnection
Dim i As Integer
Dim filename as string
Dim sb as System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim objDA as OleDbDataAdapter
Dim objDs as New DataSet()
Dim connectionString as string

connectionString = "provider=MSDAORA;Data Source=tplp;User ID=tplcp;Password=tplcp;"
myConnection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString)

objDA = New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT (substr( ITEM ,1,4)||'.'||substr(item,5)) as Item , IDESCR ,IDESCRL ,IUNITS FROM ITEMLIST WHERE ISPECYR='01' and IOBSELET = 'N' and ITEM <> '2999509/00001 ' ",myConnection)

End Sub

sub dg_Page(s as object ,e as dataGridPageChangedEventArgs)
dgMetric.CurrentPageIndex = e.NewPageIndex
end sub


<table width="100%" border="0" >
<form runat="server">

<asp:DataGrid id="dgMetric" runat="server" autoGenerateColumns="false" cellpadding="4" width="100%" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="1000" PagerStyle-Mode="NextPrev" PagerStyle-NextPageText="Next &gt;" pagerStyle-PrevPageText="&lt;Prev" onPageIndexChanged="dg_page" >

<ItemStyle Font-Name="Arial" Font-Size="9pt" ForeColor="#000000"/>
<HeaderStyle Font-Name="Arial" Font-Size="9pt" Font-Bold="true" BackColor ="#003366" ForeColor ="#FFFFFF"/>

<AlternatingItemStyle Font-Name ="Arial" Font-Size ="9pt" BackColor ="#CCCCCC"/>
<asp:boundColumn DataField="Item" HeaderText="Item Number"/>
<asp:boundColumn DataField="IDescr" HeaderText="Short Description"/>
<asp:boundColumn DataField="IDescrl" HeaderText="Long Description"/>
<asp:boundColumn DataField="Iunits" HeaderText="Unit Name"/>


I am having a hard time folling what you want to do. As stated before ca8msm, 7,000 records to display in a browser is alot.

You have 2 choices.
1. As ca8msm has stated, limit the number of rows returned from your query.

2. As vbkris stated, use a paging sp that only pulls rows needed to be displayed. There are lots of articles out there that show how to write the SP code.
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Part and Inventory Search

