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simple formula but my syntax is wrong.

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Feb 24, 2003
I apologize for the question but staring at a screen for too long can make your head feel hollow.

Trying to run a comparison on 2 DB and list the number on a report,

I want to tell the report DB1 + DB2 / 2

this way i have the average of DB1 and DB2 this is working.

now problem is some the information in DB1 is missing and also in DB2
so I want to say
if DB1 >0 then DB2 and if DB2 > 0 then DB1

Here is my formula

If {CDNITEM.Specgrav} < 0 then {USAITEM.Specgrav} else
if {USAITEM.Specgrav} < 0 then {CDNITEM.Specgrav}
If {CDNITEM.Specgrav} > 0 and {USAITEM.Specgrav} > 0 then
({CDNITEM.Specgrav} + {USAITEM.Specgrav}) / 2

Now I think I realize why this is not working.

There are no errors in the formula, but the fields are not ")" they are blank instead therefore how so I state this formula but instead of using 0 i want to use (blank)



"here are no errors in the formula, but the fields are not ")" they are blank instead therefore how so I state this formula but instead of using 0 i want to use (blank)"

oops should read.

if not isnull({CDNITEM.Specgrav}) and
not isnull({USAITEM.Specgrav}) then
({CDNITEM.Specgrav} + {USAITEM.Specgrav}) / 2

This would return a zero if one of the fields was null.

Or do you really mean you want to show the value of the non-null field if the other field is null? If so, then use these formulas:

if isnull({CDNITEM.Specgrav}) then

if isnull({USAITEM.Specgrav}) then


I think you want the following:

If isnull({CDNITEM.Specgrav}) or {CDNITEM.Specgrav} < 0 
   if isnull({USAITEM.Specgrav}) or {USAITEM.Specgrav} < 0 
   then // 
      ({CDNITEM.Specgrav} + {USAITEM.Specgrav}) / 2

Hope that helps

Steve Phillips, Crystal Reports Trainer & Consultant
Thank you all for the help. I'm 99.8 % complete with this report, one more issue which I need to approach.

Here is my formula

If isnull ({@CDN fill Level Conversion}) or {@CDN fill Level Conversion} < 0
then {@Spec Gravity to Lbs} else
{@CDN fill Level Conversion}

Basically I want to say if this "@CDN fill Level Conversion}" conversion is blank or < 0 then put in this equation {@Spec Gravity to Lbs} (so far this works)

but the end "else" is the problem,

I want to say if it's not <0 or null then put in the {@CDN fill Level Conversion}.

When I put this formula in the error states.

A string is required here and highlights ({@CDN fill Level Conversion})

What am i doing wrong? If I put in text instead and not a formula ('text') it works.

Thank you both for the help.

YOu can not have mixed data types in a If Then Else

Change to

If isnull ({@CDN fill Level Conversion})
or {@CDN fill Level Conversion} < 0
then {@Spec Gravity to Lbs}
toext({@CDN fill Level Conversion})


Ian said:
toext({@CDN fill Level Conversion})

Ian meant to say:
ToText({@CDN fill Level Conversion})


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in the hours of companionship. It is, most of all, to never be paralyzed by your fears of a future that no one can foretell."
This worked thank you!

Report is now complete. Much appreciated.
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