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SIMPLE UPDATE - Just Drain Bead

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Oct 30, 2001
What am I missing ... trying to update a field in records that are distinct. SQL complaining that "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'SELECT'." Here is the code ...

UPDATE Player_Information_Import_Data
SET Distinct_Player = 1
FROM Player_Information_Import_Data


J. Kusch
TO SQLBILL: Error Message Reads ...

Server: Msg 4419, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Derived table 'PIID' is not updatable because the definition contains the DISTINCT clause.


J. Kusch
Last try before I go home for the day:

UPDATE Player_Information_Import_Data
SET Distinct_Player = 1
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT Full_Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Distinct_Player
FROM Player_Information_Import_Data) as PIID
WHERE PIID.Full_Name = Player_Information_Import_Data.Full_Name

One more

SET Distinct_Player = 1
from Player_Information_Import_Data piid
where not exists (select * from Player_Information_Import_Data
where full_name = piid.full_name
and Address = piid.Address
and City = piid.city
and State = piid.state
and Zip = piid.Zip
group by Full_Name,Address,
having count(*) > 1)

Try this

UPDATE Player_Information_Import_Data
SET Distinct_Player = 1
Inner Join
(Select DISTINCT Full_Name, Address, City, State,
Zip, Distinct_Player From Player_Information_Import_Data) TBL
on TBL.full_name = Player_Information_Import_Data.full_name
and TBL.Address = Player_Information_Import_Data.Address
and TBL.City = Player_Information_Import_Data.city
and TBL.State = Player_Information_Import_Data.state
and TBL.Zip = Player_Information_Import_Data.Zip

Well Bill ... NO GO. Time to head to the house and clear the brain. Thanks for all the attempts. I am sure we are going to whip this puppy yet! lol. Take Care

NEXT !!!

J. Kusch
I think swampBoogie is the closest so far with his last post. Using DISTINCT to get the subquery is not going to work because by definition there will be a row in that which matches every row in the table!

If swampBoogie's query doesn't work try this:

SET distinct_player = 1
FROM player_information_import_data p JOIN (
  SELECT full_name, address, city, state, zip
  FROM player_information_import_data
  GROUP BY full_name, address, city, state, zip
  ) dt ON p.full_name = dt.full_name
    AND p.address = dt.address
    AND p.city = dt.city
    AND p.state = dt.state
    AND p.zip = dt.zip

Anywhere near? --James
TO JamesLean ...

I agree w/ you. SwampBoogie seems to be the closest. I tried your w/ no effect. I have a group of 14 duplicate records I am using to review each attempt. Your query didn't toggle any of them to 1. I know there has to be an answer to this ... LOL.

Thanks ALL!!!

J. Kusch
Does the subquery return the distinct records you want to update?:

SELECT full_name, address, city, state, zip
FROM player_information_import_data
GROUP BY full_name, address, city, state, zip
TO: JamesLean ...

No, it is missing alot of records.

J. Kusch
I can only assume then that you have problems with your actual data, or we've misunderstood what you are trying to do! Take some example rows:

<row> | full_name | address | city | state | zip
1 | J Lean | 1 A street | chicago | illinois | 123
2 | J Lean | 2 A street | chicago | illinois | 123
3 | J Lean | 2 A street | chicago | illinois | 123
4 | J Kusch | 1 A street | chicago | illinois | 123
5 | J Kusch | 1 A street | chicago | illinois | 123
6 | J Kusch | 3 A street | chicago | illinois | 123

The way I understand it, you want to mark rows 1 and 6 as they are the only unique rows. If so, then my subquery should return those rows.

If not, then can you clarify the problem?! --James
Try this.

UPDATE a SET Distinct_Player = 1
FROM Player_Information_Import_Data a
WHERE Exists
(SELECT Full_Name, Address, City, State, Zip
FROM Player_Information_Import_Data
WHERE Full_Name=a.FullName
AND Address=a.Address
AND City=a.City
AND State=a.State
AND Zip=a.Zip
GROUP BY Full_Name, Address, City, State, Zip
HAVING COUNT(*)=1) If you want to get the best answer for your question read faq183-874 and faq183-3179.
Terry L. Broadbent - DBA
SQL Server Page:
I got it!

