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Site and idea review 9

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Oct 3, 2002
Would appreciate opinions (good or bad) on my website. Please try to be constructive, don't just say like it or hate it or what a dumb idea. Tell me why.

"did you just say Minkey?, yes that's what I said."

Nice website a couple of comments though
Im using IE6 on win98 when I open the link, if I don't maximise the browser window straight away or hit refresh after page is loaded, the page does not display correctly ( only the bottom right hand corner of page is visible and there is no way of moving ie with scrollbar)

The other improvement Would suggest is the Textarea box in the product info should be made wider so the contents are visible without scrolling left/right.
Other than that I like it.
Ian It's not a lie if you believe it!

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took forever to load,
the idea seems good- what I could understand of it- maybe you should do an explaination for compleate idiots too :)
Seriously, I think if you want to sell the product you need a working demo, or more examinable screen shots (without having to register), if thats not possible then more information.
Don't ever assume your customer knows the jargon , I'm a professional web designer- but having never built an intranet, I fail to see why I'd want to GUI an intranet.
Break your text up, make it less "jargon" more simple explaination, and get some more graphics that show what you mean on there (although considering the inital load time..... ummmmmmm LOL)
Hope that helps....
it does sem like a cool idea though :) G'luck with it! Sometimes, when my code just won't behave, I take it outside and make it listen to britney spears music, and when it comes back it's really well behaved. I wonder if it's suffering from post tramatic stress syndrome now..
No offense.

It just seems kinda blaize. I'm sure its 'functional' for your purposes, but I wouldn't come back to it.

You said, "DeveloperÂ’s will be able to design a structured environment that will be less confusing and more pleasing to the users eyes and mind. While offering a seamless web experience."

Well give a little "taste" of that web 'experience.' I'm not saying that you should go crazy with Flash and animinations ... No.

It just seems like rice with no butter. Not rememberable.
does it support Macs, Linux, or other 'Non PC & IE' setups?

The "Tool" needs to be installed on a Microsoft OS and you need IE6.0 because of a few new features it lets you have fun with.

The "Tool" I know won't work with Mac or Linux. But the final code produced by the "Tool" should be able to be viewed by Mac systems with (IE5.5/Netscape6.2 or better) and the same with Linux, though I have not tested it with those systems. "did you just say Minkey?, yes that's what I said."

Have you considered making a version of the tool that will work on Mac, Linex, etc.?

ALSO, an option to export code that works on NS 4.7 + would be a wise idea ... some people (especially older business men -- the ones that have the money and make a lot of the decisions) still use 800x600 resolution and older browsers ... it's a comfort thing .. plus some are vain and will crank up the font size instead of wearing glasses.


You have a good point about "Business People", but my tool outputs DHTML code and Netscape 4.7 to 6 has a very hard time if any sucess displaying DHTML correctly.

Currently I do not plan to develop the "Tool" for Mac or Linux, for I don't have enough time in the day. But if you know Mac or Linux coding, you can email me at: sfrederick@pastame.com and we can talk.
"did you just say Minkey?, yes that's what I said."

Hmmm... Well the site loaded up quickly enough and without problems on my (IE5.5/Windoze Me) browser. I was a bit intimidated by all that text & jargon on the main page - and I'm a codemonkey (or codeminkey?). I'd keep it very simple on the front page - one or two sentences like "PastaMe's RWAD tool [for heaven's sake give it a name, btw] enables you to rapidly develop internet and intranet sites based on the familiar graphical interface". Leave all the follow-up stuff to a FAQ or "more information" page.

It's quite ingenious ni the way it works, but begs the question "would anyone want to design their site to look like this?". Your central premise - that users are familiar with an MDI interface and unfamiliar with web pages - is pretty questionable, and in fact the opposite is increasingly going to be the case.

Personally I'd rather read my information from a big traditional HTML page than from your cramped, fixed-size little windows. I note also that the whole site seems to be contained in one HTML file - that's gonna get pretty slow-loading with a site of any size. Interesting idea though, and might have applications, say, on public information kiosks.

Also your site doesn't answer the burning question - why "PastaMe"? Is it written in spaghetti code? -- Chris Hunt
Extra Connections Ltd
In IE6, 1024

Too many images on the main page, and use a background color.
How about a main site logo ot title? "Welcome to PastaMe.com (static window)" just doesn't do it.

