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SIP auto-attendant choppy ip office 500

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Technical User
Apr 3, 2013
Installed 2 new SIP lines for our company last week. going through a series of tests we noticed that all incoming calls have a choppy sounding auto-attendant. However once someone answers the call is clear and sounds perfect. After calling tech support with them claiming that they have not heard of this and we would have to pay for a tier 3 tech support, I am now reaching out for any ideas to avoid this.
we have an Avaya IP office 500 R8.1
the switch is an Netgear FS524

Is their a setting that we are missing that directly relates to the auto-attendant?

your help and ideas are appreciated!
Make sure codecs are correct, going from ULAW to ALAW or vice versa can cause this :)

"No problem monkey socks
We have allowed all of the codec options from the start in the lines selection under VoIP. Is there another place to apply the codecs?
what is the topology of the sip network. who is the provider, is QOS on all router and switches. did you create Vlans for the voice and data. if it is occurring in the beginning and then clear most likly it is an issue with your network design.

ACIS, ACSS, IPO expert,
ACDS, ACSS, Enterprise
I suspect its not the SIP trunk, but VM Pro playing up. (assuming its VM Pro? and not embedded?)

If you route the call direct to the HG does the issue happen again?

check the servers system resources,

I have also seen duff VCM cards do this too. Try moving the VCM card to another slot in the IPO.

Have seen this before, and in my case I think it was a windows update that nailed my server!

General Geek

Our provider is through Accessline, and they have tested there side finding no issues. However our switch is an unmanaged netgear FS524 which does not allow me to create vlans and such. I believe/fear that this is where our issues resides, I am checking all resources before presenting this to management since this will cost money. After talking to both sides of tech support, Accesline and Avaya, I reached out to this site for any other ideas. What caught me off guard is the fact that all calls going out are perfect even with calls going to an auto-attendant. Its just incoming calls hitting our auto-attendant that our choppy, once a person answers the phone the call is perfect. We have done tests finding that our bandwidth is suitable for SIP so its not a bandwidth issue.
Respective ports are opened and pointed to the server for IP Office.
The ARS is set up correctly.

yes it is VM Pro.
The server has been recently expanded we are now utilizing 40% of its capacity.
I am not sure what you mean by route the call direct to the HG.

note their are no issues when using the reg. lines. just the new SIP.
Try pointing the SIP Trunk directly to an extension and let the VM pick up. Does the user VM sound choppy also?
Allowing all doesn't mean it's using the correct companding law (ALAW/ULAW) make sure the one you actually want to use is at the top of the list, then the fallback codec should the preferred one be unavailable/unsuitable then remove the rest. It could indeed be the VM Pro, I have had choppy voice on prompts before and it was either "port flapping" where it jumps between 100 full/half etc, or a failing/dodgy switch can cause it even though data seems OK, changing the switch solved it. There are many possible causes for this issue unfortunately :)

"No problem monkey socks
we have tried altering the codec listed before just to have it jump back to custom.
codec is listed as such:
G.711 ULAW 64K
G.711 ALAW 64K
G.729(a) 8K CS-ACELP
G.723.1 6K3 MP-MPLQ

also redirected the line to a single phone and voicemail is still choppy.

One reason why I love data over voice is that you can single out the problem. Voice has far more things that correlate with each other. (headache) Being a cisco guy this is all new to me so please forgive my lack of knowledge.
You can also apply codecs under System>Codecs. You could also try to plug the VM server directly into the LAN port to bypass the switch. It sounds like everything but the connection to the VM is working. I think if it was a codec issue the problem would happen throughout the call but that's just my opinion.
The VM is working. Just the quality on the SIP line is horrid when calling in and only bad during the Auto-Attendant portion. I can bypass the switch after hours but the office needs the phone lines up during business hours.

I noticed in the System-Codecs that you can arrange the codec order, is their a specific order and what is it?
what I mean by horrid/bad is where someone is speaking and it sounds choppy. the choppiness is random and consistent every 3-5 seconds
Pay for the tier3 guy and get it solved. Most people here would have found the issue in less then 1/2 hour and solved it maybe in a hour including an upgrade of the unit.


It works! Now if only I could remember what I did...

Dain Bramaged (Avaya Search tool )
well I have drafted a form stating our findings and will present them to the owner Monday. At this point the issue is either in the switch being a low end switch or something that is beyond our experience. I will leave this thread open for any other ideas, I will still try to swap the VCM card into another spot after hours. We will not upgrade the software until the newest release is deemed stable. I'm sure many of you are familiar with some of the upgrades creating bigger issues then solving them.

Thank you to everyone who has helped.
I would do these steps:

Remove all unused codes.
Replace the switch with a good one.
Check QOS on the connection where the SIP lines enteres the company (is it dedicated???)
Check if the connection has QOS (overbooking)
Replace the VM server.
Replace VCM card(s)
Replace IPO

These steps should solve your problem but do not so them all in one go.
Do the easy steps first and one by one.
Replacing hardware except for the VM server should be the last resort.


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!

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