I am a beginner programmer wannabe attepting to work with my father-in-law on his IRS mainframe software. Meanwhile, trying not to ask him too many questions. So I thought i'd try this forum.
Problem: (this is soooooo elementary--- sorry guys)
When I code,
Data Division.
Working-Storage Section.
01 Frm-20S-Table-Item.
05 Frm-20S-Sched-A.
10 CF20S_A_TIN PIC X(10).
It won't compile because of the underscore character, the data item names are provided to me in this manner (w/underscore) and are sent from the main frame in this format. I know there is a simple way to use a "wildcard type" statement. But I can't seem to find it in my SAMs Teach Yourself COBOL Book. Oh, I'm using the CA-Realia II Workbench Ver. 3.0.59 Compiler.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Problem: (this is soooooo elementary--- sorry guys)
When I code,
Data Division.
Working-Storage Section.
01 Frm-20S-Table-Item.
05 Frm-20S-Sched-A.
10 CF20S_A_TIN PIC X(10).
It won't compile because of the underscore character, the data item names are provided to me in this manner (w/underscore) and are sent from the main frame in this format. I know there is a simple way to use a "wildcard type" statement. But I can't seem to find it in my SAMs Teach Yourself COBOL Book. Oh, I'm using the CA-Realia II Workbench Ver. 3.0.59 Compiler.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,