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Size of WIn2K slowing games?

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Technical User
Jun 22, 2000
Hi.&nbsp;&nbsp;I have a clone I built:<br><br>P-<i>!!!</i> 700mhz Coppermine CPU (721mhz using turbo 103mhz FSB speed)<br>Abit BX6r2 mainboard<br>Adaptec 2940UW SCSI card, two UW drives (6gb total) & CD-ROM drives<br>Creaive 3d Blaster Annihilator 2 video<br>192mb system RAM<br>300w power supply in a groovy case<br><br><b>Windows 2000 pro OS</b><br><br>Is Win2k so big that when playing Unreal Tournament that the game slows noticably when lots of activity occurs (the bots are fighting, explosions, whatever) - down to 10fps or so.<br><br>It's better than my previous CPU, a celeron 366 o/c'ed to 566mhz 103mhz fsb) - other hardware identical, but not by much.<br><br>Any help would be appreciated.<br><br>I did download and install every BIOS update, driver, et cetera, which I could find and disabled all video and system BIOS shadowing and caching.<br><br>Thanks!
I run Windows 2000 Server on a PII 400mhz,128mb, 16gb UltraIDE, UltraTnT2 Video, and Monster MX300 audio system and am getting great performance in both UT and Quake.<br><br>Not sure where your bottelneck may lie...are all your device drivers W2K certified? <p>Doug<br><a href=mailto:dxd_2000@yahoo.com>dxd_2000@yahoo.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
I as well was running a P-II 350 o/c to 450 in a BX6-R2 with 128- only dif. is I used a Voodoo 3, and also an ATI AIW 128. I found the gameplay to be superior to that of 98 and haven't gone back since, so I don't suspect that it is Win2k.<br>Video drivers maybe?<br><br>P.S.- I assume you have 4X2 in the hard drive department. Did they make UW 2 GIGs? I thought they started at 4.<br><br>Al <p>Al<br><a href=mailto: atc-computing@home.com> atc-computing@home.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
:)&nbsp;&nbsp;The oldest UW drives were 2Gb.&nbsp;&nbsp;I have a 4Gb UW, 2Gb UW, and a 2Gb U.&nbsp;&nbsp;(all are Seagates)<br><br>Could be video drivers now that you mention it.&nbsp;&nbsp;The Creative Anni. 2 is a new card and its drivers were NOT certified, as Win2k reported when I tried to install them.&nbsp;&nbsp;I switched back to my Viper II (whose drivers ARE certified) and the speed issue is no longer an issue - although the problems which I had originally with Win98 still exist in terms of simple graphical-related things with Unreal Tournament which prompted me to buy the Anni. 2 still exist.&nbsp;&nbsp;(all other games work wonderfully)<br><br>So, someday, I'll get a more recent card and hope Unreal Tournament will display it properly.&nbsp;&nbsp;:)<br><br>Oh, is the Voodoo 5500 (the shiny new one with 64Mb and dual GPUs) compatible with Win2k?&nbsp;&nbsp;The box was less than informative...
Good question. 3DFX's site only makes mention of 95/98 support. Drivers section has no 2000 driver. This is an extreme bummer as I have several on order and like to pretest before I make recommendations to my clients.<br>I will not however give up my W2K for the card. <p>Al<br><a href=mailto: atc-computing@home.com> atc-computing@home.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
UT is 3dfx optomized, and UT runs slower on other card due to poor DirectX drivers, also Win2k isnt meant for a gamming platform, its meant for a workstation/server platform. <p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@kb244.8m.com>kb244@kb244.8m.com</a><br><a href= </a><br>Experienced in : C++(both VC++ and Borland),VB1(dos) thru VB6, Delphi 3 pro, HTML, Visual InterDev 6(ASP(WebProgramming/Vbscript)<br>
Usually, by default, NT and W2K the more, install and start 1000 services not needed. Go, read about those services, what they're doing (and W2K give you hints just when you browse the services) and disable every unnecessary service. You'll win more free memory. Almost all the performance tweaks valable in NT will still work on W2K. So - if you have 2 drives, place the pagefile.sys (swap file) on the drive that does not contain the system.<br>For more performance tips, check the <A HREF=" TARGET="_new"> It's the best NT/2000 tips collection I ever saw.<br>If you don't want to do some researching and reading, just choose the rich kid solution: buy another 256 M RAM, spend another 400 $ for a new video card or... even better, talk to the NASA to sell you one of the computers, so you can play a real coooool game :)))<br>
Hmm but what about Quake3 and such, I'm running a Athlon/825(Overclocked from 750 by adding 10 to the FSB, so its safe), 512Meg rams, and a Nvidia Geforce DDR video card, and Quake3, and some other games, slow when hitting around the curve? hehe. I think I already hit past the &quot;Rich Kid&quot; solution, but I will agree with you on the Service thing. <p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@kb244.8m.com>kb244@kb244.8m.com</a><br><a href= </a><br>Experienced in : C++(both VC++ and Borland),VB1(dos) thru VB6, Delphi 3 pro, HTML, Visual InterDev 6(ASP(WebProgramming/Vbscript)<br>
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