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site review

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Feb 1, 2005
Hi you guys
www. reuninet.ro
This is my frist site and i'd like some oppinions about it.
Animated gifs are irritating at the best of times, but the one with the rotating printers in the centre of the page is enormous - 1.3 megabytes! Your whole page should be no more than 50 or 60K, including images.

-- Chris Hunt
Webmaster & Tragedian
Extra Connections Ltd
Graphics are grainy and out of focus; I felt like I needed a new set of glasses. The rotating printer animated graphic on the main page is jerky at first, somewhat smooths out some after a few minutes (on 768 DSL connection, would probably never look right on dial up). The pink lettering at the top kind of fades into the white background, probably should be darkened up to more of a red. Javascript error(s) on products page. Buttons are different design from on main page. Huge graphics take long time to load. Out of focus fading in and out on products pages makes my eyes hurt.

Copyright notice at the bottom of the page should probably be centered - looks out of place being right-aligned (that goes for the date and "Ultima actualizare" as well.

As for the date - why have it on the page at all? (Sorry, one of my pet peeves). A website doesn't need the date - the user can see the date from many other locations, i.e. their taskbar (the calendar), etc. If you really want to have the animation, why not Flash-ify it (make sure that the graphics are clearer first though)?

I agree with trollacious about the products page - the fading in and out made my eyes hurt too (why have the fade in/out at all?).

End round 1.

"The night sky over the planet Krikkit is the least interesting sight in the entire universe."
-Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy
The 'Bears and waterfall' image on the 'Contact Us' page made me feel seasick - was it there for a reason?

Copyright notice appears to be centred, but nothing else is, so dragging the browser window only moves the copyright. Everything else stays fixed size.

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'If we're supposed to work in Hex, why have we only got A fingers?'

for steam enthusiasts
I agree with the above. I did not see the "spinning printers" but I am not a big fan of animated gifs in general.

I would change the way that the sub-navigation works (the way that you select the printers, after selecting the type of printer.) It isnt obvious what you want a user to do. After selecting what brand of printer, I had no clue what to do, only after I happened to mouse over the dropdown trigger did I figure things out abit.

Try and uniform your main navigation (home, contact, products, ect) and make the product selection process obvious and intituitive.

I like the overall color scheem, but you might want to cut back on the images. You should also look into using an image optimizer to cut down the size of your images. Most graphics programs have them built in.

Robert Carpenter
"You and I have need of the strongest spell that can be found to wake us from the evil enchantment of worldliness." - C.S. Lewis (The Weight of Glory)

robert (at) robertcarpenter (dot) net
Thanks you guys, see what modifications i've made to the page following your indications.
keep telling me...
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