I would like to note the passing of Sid Hollander, who briefly posted in this Puzzles for Programmers forum under the handle SidYuca. I recently came across the following obituary:
In my view Sid's contributions to the Puzzles for Programmers forum were much greater than the short time he participated here. In particular I spent a significant amount of time on two of his threads, learning a lot about smooth numbers and Bertrand's Paradox in the process. See thread1551-1667009 and thread1551-1667663
In my view Sid's contributions to the Puzzles for Programmers forum were much greater than the short time he participated here. In particular I spent a significant amount of time on two of his threads, learning a lot about smooth numbers and Bertrand's Paradox in the process. See thread1551-1667009 and thread1551-1667663