FROM refrigerator
WHERE label IN ('Bud', 'Coors', 'Miller', 'Samuel Adams', 'Heineken')
GROUP BY friends
HAVING a_big_party

Well, it will at least solve the &quot;Time to head to the house and clear the brain&quot; problem.
My money goes on tlbroadbent. That one looks like a winner!
After you fix the typo on line 6 of course. a.FullName should be a.Full_Name
In effect, Terry's is exactly the same as mine (and swampBoogie's really)! And like I said in my previous post, if it doesn't work then we may have misunderstood the requirement. --James
Morning ALL !!!

OK ... here are some facts.

The table Player_Information_Import_Data contains 467,241 records.

The 467K records are from over 70 sites.

I know for a fact that we have at the VERY LEAST 100K Distinct records if not closer to 300K.

The Queries from Terry, SwampBoogie and James are only updating 15,273 rows.

I am also monitoring a set of records that I know are duped. Here are the fields for the dupe recs:

'Domick Terrago','513 Impala Dr','Youngstown','Oh','44515'
'Domick Terrago','513 Impala Dr','Youngstown','Oh','44515'

The queries run so far have not set the Distinct_Player flag on either on of these records. I expected that one of these two records should have their flag set to 1 ... But no joy in Mudville ...

I sure appricate all the help and hope I can find a solution soon. Thanks all for all the great leads so far!!!

J. Kusch
Ah-ha! I think we've found the confusion. So far we have been writing queries which find the unique rows, ie they have NO duplicates. I wouldn't expect either of the two rows you give in your example to get updated as they are not unique.

You want to mark one row from every set of duplicates as distinct (it doesn't matter which one). So in your example you would mark just one of those two rows.

Is this correct? I'm thinking of a solution for that now... --James
If I was correct, I think I've cracked it! Try this:


DECLARE @rc int
SET @rc = 1

WHILE @rc = 1
  SET distinct_player = 1
  FROM player_information_import_data p1
    SELECT full_name, address, city, state, zip
    FROM player_information_import_data
    WHERE full_name = p1.full_name
      AND address = p1.address
      AND city = p1.city
      AND state = p1.state
      AND zip = p1.zip
      AND distinct_player = 1

  SET @rc = @@ROWCOUNT

Ahhh... a new day and a fresh brain - LOL

A little more explaining here ...

All of these are approximations for example purpose:

1. Lets say out of 400K records that 200K are truely unique, NO DUPES, based on Full_Name, Address, City, State and Zip

--- I want all of the 200K worth of records to have their
Distinct_Player feild set to 1

2. Lets say the other 200K records ARE DUPES. So, lets make it simple ... Out of the 200K records we have here, we have 2 occurances of the feilds being identical (2 x 100,000 = 200,000).

--- I want to mark 1 record, between the two dupes, as being the representative &quot;Unique Record&quot;. Does not matter which record is set as long as 1 and only 1 is set.

SO ... after everything is said and done, I should have 300K records w/ the Distinct_Player field set to 1.

200,000 (Truely Unique records)
+ 100,000 (Single occurance from the Dupes Group)
300,000 total records

Hope this clarifies things further ...

Thanks All ...

J. Kusch
My last query should do that (at least it does on my test data!). Have you tried it? --James
Hi JayKusch,

If this is the case, I think update will not work as there is no way of distinguishing the set of records from one another and it will always update all similar records, so i think the option is to get disticnt records from the database and insert into a new table and drop the actaul table and rename the new table to the old one


SELECT DISTINCT Full_Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Distinct_Player Into NewTable
FROM Player_Information_Import_Data

drop Player_Information_Import_Data

exec sp_rename 'NewTable','Player_Information_Import_Data'

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