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simple string methods

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Jul 25, 2001
Hey guys...

I was reluctant to post this on Tek-Tips just yet due to the fact that a simple string method is stumping me. Since I've self-taught myself VBA, I skipped a lot of the basics.

Anyways, I've got a quesiton. I'm working on a MapPoint database again and I'm gettin a small error. I don't know VB as well as I know Java these days and there error is a bit beyond me, but I'm positive that there has to be an extremely easy fix.

Basically the map point automation module that I wrote scrolls through a recordset consisting of address (street), city, state, and zip, oh - and the name of the pushpin location. It then places a pushpin at the correct spot and cycles through to the next record ... looping until the recordset is eof ... err empty .. I still dont know what eof stands for ... end of file? ... Anywho ... I'm having a small problem when the street address is a PO box... it gives me an error and the program halts. IS there a way I can do something like we do in java with the substring() method?

Ie: this is the record name for the street portion of the full address.... and does != work in place of <> in vb for does not equal?

If MapRST!Adress.substring(0, 5) <> &quot;PO BOX&quot; then
....commands to map
end if

This will help ... but im a bit concerned about the stuff in the quotes being case sensitive if it does work. Got any ideas?

Thanks for your time.

-Josh ------------------
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Dim strW as string
strW = Mid(MapRST!Adress,1, 9)
' Maybe take care of &quot;P. O. BOX&quot;
strW = Replace$(strW,&quot;. &quot;,&quot; &quot;)
' Maybe take care of &quot;P.O. BOX&quot;
strW = Replace$(strW,&quot;.&quot;,&quot; &quot;)
strW = Left(strw,7)
If 0 <> StrComp(strW,&quot;P O BOX&quot;,vbTextCompare) then

Forms/Controls Resizing/Tabbing Control
Compare Code (Text)
Generate Sort Class in VB or VBScript
eof stands for as you tought end of file
i would try
If left(MapRST!Adress,5) <> &quot;PO BOX&quot; then
....commands to map
end if
There are 6 characters in &quot;PO BOX&quot; so
Left(MapRST!Adress,5) will never equal &quot;PO BOX&quot;.

I would compare 6 characters and do a case insensitive compare.
If LCase(Left(MapRST!Adress,6)) <> &quot;po box&quot; then
Forms/Controls Resizing/Tabbing Control
Compare Code (Text)
Generate Sort Class in VB or VBScript

Thank you for the replies... I think I'm going to go ahead and convert the entire street string to uppercase... that way I dont have to check for case sensitive methods.. then im just going to do a search of the first 6 chars of the string to see if they are po box .. . . . I dunno.. I'm gonna do my best with the ammo you guys have given me. I'll let you know if I get stuck again. Thanks for the replies.

-Josh ------------------
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