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Slow ADSL, ICS and Internet Connection

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Jan 2, 2002

I have 2 workstations in a remote office, 1 running XP Pro and the other Running XP Home. I believe they were originally set to make use of ICS (before we bought a router).

Now that we installed a router, the users are complaining of very slow Internet speed (slower than 56K modem) even though they have an ADSL connection.

I have contacted the ISP, they tested the connection speed from they're end and told me that everything seemed normal.

I made a speed test myself trough remote assistance and the dl speeds are good. Actually everything seems fine but when I try to access our website, hotmail or other specific web sites (which is fast from everywhere else) it takes about 5 minutes to load the first page...

So I investigated a little deeper in they're network setup and I found a mess... One of the computer was pretty clean, but on the other they were using UPS connect for they're shipping tasks and that software had installed 8 different network connections using the modem. So I uninstalled UPS Connect and removed the modem connections.

Additionally, I found an item in network connections (besides the "Local Area Connection") called "Internet Connection". The "Delete" option of the contextual menu for this item was gray. I tried Disabling it but it disconnected me from remote assistance and the computer was unable to reach the internet until I enabled "Internet Connection" again.

Somewhere in the description of the "Internet Connection" I found that it had something to do with the ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) of XP. I verified that the ICF/ICS service was disabled on both computer (I even confirmed that with the registry because it seems the Services admin tools may lie about the status of this service) but still "Internet Connection" refuses to be deleted.

I ran the Network Setup wizard hoping it would understand that the computers are connected to the router and not using ICS (and therefore delete "Internet Connection") but the wizard considers using a router (or Residential Gateway) and using ICS the same thing... and it did not change anything.

Both computers are set to obtain an IP from a DHCP server, but I have a feeling that the computer that has "Internet Connection" is getting it's IP from the other computer which is acting as an ICS even though it says the service is off! Somehow, it seems that connecting to certain web sites will go trough "Internet Connection" instead of "Local Area Connection" which is either slow or will time out and send the request to "Local Area Connection"

My questions are:

What could be causing slow Internet speeds on select web sites?

Why is there an "Internet Connection" item in my network connections (on one computer only)?

Why is this "Internet Connection" necessary to connect to the internet if both computers have the ICS service set to off and the other computer reaches the internet just fine without the "Internet Connection" item ?

How do I delete "Internet Connection”?

Thank you very much for your help!


there is a way to remove the Internet Connection in IE. Open IE, click on tools, click internet Options, Click on the tab Connections. When it opens you will see Set up an Internet connection. Below that you will see a white box if it has an internet connection in there click on remove. This may help.

Good Luck


I did more speed test and the internet connection was fast but it would have hickups once in while causing the web pages to stall in the middle...

I made changes to the MTU of the router and it might have solved the speed problem.

Now, simply for the sake of cleaning things up, I want to get rid of that "Internet Gateway" network connection...

Apparently there is an "Internet Gateway" on both computer now... so I was either misinformed or somehow it appeared there...

Can someone PLEASE tell me how to get rid of the "Internet Gateway" in windows XP Pro and Home edition ?

I cannot delete it, the ICS service is set to off on both computers (in the registry too!) and I would like to avoid having to re-install XP for such a detail !

Thank you very much
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