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SK98 Memo Write files

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Oct 17, 2011
I'm using Win7 x64. The problem is that I can see the memo file I want to open in Explorer but not in SK98.

In addition, although I understand the Memo Write file is made up of
*.SKContent, and

none of these are visible in either Explorer or SK98.

Dear Chipshop,

The problem is that I can see the memo file I want to open in Explorer but not in SK98.

none of these are visible in either Explorer or SK98

I am not sure which is correct....

Are you looking in the same place each time and is it read only or rather did someone tick the file properties as "hidden" , if so go to Folder Options and check if "show hidden or operating system files is ticked"

Regards Jim
Check the FAQ area of this Forum for answers (If there are any FAQs!) , it could save you a lot of time and effort! Good Luck!
no *.SKWrite,*.SKContent, and *.SKNoteHeader files are visible in either Explorer or via "open memo" in SK98.
Dear Chipshop

Where did you store your Memo files and were they created in Sidekick98?
If you created them in Sidekick2 they are notefiles and will use the suffix,

Check to see if you have any *.fdr files on your computer after checking that in Folder preferences you have not opted to Hide the extension for known file types.
If in Sidekick98 Memo view you go to File|Open|Memo and then next to the Files of type box you click on the down arrow it will give you the option to open
Sidekick2 Notefile .fdr files and if you open them and then save them as a Sidekick98 Memo file they will be converted.
Mind you I think the conversion process only renames the extensions to .SKW**** but do not change them yourself just in case I am wrong (it is possible)!

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Regards Jim
Check the FAQ area of this Forum for answers (If there are any FAQs!) , it could save you a lot of time and effort! Good Luck!
Memo files stored in folder C: Users\Dad\Dropbox\Userdata

Created on SK98 not SK2

No *.fdr files found via Explorer after un-hiding known file type extensions.

No *.fdr files found via File\Open\Memo in SK98

c shop
Dear c shop,

For the moment open Sidekick and go to Tools|Preferences |General
Choose default working directory and enter:
Then go to File|Open Memo File and paste that path in to the file name box.
Then press enter.


How did you get the memo files to


Did you copy them from a CD and can you see them there?
Are they in a compressed folder as Sidekick cannot see them if they are.
Have you looked in the folder that you installed the program into,
which should be C:\Starfish\ if so look for Userdata there too as it is better to keep files there as they scatter .tmp files everywhere if there is a crash and reports are always stored there by default.

See how you get on with that.

Regards Jim
Check the FAQ area of this Forum for answers (If there are any FAQs!) , it could save you a lot of time and effort! Good Luck!
Dear Jim,
Pls see attachment for views of available files after:
1) Choosing C:\Users\Dad\Dropbox\Userdata as default working directory, and
2) then File|Open Memo File

Q: How did you get the memo files to C:\Users\Dad\Dropbox\Userdata?
A: In SK98 memo view “File\Save Memo File As”....

regds, chipshop
Dear Chipshop

What attachment?

See faq807-3761 for the website where you can get my email address to send me an attachment.

Regards Jim
Check the FAQ area of this Forum for answers (If there are any FAQs!) , it could save you a lot of time and effort! Good Luck!
Dear Chipshop,

I don't mind helping you, but just send me the file as a picture it appears to be an image why don't you just save it as a few jpgs?
Mediafire server pops up windows asking me if I want to do a survey, short answer is I don't! It is simpler (and safer)to send jpgs.

Anyway there is in the first folder a file called Memos.sktmpcontent where is the rest of that Memo file?
You have also managed to name a Cardfile
Toby 2008 Memos.
I cannot see the extension so I am assuming it is a cardfile.

But I see no memo files except for the Tmp file there must have been a crash at some time and that was left and I do not know why it is coming up in the dialog box as a Memo file.
You must find where the memo files came from.
Did you move them from another computer, you have not answered the question I asked earlier, where did the Memo files come from?

I quote:
How did you get the memo files to
C:\Users\Dad\Dropbox\Userdata Did you copy them from a CD and can you see them there?
Are they in a compressed folder as Sidekick cannot see them if they are.

Please answer these questions so we can move on to other ones.


Regards Jim
Check the FAQ area of this Forum for answers (If there are any FAQs!) , it could save you a lot of time and effort! Good Luck!
Dear Jim,
Sorry to unintentionally exasperate you.

Q1 why don't you just save it as a few jpgs?
A1 Sorry, I’m more familiar with Word but I’ve now emailed you a jpeg version.

