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skip blanks, colons, and / 1

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Jun 5, 2001

i'm trying to sort but i need to skip any spaces, colons and / in the line.

any help?

ok- sorry...

my field is called 'time'
and it looks like this:

10/30/2001 12:30:00 p.m
10/29/2001 12:40:00 p.m
10/29/2001 12:40:00 a.m
10/03/2001 10:30:00 p.m
10/14/2001 1:00:00 a.m
10/30/2001 11:00:00 p.m

i need to sort it by time that means that if time is in ascending order (time-a) then it should sort by date and time. but the confusing part is how to get rid of all the
/ spaces and dots. it could be the same time but am and pm would make a big difference in how it gets sorted. so if it's asc. order i need to do am first then pm.

Any help would be appreciated!
The following should work:
@list=("10/30/2001 12:30:00  p.m",
"10/29/2001 12:40:00  p.m",
"10/29/2001 12:40:00  a.m",
"10/03/2001 10:30:00  p.m",
"10/14/2001 1:00:00  a.m",
"10/30/2001 11:00:00  p.m",
sub mysort() {
    @field1 = split (/\s+/,$a); # split on whitespace
    @date1 = split("/", $field1[0]); # split up date
    $time1 = $field1[1];
    $time1 =~ s/://g; # remove ':' from time
    $ampm1 = $field1[2];
    @field2 = split (/\s+/,$b);
    @date2 = split("/", $field2[0]);
    $ampm2 = $field2[2];
    $time2 = $field2[1];
    $time2 =~ s/://g;
    # ascending sort on year, month, day, am/pm, time                     
    $date1[2] <=> $date2[2] || $date1[0] <=> $date2[0] || $date1[1] <=> $date2[1] || $ampm2 cmp $ampm1 || $time1 <=> $time2;
@sorted = sort mysort @list;
Can you advise what the $a and $b represent in this script. I understand the splitting up of data and sorting but I am lost with these two variables. Are you storing the three fields in each one?

@field1 = split (/\s+/,$a);

@field2 = split (/\s+/,$b);
The variables $a and $b are the two elements to be compared. These variables are passed by reference into the sort subroutine when sort is called.
Still not familiar with the passing of references. I will need to start reading about references and structures.
raider: I don't think they're passed by reference, per se, they're passed by value. You can modify their values, but I don't think that will modify the original values. I think what you mean is they are &quot;implicitly passed&quot;, meaning you don't have to declare them as parameters. I think that they are scoped to include the sort statement and any sort routine(s) you might use, but nothing outside of that. Tracy Dryden

Meddle not in the affairs of dragons,
For you are crunchy, and good with mustard.

Your 'implicitly passed' explanation is a better one, but I do think that the references to $a and $b are passed. That's why you can't modify their original values. In the book &quot;Programming Perl&quot; in the description of sort says &quot;The variables $a and $b are passed by reference, so don't modify them in the subroutine&quot;.
oh right - so you *can* modify them then, you just shouldn't Mike
Email welcome if you're in a hurry or something -- but post in tek-tips as well please, and I will post my reply here as well.
Thanks for the correction. I don't know WHY they would be passed that way - it sounds too dangerous to me, but I guess there's a reason for it. Since they have to be scalars anyway though, there's no reason I can think of. Tracy Dryden

Meddle not in the affairs of dragons,
For you are crunchy, and good with mustard.
yeah - a bit funny Mike
Email welcome if you're in a hurry or something -- but post in tek-tips as well please, and I will post my reply here as well.
can anyone tell me if there is a module that could convert this:

10/30/2001 12:30:00 p.m

to epoch seconds and will it convert the p.m or a.m also into seconds?

thanks for the discussion above- it was really helpful!
use Time::Local;

$date = '10/30/2001 11:30:00  a.m';
print &quot;OLD Date: $date\n&quot;;

# convert to 24 hour clock.
# if last item starts with 'p' and the 4th item is not '12',
#  then add 12 to 4th item
my @date = split(/[\/ :]+/,$date);
if ($date[6] =~ /^p/i && $date[3] ne '12') 
    { $date[3] = $date[3] + 12; }

$seconds = timelocal($date[5],$date[4],$date[3],$date[1],$date[0]-1,$date[2]);

print &quot;Epoch Seconds: $seconds\n&quot;;

# check that it is correct.
$new_date = localtime($seconds);
print &quot;NEW Date: $new_date\n&quot;;

HTH If you are new to Tek-Tips, please use descriptive titles, check the FAQs,
and beware the evil typo.
i tried goBoating's script and i get
an error:

Month '-1' out of range 0..11

i used the same data. i don't get it?

'epoch'- &quot;A particular period of history, especially one
considered remarkable or noteworthy.&quot;

In this context, that &quot;noteworthy&quot; period is the time
since January 1, 1970.

If you do
$time = time;
print &quot;$time\n&quot;;

the number you get back was the number of non-leap
seconds since 1/1/1970, or the length of the Perl epoch.
In this function, the Perl language is rather self-absorbed.

Porsche, I'll take a look. I've gotta' leave pretty soon so I don't know if I'll have an answer before tomorrow.
If you are new to Tek-Tips, please use descriptive titles, check the FAQs,
and beware the evil typo.
Regarding the statement: &quot;In this function, the Perl language is rather self-absorbed.&quot; PERL isn't being self-absorbed, just Unix-centric. Unix operating systems introduced the 1-1-1970 epoch. That's one of the reasons most unix operating systems didn't have to worry much about Y2K issues. The real problem for unix comes in (as I recall) 2017, when the counter used to hold all those seconds overflows.
Tracy Dryden

Meddle not in the affairs of dragons,
For you are crunchy, and good with mustard.
I sit corrected. ;-) If you are new to Tek-Tips, please use descriptive titles, check the FAQs,
and beware the evil typo.
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