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Site search

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May 25, 2005
Hey folkz, wanted to know if anyone knows of a good, fast Site Search app that I could run on my ASP site? Preferably one that does paging.
here you go buddy....complete working code...

<html><head><title>Search our Site</title></head><body>

'// Initialisation

' Declare variables.
dim target, firstRow, rowCount, intRowColor

' Get the request parameters.
target	 = Request("target")	' The search request
firstRow = Request("fr")		' First row of results to display
rowCount = Request("rc")		' Record Count - number of rows to show

' Set default values if none found
if firstRow = "" or not IsNumeric(firstRow) Then 
	firstRow = 1
	firstRow = CInt(firstRow)
End If
if rowCount = "" or not IsNumeric(rowCount) Then 
	rowCount = 10
	rowCount = CInt(rowCount)
End If

Dim ScriptName, ServerName
ScriptName = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
ServerName = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")

' Construct base URL for navigation buttons
dim URL
URL = ScriptName & "?target=" & Server.URLEncode(target)
URL = URL & "&rc=" & Server.URLEncode(rowCount)

'// The search form

<form name="searchForm" action="<%=ScriptName%>">
   <b>Search for:</b>
   <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="target" SIZE="45" MAXLENGTH="100" VALUE="<%=target%>">
   <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE=" Search ">

<hr size=2 noshade><br>
DoSearch target

'// Perform the search

sub DoSearch(target)

   on error resume next
   if target <> "" then

      dim strQuery
      ' strQuery = "$contents " & target ' for free text search
      strQuery = "(#filename *.asp) AND " &_
	             "(NOT #vpath *\_vti*)          AND (NOT #vpath *\cgi-bin*) AND " &_
			     "(NOT #vpath *\IISOrigBackup*) AND (NOT #vpath *\scripts*) AND " &_
			     "(NOT #vpath *\_private*) AND " &_
			     "(" & target & ")"
   [red]   ' Create the Index Server query object, setting the columns, the sort to
      ' descending, the max records to 300, and the query string to the given
      ' target. Note that the query string specifies, with NOT and the
      ' #vpath operators, that any files in the *\_vti path, should be excluded.
      ' (_vti* directories contain FrontPage Extension files, and we don't want
      ' users browsing them.)[/red]
      dim ixQuery   ' Index Server query object.
      set ixQuery = Server.CreateObject("ixsso.Query")
      if (Err.description <> "") Then
         Response.Write ("<p><b>Query object Error: " & Err.description & ".</b></p>" & vbCRLF)
         Exit sub
      end if
      ixQuery.Columns    = "doctitle, vpath, filename, size, write, characterization, rank"
      ixQuery.SortBy     = "rank[d], doctitle"
      ixQuery.MaxRecords = 300
      ixQuery.Query      = strQuery
      ' ixQuery.Catalog = "MyCatalog" ' Specify you catalog here if it's not the default

      ' Create a search utility object to allow us to specify the search type as 'deep',
      ' meaning it will search recursively down through the directories
      dim util      
      set util = Server.CreateObject("ixsso.Util")
      util.AddScopeToQuery ixQuery, Server.MapPath("/"), "deep"
      if (Err.description <> "") Then
         Response.Write ("<p><b>Search Utility Error: " & Err.description & ".</b></p>" & vbCRLF)
         Exit sub
      end if
      ' Run the query (i.e. create the recordset).
      dim queryRS   ' Query recordset.
      set queryRS = ixQuery.CreateRecordSet("nonsequential")

      ' Check the query result. If it timed out or return no records, then show
      ' an appropriate message. Otherwise, show the hits.
      if (Err.description <> "") Then
         Response.Write ("<p><b>Search Recordset Error: " & Err.description & ".</b></p>" & vbCRLF)
         Exit sub
         if queryRS is Nothing Then
            Response.Write ("<p>Query returned no matches.</p>" & vbCRLF)      
         elseif (ixQuery.QueryTimedOut) then
            Response.Write ("<p><b>Error: " & timedOut_Text & ".</b></p>" & vbCRLF)
         elseif (queryRS.EOF or queryRS.BOF or queryRS.RecordCount <= 0) then
            Response.Write ("<p>No matches found.</p>" & vbCRLF)
            queryRS.PageSize = rowCount
            call showHits(queryRS)
            if (Err.number <> 0) Then
               Response.Write ("<p><b>Record Display Error: " & Err.description & ".</b></p>" & vbCRLF)
            End If 
         end if
      End If
      ' Clean up
      set queryRS = nothing
      set ixQuery = nothing
      set util = nothing
   End if 
end Sub

' showHits(): Displays the query hits from the query recordset.
sub showHits(queryRS)
   dim recordNumber  ' record number
   dim docTitle      ' document title
   dim endRow        ' last row being displayed
   dim prevRow       ' row to display for "prev" option
   dim nextRow       ' row to display for "next" option
   dim lastRow       ' row to display for "last" option
   dim remainder     ' remainder (used to determine if last page is short)
   dim recordCount   ' numner of records returned
   recordCount = queryRS.RecordCount
   if firstRow > recordCount Then firstRow = 1 
   endRow = firstRow + RowCount-1                      ' Last row on page to show
   if endRow > recordCount Then endRow = recordCount
   prevRow = firstRow - RowCount                       ' Start of previous page's rows
   if PrevRow < 1 Then PrevRow = 1
   nextRow = endRow + 1                                ' Start of next pages rows. May be > CommentCount		
   remainder = recordCount mod RowCount
   if remainder = 0 Then
      lastRow = recordCount - RowCount + 1
      lastRow = recordCount - remainder + 1
   End If
   if lastRow < 1 Then lastRow = 1                     ' Start of last pages rows

