Hey There,
I stuck with a simple problem.
I need to read only last three records from my recordset.
I tested with EOF and its working fine and reading all data.
Can anybody tell how to read only last 3?
My code is
Thanks A Lot
I stuck with a simple problem.
I need to read only last three records from my recordset.
I tested with EOF and its working fine and reading all data.
Can anybody tell how to read only last 3?
My code is
Set dbConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
dbConn.open "DSN=Career;SERVER=GETDB;UID=career;PWD=mycareer;DATABASE=career"
strSQL = "Select * from Careers where show=1 and homeb='H'"
set rs = dbConn.Execute(strSQL)
if not rs.eof then%>
<% do while not rs.eof %>
<li><a href="<%response.write "positions/" & rs("filename")%>" target="_blank"><%Response.write rs("Name")%></a>-
<%Response.write rs("Description")%><br>
<% rs.movenext
loop %>
<% end if %>
Thanks A Lot