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Slave Hard Drive only shows part of total Capacity. 1

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Technical User
Aug 17, 2003
Hey Guys,

I hope you can help me out here. I just put a new MB and CPU combo in my computer and I installed a new hard drive for the boot drive at the same time. I planned on using this new 40 gig drive for Windows and using my old 100 gig drive for storage. I loaded XP on the new 40 gig and it is working fine.....However, my second HD which was 100 gig on my old system, is now only showing that it is a 30 gig HD.

Now, I can explain the 30 gig figure because in my old computer I partitioned the HD in 2 sections. Drive C: was 30 gig (bingo) and drive D: was 70 gig. Now, the 70 gig portion is no where in sight.

I used Patition Manager on my first system to make the original 2 partitions, but even that program only recognizes the 100 gig HD as a 30 gig now.

I have tried several other programs used for re-partitioning and data recovery and all of them cannot see that 2nd partition from my earlier setup.

What can I do to get the 100 gigs of HD space back?

System Specs:
P4 2.5 / 1 gig pc 2100
Windows XP SP1
Both HD's on IDE Slave/Master

Hope it's something simple ....Thanks!
My first question would be
Do you need the info that is on the 70gs that you are missing?
Do you have enough space on the new drive to hold your data?
If the answer to the above questions is yes, then my next questions is.
What type of drives do you have?
I ask because mine are Maxtor 120gs and they have a jumper setting that lets you limit the capacity of the drive incase the O/S you are using does not recognize the whole drive.
Also Maxtor gives a way for you to go into the BIOS and change the capacity to a default value so that the system would be forced to see the whole drive whether it wanted to or not.
I’ve had this problem because I am installing a new O/s on these Maxtor’s and one of them had that problem. And I fixed it by jumpering the capacity limiting section and turned on the system and let it see it. Then I disconnected the drive totally and turned the system on, went into bios and let it see that and turned the system off, then I removed the jumper and turned the system on and let the bios see it again and it reported the correct size again. Took about 5 times turning the system on/off to make that happen but it did.

Good Luck!

Report back please w/ updates!


Thanks so much dude....I feel kind of dumb for not looking at the jumper configs, but that was the problem.

I went here for the answer:

Anyway, I just booted up into the bios and it recognized the 120 gig Maxtor. *Sorry, I listed it as 100 gig before*
So, I restarted the computer and used XP to format the drive. There really wasn't anything too important.....So, I just did a format on the drive.

Again, thanks.

NOW with 160gigs of pure storage :)
Glad it worked out for you, now if I can just get mine going I'll be in good shape!

Makes a man feel good to know he can do good!

Thanks for the reply!

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