   ' Go to the top of the record set, then move forward to the record that
   ' corresponds to the first row.

   if (firstRow > 1) then
      queryRS.Move(CInt(firstRow) - 1)

   end if

   ' Show the summary info.: # of records found and range showing.
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr><td colspan=2>

<table border=0 width=100%><tr>
<td nowrap><b>Found:</b> <%=queryRS.RecordCount%> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Showing:</b> <%=firstRow%> - <%=endRow%></td> 
<td align=right nowrap>
<% if firstRow <> "1" Then %>
<a href="<%=URL&"&fr=1"%>">First</a> |
<% Else %>
First |
<% End If %>
<% if firstRow <> "1" Then %>
<a href="<%=URL&"&fr="&prevRow%>">Prev</a> |
<% Else %>
Prev |
<% End If %>
<% if firstRow + RowCount <= recordCount Then %>
<a href="<%=URL&"&fr="&nextRow%>">Next</a> |
<% Else %>
Next |
<% End If %>
<% if firstRow + RowCount <= recordCount Then %>
<a href="<%=URL&"&fr="&lastRow%>">Last</a>
<% Else %>
<% End If %>


<tr><td colspan=2>&nbsp;</td></tr>
' Show the records.

recordNumber = firstRow
'Dim AllText

'AllText = true

'response.write AllText
'Response.write request("target")

do while ((not queryRS.EOF) and (recordNumber <= endRow))

	' Get the document title. If it's blank, set it to "Untitled".
	docTitle = queryRS("doctitle")

	if docTitle = "" then docTitle = "Untitled"

	' Show the record #, link to the document, URL, and characterization.
	'Response.Write "<tr>"
        if intRowColor= 0 then
         Response.Write "<tr bgcolor=""#E5E5E5"">"
         intRowColor = 1
         Response.Write "<tr bgcolor=""#FAFAFA"">"
         intRowColor = 0
         End If
	Response.Write "<td valign=top>" & recordNumber & ".</td>"
	Response.Write "<td valign=top>"
Response.Write "<a href='" & queryRS("vpath") & "'>" & HighLight(docTitle,request("target"),"<font size=4 color=red>","</font>") & "</a><br>"
'Response.Write "<b>URL: </b> [URL unfurl="true"]http://"[/URL] & HighLight(ServerName & queryRS("vpath"),request("target"),"<font size=4 'color=red>","</font>") & "<br>"
Response.Write HighLight(Server.HTMLEncode(queryRS("characterization")),request("target"),"<font size=4 color=red>","</font>")

Response.Write "<Br/>"
Response.Write "<Br/>"

Response.Write "</td>"
	Response.Write "</tr>"

	recordNumber = recordNumber + 1



   ' Display the navigation links.
<tr><td colspan=2>&nbsp;</td></tr>

<tr><td colspan=2 align=center>
<% if firstRow <> "1" Then %>
<a href="<%=URL&"&fr=1"%>">First</a> |
<% Else %>
First |
<% End If %>
<% if firstRow <> "1" Then %>
<a href="<%=URL&"&fr="&prevRow%>">Prev</a> |
<% Else %>
Prev |
<% End If %>
<% if firstRow + RowCount <= recordCount Then %>
<a href="<%=URL&"&fr="&nextRow%>">Next</a> |
<% Else %>
Next |
<% End If %>
<% if firstRow + RowCount <= recordCount Then %>
<a href="<%=URL&"&fr="&lastRow%>">Last</a>
<% Else %>
<% End If %>


<% end sub %>

Function Highlight(strText, strFind, strBefore, strAfter)
	Dim nPos
	Dim nLen
	Dim nLenAll
	nLen = Len(strFind)
	nLenAll = nLen + Len(strBefore) + Len(strAfter) + 1

	Highlight = strText

	If nLen > 0 And Len(Highlight) > 0 Then
		nPos = InStr(1, Highlight, strFind, 1)
		Do While nPos > 0
			Highlight = Left(Highlight, nPos - 1) & _
				strBefore & Mid(Highlight, nPos, nLen) & strAfter & _
				Mid(Highlight, nPos + nLen)

			nPos = InStr(nPos + nLenAll, Highlight, strFind, 1)
	End If
End Function
Thank you very much! -)

One question though, i get this error.
Search Recordset Error: Service is not running. .

Did you read the post thoroughly??

Please read the text highlighted in [red]RED[/red]

you need to start the index servicing in your IIS manager...

oops, sorry, i guess i was too enthusiastic! unfortunatly, i don't have access to that. I'm wondering if a spider/database solution is the way to go?
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Part and Inventory Search

