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Sign Up Page Problem - New Here

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Jul 20, 2003
Hi, I'm actually doing this for my friend so I don't know much about this.. he knows a little more than me.

We have a sign-up page that doesn't work well, if you don't fill in all the information, then it brings up an error page, if the account is already used, it brings up an error page. I was told java-script could handle this, so I came here. Can anyone help me?

I think if you're here for a friend, then it might be best to get friend online to describe the problem.


[monkey] Edward [monkey]

"Cut a hole in the door. Hang a flap. Criminy, why didn't I think of this earlier?!" -- inventor of the cat door
Hey, this is "the friend". What I need help on is creating is a whole sign up forum that puts the data up onto a database that I have. I need it to just do basically what a normal sign up page would do. Check the password, check for duplicate e-mails and accounts. I already have one that is not fully functional, and I heard that javascript is more efficient at doing that. Can someone help me on doing this?

>> Can someone help me on doing this?

Undoubtedly... but in order to do so they will need a heck of a lot more information than you've provided so far.

What server are you running? What back end program do you use to update your database? Javascript is a client-side technology... mostly - it won't be able to go through your database and check for duplicates (unless of course you make the full database contents available in the browser - in which case you won't get me as a member)

In fact, in terms of a web site sign up page, there is stuff-all that JavaScript would be useful for - maybe validating the input fields, password field is the right length, that sort of thing. But the actual sign-up process will need to be done with some other technology.
Okay, the database type is PHP, and the document type of the page that I upload from is asp VBscript. I do not know how either work, I am just connected to them. I had a friend put them up, and I am connected to them through Macromedia Dreamweaver MX. The sign up page I have uploads the information, but it does not check it for any errors. You can put in one letter in all the feilds and it will go through. What I am trying to do, is have it so that the sign up sheet that I already have will check weather the email has an @ symbol, if there are empty feilds, if the password does not match the repeated password, etc. Then it would send them to a page that tells them what they did wrong.

The sign up page I have now is located at

Right now it seems that it does have some checkers already built in. Like if you don't enter in anything, then it sends you to a HTTP 500 - Internal server error. Same if you put a same account name as one that is already in the server.

I dont know if that data will help you any, but I am just giving as much as I have. If there is any other data you need, let me know.
javascript cannot do anything with the database. therefore duplication must be checked using PHP.

but checking whether the fields are empty/have correct values can be done in javascript...

Known is handfull, Unknown is worldfull
True. JavaScript can be used for certain kinds of validation on the client side, such as making sure an e-mail addy has a "@" in it, etc. The FAQ tab above has an entire section devoted to client-side validation.

You can't use JavaScript (as far as I know) to dedup against a server-side database.

HTTP 500 - Internal server error is just a generic server error, meaning something is wrong, but there's no programmed way to catch the error. Think of it as "unspecified error", if that helps.

It looks like you have three steps here, really:

[ol][li]Validate data on-the-form[/li][li]Stuff the database[/li][li]dedup and other validations[/li][/ol]

JavaScript lends itself well to #1, not at all to #2 and not very well on the items of #3 that can't be dealt with in #1.


[monkey] Edward [monkey]

"Cut a hole in the door. Hang a flap. Criminy, why didn't I think of this earlier?!" -- inventor of the cat door
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