I want to apply filter criteria in a report. I use a form to enter criteria and I use these criterias to sort report (in the filter propriety of the report). There are a lot of combo boxes and text boxes on the form and when I click the OK button of the builder, Access is telling me that "The string returned by the builder was too long. The result will be truncated".
The expression is:
(([Forms]![TCR]![Test Case No Text] IS NOT NULL) AND ([Test Cases].[Test Case No] LIKE [Forms]![TCR]![Test Case No Text]))
I know that it works but this expression is repeted for each text box or combo box and it is too long to fit on the filter builder. Can anyone help me out here to simplify this expression, make the expression shorter?
The expression is:
(([Forms]![TCR]![Test Case No Text] IS NOT NULL) AND ([Test Cases].[Test Case No] LIKE [Forms]![TCR]![Test Case No Text]))
I know that it works but this expression is repeted for each text box or combo box and it is too long to fit on the filter builder. Can anyone help me out here to simplify this expression, make the expression shorter?