Nice little site, but you should probably fine-tune the fonts, colours, wording etc
"Garbage information will be deleted along with the account" does not sound very professional, it would even be better to leave this line out altogether.

On product info, side scrolling is always an annoyance!

That's about it, nice job IMO

É ::
Thanks for everyones input. I implemented some of your suggestions such as the product info not having to scroll to the left.

Also the main window will now adjust to the browsers resizing.

I have tried to "dumb" down the main pages info, but I also want the user/web visitor coming to my site to get a quick understanding (but per most reviewers comments above) I do not seem to have "dumbed" down enough of what my Tool does.

I realize that my Tool, is not for every internet/intranet situation, and applies more to database driven internet/intranet sites.

Chris Hunt

The cramped window size can be adjusted by the developer, and can be laid out however they want. I wanted to just showcase the idea a little. You are correct about the HTML file being one page, and designed properly with my Tool it only needs to be one page, especially with databse(asp/php) driven websites. Also thanks for gettng the "Minkey" (great movies) your the first to do so.


I removed the garbage comment, I know it wasn't extremly professional, was trying to prevent users signing up with bogus info. But will instead inclued a "why register" Faq and benefits of. "did you just say Minkey?, yes that's what I said."

There's little you can really do to prevent users putting in a fake email, apart from sending a validation link to that email address.

Is zat your minkey?

É ::
My opinion is :

1. I wasn't sure who the audience was for the webpage...the home user, small business, general public, new user, advanced user.....my first thought was "does this information apply to me?" I hope that makes sense.

2. I don't care for the color scheme, for instance, when the new links open in the smaller window, it's difficult to see where the new window opens and where the older one underlays it.

3. Would get rid of the cluttered looking graphic on the home page, would either do a "light" background or something different with the graphic.

Otherwise, good work!
Hi mate,

1) As mentioned above, the page really needs a header (Title, logo)

2) The close button on the home page is redundant and confusing, it would be best removed.

3) By developing internet/intranet solutions that users are already used to seeing and using. Developer’s will be able to design a structured environment that will be less confusing and more pleasing to the users eyes and mind. While offering a seamless web experience.

Should be more like:

By developing internet/intranet solutions that users are already used to seeing and using, developer’s will be able to design a structured environment that will be less confusing and more pleasing to the users eyes and mind , while offering a seamless web experience.

4) (static window) (moveable window) - This text looks adds complexity to the page that is unnecessary and you would be better removing those.

5) PastaMe’s RWAD Tool utilizes HTML, DHTML, and JavaScript languages. For additional information click on the Product Info link above. Try a 30 day full version demo, click on the Register link above.

Don't tell a user to look for a link when it could easily be changed so that those words arelinks.

6) The forums link shows the login form, when I clicked it I expected it to allow me access. Change it to something like member forum or support forum.

7) Register - Register for?? You don't say download or anything like that, it is very unclear what you are wanting me to register for.

Hope this helps Wullie

The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change.
The leader adjusts the sails. - John Maxwell
The first time I clicked product info the text areas were both blank... I was confused, second time they had info.

I agree with the register for what purpose comment... make that more clear.

It seems like the whole page is developed with your tool... let the user know that somehow.

Totally nitpicking, but
There is no limit to the number of forms that you can create.

And then as has been said, you need a header, or since your tool might not support that... an intro page.

Last thing, I have a 1280*1024 screen going here, and I don't get to take advantage of that at all.... and then if I dial it down to 800*600, I have to scroll to fit it... maybe if you could let the page scale more.

All my opinions, I think it's great as a whole, but since you were asking for critiques, those're mine.

Again, Thanks for everyones time and effort looking at my site. It is very much appreciated. I'm giving everyone a star.


"4) (static window) (moveable window) - This text looks adds complexity to the page that is unnecessary and you would be better removing those."

Problem here is I have had visitors to my site who were not to sure if the windows moved and suggested for my website that I "dumb" it down more. Personally I don't like having "(moveable window)" in the title. So I'm stuck, and not sure what to do about that situation.


I have changed the background color to a very light yellow, I thought it was a bit plain also and was in the process of trying out different BG Colors.

"did you just say Minkey?, yes that's what I said."

Not now Cato you fool you

It may not be that important, but I've just revisited you site using opera 7. If opera is et to report as opera you get a blank page. Everything works OK if set to repost as MSIE6
Ian It's not a lie if you believe it!

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