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Site Launch!!! 2

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Technical User
Jan 11, 2002

Can you please goto and give it a review and post back.

Can you please test the following:
- Test this site on as many browsers as you can
- Test this site on those same browsers but on different platforms
- Check grammar and spelling
- Assess the color scheme
- Note any errors/bugs/glitches and let me know about them

Things to be aware of:
- NS-4.75 sometimes thinks that there are Javascript errors. There aren't. Just refresh the page
- Macintosh Internet Explorer-5 is not yet supported b/c of a problem with the <DIV>'s I am working on that.

Thanks alot for your input! :) NATE
Hey...i'm checking on IE5.5 on a win98SE PC:
1) Love the intro page, nice color and that little animation is cool...

2) On the intro page, you have High-quality, professional, website layout and design, and digital
graphic design at competitive rates.
...I think it would look better if you had it like this instead:
website layout and design
digital graphic design...

all at competitive prices.

3) On 'home.shtml' you have: We build websites for individuals, a small businesses, and a non-profit organizations at affordable, competitive rates giving them a professional presence on-line....I think it might sound better like: We build websites for individuals, small businesses and non-profit organizations all at affordable, competitive prices.

4) On 'webdesign.shtml', you have: A well designed website is: fast loading, easy to navigate, easy to read, clear and concise, it is compatible with: major web browsers, operating systems and resolutions, and is found easily in the major search engines....I think it might sound better as: A well designed website is: fast loading, easy to navigate, easy to read, clear and concise. It is compatible with major web browsers, operating systems and appear correctly in all resolutions. It's also found easily in most major search engines.

Other then that, the site looks awesome!!
I love all the different graphic designs on all the shtml pages... I have not failed; I merely found 100,000 different ways of not succeding...
Hi GUJUm0deL,

Your points:

1 - Thanks!

2 - I don't like your suggestion there b/c it doesn't really flow. I know what you are getting at and agree that it might be better, but I'm not too crazy about that layout. Any thing else I could try.

3 - I forgot to re-upload that page there were some problems (a small business, a non-profit) OOPS. It is now changed

4 - I have used your suggestion a bit and have now changed it to: A well designed website is: fast loading, easy to navigate, easy to read, clear and concise. It is compatible with major web browsers on variuos operating systems, appears correctly in commonly used resolutions, and is found easily in the major search engines.

Glad you like my site. :) NATE
Hi, great site, very eye pleasing.

Only thing I noticed is that you spelled &quot;Various&quot; incorrectly in the following segment...

&quot;It is compatible with major web browsers on variuos operating systems...&quot;

Looks good in ie, opera, and netscrap.. i mean netscape 6.2 I would change the top intro part, the effect is VERY SICK, but I wouldnt have it loop, have it go for a few seconds then stop, because it distracted me from everything else, which you don't want. www.vzio.com
/ [wink]
Hi, i'm doubly surprised that your site works and look good in NS4.7 (aside from the CSS base color link change)...
I see you changed the intro. page (which is good), but is there a image or anmimation waiting to load on that page?? Cause in NS4.7, the top part is all blank (right above the text: High-quality & professional:) and in IE6 the same thing, but the broweser acts like its waiting to load something...strange huh??
Other then that...nice work... I have not failed; I merely found 100,000 different ways of not succeding...
Looks pretty nice.

I loved the flash intro. Nice graphics. Was that done in Flash MX?

The one thing I wasn't crazy about is the amount of space you provided for graphics on the left of your text area, but since you are providing graphic design I guess it would make sense to have that.

Nice job! ====================================
I love people. They taste just like
Good site. I only had a few minutes to look at this this morning, so here is what I have so far. These are only suggestions. I hope to get back to reviewing the site later.

Splash Page
Can you say Redesign instead of Re-Modeling (more people understand what is involved with redesign)

Standard industry accepted terminology is Web site instead of Website

Home Page
Your logo on this page competes with the desktop computer graphic. I suggest making the logo smaller, it'll look cleaner, less cluttery. This applies to other pages as well.

The up and down arrow graphic don't clearly indicate that that the user/visitor is expected to scroll up and down. I suggest actually having the words up, down as well. Remember, some of your clients will not necessarily be technologically savvy and will not innately know what action they should take.

I would also take the top and bottom border out of your text border and just enclose it with the rounded corner box. Less distraction from the copy/content.

Privacy Page
...its information practices.
change to ...its information collection practices

This web site contains links to other sites. Please be aware that we Spyderix Designz are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites
change to...we, Spyderix Designz
OR...we at Spyderix Designz
OR...Spyderix Designz is not responsible (delete the we)

Hi guys,

snowboardr: I can't stop the loop b/c action script is what makes the things go around in circles , if I stop the loop then it would be completely pointless to even have that thing. Is it that distracting? I don't find it distracting.

GUJUm0deL: Getting the site to look exactly the same (minus the hover links) in all browsers was the biggest nightmare ever. Alot of time went into getting that all to work properly. Above High-quality & professional: is the flash annimation. Do you have flash installed on NS-4.75?

mithrilhall: Yes that was done in Flash MX (I didn't make the spinning things though, it was a free template with a bunch of other stuff so I edited alot of it down to get it to look like that)

treebean: I will change re-modelling to re-design and website to web site.