Q2 Mediafire server pops up windows asking me if I want to do a survey.
A2 Sorry, I don’t want you to do a survey either. I was attempting to follow tek tips procedure. The Tek-tips Reply dialogue box step 3 is URL for Mediafire file location, so I joined, created a file, uploaded it & provided the URL.

Q3 There is in the first folder a file called Memos.sktmpcontent where is the rest of that Memo file?
A3 I don’t know, thats why I have created pictures of all files visible & available via SK open\file & Win Explorer. So you can see what I see.

Q4 You have also managed to name a Cardfile Toby 2008 Memos.
A4 Thats the one i want to open but its not visible via SK98.

Q5 Did you move them from another computer, you have not answered the question I asked earlier, where did the Memo files come from? I quote: How did you get the memo files to C:\Users\Dad\Dropbox\Userdata Did you copy them from a CD and can you see them there?
Q5 As I replied earlier, “In SK98 memo view "File\Save Memo File As"....”

I appreciate your help,
Dear Chipshop,

It's been a hard few weeks lately and I did sound exasperated but not with you.
Thanks for the jpgs I had opened the other one already.

I am not too pleased with mediafire or Tek-Tips choice of them in this case.
I would far rather if people have files, that first of all they do not send .exe files, but any other files may be sent to me at the email address I mention on my website.
Preferably jpgs if possible.

Anyway to your problem:
Have you gone to Cardfile view and located Toby 2008 Memos.
What is the extension on that file, is it SKCard? you could then open it as a cardfile. We need to check that first.

If not:
So you created the Memo file on this Windows7 64bit machine is that what the following means:
Q5 Did you move them from another computer, you have not answered the question I asked earlier, where did the Memo files come from? I quote: How did you get the memo files to C:\Users\Dad\Dropbox\Userdata Did you copy them from a CD and can you see them there?
Q5 As I replied earlier, "In SK98 memo view "File\Save Memo File As"...."

I cannot see how you could have created a Memo file on this computer if there is only one file on the computer called
Toby 2008 Memos.
It seems to me it is a Cardfile, check that and get back to me.

Dear Jim,

Thanks for yr response.

Q1 Have you gone to Cardfile view and located Toby 2008 Memos?
A1 a) Yes, 2 Cardfile views are top 2 images in jpeg; b) it cant be seen.

Q2 What is the extension on that file, is it SKCard?
A2 Toby Memos 2008.SKContent

Q3 So you created the Memo file on this Windows7 64bit machine?
A3 Sorry for previous imprecision. Toby 2008 Memos originally created on XP machine & copied across (not via a CD) to current Win7 x64 PC 18+ months ago. Since happily added/subtracted data & re-saved in SK98 via "File\Save Memo File As”.

cheers, chipshop
Dear Chipshop,

Looks like you have lost your Memo file, have you created a new a new one and is that ok?
Copy the "Toby 2008 Memos" to another location and then rename it to have a .txt extension or you could use Word to recover text from a file (See help in Word).

Let me know how that goes.

Regards Jim
Check the FAQ area of this Forum for answers (If there are any FAQs!) , it could save you a lot of time and effort! Good Luck!
Dear Jim,

Yes, I have created a new Memo file & its OK apart from not having my old data in it.

I copied the "Toby 2008 Memos" file to another location and then renamed it to have a .txt extension. I opened it in Word but it only had the first memos title.

Then (before trying to work out how Word can recover text from a file) I recovered the previous version of the "Toby 2008 Memos" file in Dropbox. Its an SKContent file of 155KB but looks as follws:
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fprq2 System;}{\f3\fswiss\fprq2 Arial;}}
\deflang2057\pard\plain\f3\fs20\b 36a Arterberry Rd
\par }
�{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fprq2 System;}{\f3\fswiss\fprq2 Arial;}}

The data appears to be all there but any idea how to access it?

regds, cshop
It is a serious amount of find and replace!
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}
replace with nothing or a space and so on and so on.

Seriously? This appears to be an undamaged SKContent file cant it be combined with other files to create a viable memo file?
Copy the other parts of your other Memo file apart from the SKContent one you have and rename them to the same prefix as the Toby 2008 Memos one but make sure you make file extensions to known file types visible in Explorer

Rename them thus:

Toby 2008 Memos.SKWrite,
Toby 2008 Memos.SKContent(which you already have)
Toby 2008 Memos.SKNoteHeader

I don't remember that working before but it may....

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