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Site review

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Technical User
Oct 11, 2002

Please be brutal. This is a site I am working on for my sister.

*Note the register and login page is finished but the ad area isn't finished so registering to look at that area won't do you a whole lot of good ::snicker::

"Those who stop learning, stop living"
Dear Moira,
The blue text of the "This site is hosted..." is not readable on IE6, Mozilla or Nav 4.75.

The little yellow logo is too small or not crisp, or something. I like it, but somehow it is not in scale with everything else.

On Mozilla the paragraph next to the no-money graphic wraps under it by "an item." Looks funky.

Looks funkier on Nav 4.75. All the text is tiny.

What I like about Mozilla and Nav though is they just won't run that advertisement banner about the clock being set to the wrong time.

Any way, other than that, in order to be brutal, I would just have to complain about it all being too cute.

Nice site!
The Moonhare

Alas, I have no control over the ad along the top or the blue "hosted by" link...she uses a free server and that is what pays their bills :) Will just have to deal with that part.

Thanks for the input, Now that you pointed it out, the upper logo does seem askew, almost too far to the left and a tad fuzzy. I'll see what I can do with it. Hopefully I can talk her into a new logo [any excuse to open my graphics programs and I am a happy camper lol]

Off to work on re-arranging my paragraghs.

"Those that stop learning, stop living"
Have I mentioned lately that I love this forum?
The link appears to be broken?!?!?!

hmm It works for me...might just be cranky because it's on a free server. :) Either that or the URL forwarding had a lost moment lol

Here is the actual address if that will help

"Those that stop learning, stop living"

Can you control that link with a css statement to change the background property ? Maybe that text wrap could be fixed by putting the graphic and text in different cells on a table. Then the text could be any size.

I think the yellow graphic is nice (the color reminds one of a corn field and such), but just needs a change of sharpness and scale.

I just wish your sister lived around here as I have lots of stuff I would like to trade off.... like a 1987 Peterbuilt truck! (Incase you think I am kidding:

The Moonhare
LOL MoonHare, nice truck. If you are in the Michigan USA area I might have someone who'd be interested in buying it.

As for the site I made some refinements. I changed the page bgcolor to a dark blue instead of the lined bkgd, that helped with the link problem. I tried using css to change the link color but alas it doesn't affect that link. I am assuming that since its some sort of server include that I cannot affect it...them free servers don't want you messing with their code HEHE.

I also took your advice and put the no cash and paragragh into a table. As for the logo...I just took it out for now until I decide what to do with it lol. Overall I think it looks a bit better :)
Thanks again for all the input!

One minor comment, you may want to capitilaize letters in the name to make it a little more readable:
Thebartersystem.com is a trading network ...
TheBarterSystem.com is a trading network ...

I think it makes it a little easier to read since your incorporating the name into the sentance as content rather than just a plug to the site address.

Just a thought,
-Tarwn --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
For my next trick I will pull a hat out of a rabbit (if you think thats bad you should see how the pigeon feels...) :p
Dear Moira,
I think Tarwin has a good idea there.

But you know, I miss the logo!

Can you change the whole background to bright blue so the ugly little link doesn't even show up???? Well, that might be weird. Can you change the color of the link in the body statment? Does this link even occur in the body of your document? I think its an interesting problem to cope with.

The Moonhare
The Moonhare
Looks almost identical in both IE 5 and Nutscrape 4.06 on Windows NT 4 ! That is very unusual.

Congratulations! Well done!

Tarwyn, ok I'll change it, I thought it looked weird both ways to me (=

Palbano, ooh that's good. Better than I thought lol

Moonhare, nope that link doesnt show on my source code even when I edit it online via my FTP Program, I cannot manipulate it at all. I had it the bright blue before the dark blue and it was WAY to bright...I think it's acceptable at least now against the dark blue without blinding everyone in texas. I am working on the logo, starting from scratch...will be the same concept but a little easier to read hopefully when it's finished. Moira
"Those that stop learning, stop living."
Add the following portion of code to your style tags under your bar chenges:
font a{

This will change the background color of text in anchor tags that are in font tags to white. Look here to see it:

-Tarwn --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
For my next trick I will pull a hat out of a rabbit (if you think thats bad you should see how the pigeon feels...) :p
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