When you say &quot;Your logo on this page competes with the desktop computer graphic. I suggest making the logo smaller, it'll look cleaner, less cluttery. This applies to other pages as well.&quot; Are you talking about the spiral logo?

I will work on something for the scrollers. As for the lines at the top and bottom of each page. Those are there so that a user will know when they are at the absolute bottom and top of the page when scrolling. They will know they are at the bottom ot top when the scrolling stops I guess, but I thought that would help users out, especially for long pages like the copyright and privacy pages. Should I remove them all together, except where needed to break the page like on the useful sites page?

And I will fix the mentioned things on the privacy page.

Thanks alot! NATE
yes, I was referring to the spiral logo. The logo, being approximately the same size as the graphics, competes with the imagery.
Hope that helps.
I just checked it again (at home with a cable modem, instead at work with dialup) and it does appear...
About the logo animation on the intro page, I have to agree with snowboardr...its not really distracting as it is more hypnotic (for a lack of a better term)...I found myself just staring at it...lol felt like one of the lava lamps that you just couldn't help but stare at... I have not failed; I merely found 100,000 different ways of not succeding...
GUJUm0deL, you got to lay off the coffee man.[lol]

The site looks great, I liked the last design more I think, but that's me.

The only thing I saw I would possibly change is to slow down the text scroll. var speed=40 maybe

You cannot mandate productivity, you must provide the tools to let people become their best.
-Steve Jobs

snowboardr & GUJUm0deL: You want hypnotic, here is what I was first going to use. Stare at this for a while LOL:

It's the intro page, is this really that big a deal, I think that one person has mentioned this and now you are paying more attention to it b/c it was said. When you look at this page that flash movie is the last thing to finish loading b/c it is the biggest file. You will see the enter link b4 the flash annimation. Most people would just glance at the page at enter the site. I'm glad that the annimation is eye catching, it is supposed to be. I don't think that people are going to be discouraged by an animation are they? I don't know for sure. Will someone else step into this convo and tell me what they think too. It took a bit of time to get that thing working properly so I don't want to ditch it. The point of the text on that main page is more for the search engines, but also gives a little paraphrase of what this company does. I didn't want to make it black text and spam the engines and try to be tricky and sneaky.

treebean: I will make those spirals smaller right away. Let me know what you think when the new size picture is up. I removed those bars at the top and bottom of the page, but it looks like it is missing something. As I said, I want people to know where the top and bottom of the page is when they are scrolling and although some pages don't scroll I still want the site to look uniform. Do you agree?

onpnt: You can't honestly like the other site better. WOW! I have to agree with everyone that it was too dark. I like this one much more. As for slowing down the speed, here is the situation: I am using the same .js file on every page to simplify things. If you look at the site with NS-4.75 you will see that it is much slower and a bit choppy. I wanted to find a happy medium that would work on all browsers so as not to have to make a different .js file for every browser. Do you think that it is too fast? You say change it to var speed=40, but that is not much of a change. The var speed is currently at 50. I changed it to 40 and noticed that it become quite a bit more choppy in IE-6 and I don't want that to happen.

Thanks everyone! :) NATE
I personaly would stay away from Flash, because of what I have heard about it, I am more of dynamic web designer, and like building huge sites and with flash, there is so many ways people design things, that most users tend to not know how to run the site because its so decked out with flash and stuff. I hope you get what Im getting at.

Jason www.vzio.com

[color]treebean[/color]: I have now made those spiral logos smaller. What do you think of what I have done with the scroll buttons. I just added the word SCROLL in between them, is that better?

[color]snowboardr[/color]: This is only the intro page. One little animation to give that extra flare. I'm not going to get into really heavy flash stuff, but this is subtle and quite basic. I do want to catch the attention of the viewers and draw them into the site, but is it that distracting? Should I make the spinning things smaller? NATE
Well I have been doing sites for a while, and the thing you have to come to terms with is:

Yes you can make the coolest site on the web, but what are people really wanting to goto your site for?

To get information on your product or services.

And I think a simple clean design straight to the information (no intro) is the best way to go in my opinion.

- Jason www.vzio.com

Ironicaly I like this intro page idea: only comment would be to get rid of the spinning globe and the stars in the background...I would use this as the intro page animation then what you used...
Its like you said, I didn't pay much attention to it at first, only when someone else pointed it out...plus you also want to show your would-be clients what you are capable of doing right?? I have not failed; I merely found 100,000 different ways of not succeding...
I really enjoyed your site. I am just wondering for my knowledge you have the scroll arrows on a page that has nothing to scroll to. for new users or non experience users
could that be confusing to them? I did not notice any alt tages is this because of the text version?
Your site is very inspiring to me.

Good point. I will remove the scrolls on the pages that do not require them. I did not include alt tags on the main graphical site b/c of the text only part of the site. Also there are alot of graphics used on that site and I didn't want little tooltips to show up all over the place when you mouseover images. Glad you like my site.
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