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Sidekick 98 on XP desk top sync with ipaq win CE 2

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Technical User
Nov 16, 2004
What a fantastic site. I am a pharmacuetical representative and have used Sidekick 98 for may years. Old PC is defunked and I have bought a new one. Trouble is I cant get Sidekick 98 to sync with my ipaq any more.

I have TrueSync Desktop and TrueSync plus for REX pro, ActiveSync3.1 all on CD. Bought around 2000. I have updated ActiveSync from web to latest version. Back in 2000 I know I had to buy an upgrade from the web to make trueSync work with my ipaq as it was running on windows CE 3. this was down loaded and I dont have anymore.

I used to run activesync (green sync circle)to sync my folders, contacts with exel and outlook between desk top and ipaq and then use truesync (red white circle) to sync my side kick diary. everything was perfect!!!

I still have this system working on a very old Tosh labretta laptop.BUT ITS HAD ITS DAY!

Heres the question. HOW DO I GET THIS 'SET UP' or something similar TO WORK ON MY NEW DESK TOP COMPUTER?

If anyone can help please let me know. To change my PIM would be the end....I haven't seen a better system yet. What were starfish thinking of when they droped this product!

If ther answer is 'it cant be done' does anyone recommend another PIM / contact manager that supports drag and drop contacts into the diary.

Thanks for sharing my problems!

Regards Andy Newman from Cambridge

Dear Andy,
The software that you are referring to was at the following location:

Truesync to WinCE

The above link redirects you to:
and that doesn't look too good neither from a Sidekick view does this page.
Check out:

There must be a copy of the TruSync for WinCE software on that old Toshiba laptop,
Check out the Sidekick Folders on the old laptop (using explorer) for .dll files and other system files whose creation date doesn't correspond in date to the original ones that are on your new computer, in fact they should be dated 2000 and not 97 or 98.
There should also be an updated Readme.txt too.
Let us know how you get on and improve all our knowledge!
Check out LetitiaShens FAQ in the FAQ pages
Click on this link:
I know it is for Palm but the Sync info is very useful.

Thanks for you advice.

I've been in contact with tellisync and I dont think it supportd sidekick to win CE. At least that was their reply by e-mail was...I agree their web site suggest that it should. Can anyone else confirm this?

Theres a whole host of dll files within truesync from around 3-2000. Nothing that seems to do anything.

The truesync files on the Tosh are bigger, exe, and tstools. so the tosh files have some extra tricks on them.

In updates folder their is an application file 50comupd win 32 cabinate extractor from microsoft. It says do you want to load latest version of windows common controls. On my new computer it tells me that I have them already 499KB and mod 12/00.

There are no files within sidekick that relate to 2000 they are all 97ish. not alot of diff between new PC and tosh.

In ActiveSync I have found 'windows Accessor for TrueSync Plus.Containing files. Thought I had found it!!!!
CEinstall.dll Mod 3/99
tsstack.arm Mod 6/00
tsstack.mips Mod 6/00
tsstack.sh3 Mod 6/00

However CEinstall is to old to be the soft ware I loaded. and its asking for a program to open it.

I've tried again to take files across from tosh to new computer but it does not make any diff. It still wants to look for Rex. I think 'tice' CE software is for syncing rex with CE not CE with Sidekick. I tried it and it didn't work.

As a last resort if you had Active Sync3.7, sidekick98(without palm bit), Truesync for rex pro and I could find this windows CE accessor for truesync. which order would you load them on? I can remember the lady at Starfish being very firm on the fact that I had to load them on in a certain oder. After which when I opened up trueSync to setup it gave me the option of win CE along with rex and rex pro. Interestingly when you choose to sink from sidekick top menue it gives you a CE option with picture, but it points you to the web for software. As you say this now reverts to intellysinc

I'm lost tiered and prob. will loose my job as I haven't been out of the house for 3 days.

Perhaps I will have to leave this. If I ment to solve it I guess I will.

Its just a case of getting true sync to reconise win CE device. and I'm sure it does it by piggy backing onto activesync. One more point... When active sync tries to connect to ipaq its looking for a diff port as it knows active sync has aready established a relationship with the ipaq on port 1.

We should buy Sidekick and get some dude of a programmer to write some shit hot sync software and get it back on the market!!

Dear Andy,
I quote:

In ActiveSync I have found 'windows Accessor for TrueSync Plus.Containing files. Thought I had found it!!!!
CEinstall.dll Mod 3/99
tsstack.arm Mod 6/00
tsstack.mips Mod 6/00
tsstack.sh3 Mod 6/00

However CEinstall is to old to be the soft ware I loaded. and its asking for a program to open it.

First Backup Backup Backup Backup!!!!

Then the thing to do, is to uninstall all other synchronisation programs (if you have palm desktop uninstall that too) and check that your install of Sidekick is a totally standard one + the 2000 patch (no extra .dlls) and then put the Above ^^ files you mention into the Sidekick98 Program folder and then start up Sidekick98 and go to the
and then click on WinCE and see what happens.
Let me know how that goes.

FAQ pages here:
Covering the sequence of loading see

LetitiaShen's FAQ here at Tek-Tips
and the following ones too:

Q22.After installing Sidekick 98 and TrueSync, the following error after sync in log : HotSync started 10/15/97 13:53:03 HotSync Error: Failed local sync notification. (8009) HotSync Error: Failed local sync notification. (8009) After much experimenting, I discovered that this only happens with Network HotSync (running in local mode). If I run the HotSync that come with SDK98 (HotSync v2.0) it works fine.
HotSync Log message: HotSync Error: Failed local sync notification. (8009)
Pilot HotSync Log message: HotSync was terminated. Some of your data was NOT backed up.
An application on the desktop failed to respond to a confirmation query. This application may need to be restarted.
A.Copy the following files, which should be in the TrueSync 2.5 folder to the Pilot folder: sisaddr.dll, sisdate.dll, sismemo.dll, sisn.dll, and sistodo.dll
Note: Pilot Desktop 2.0, then Network HotSync Manager, then Sidekick 98 and TrueSync 2.5 should be installed in that order.
That was from:

AND see too

and so was this:
HotSync was interrupted Some of the data was NOT backed up
Q. When I’m trying to hot sync, I get the message "HotSync was interrupted. Some of the data was NOT backed up. For details, tap Hot Sync Log on the screen". The HotSync log says the same statement. When this happened before, I reinstalled both SideKick 98 ® and the PalmPilot desktop and the problem went away.
Now it is back.
A. If you happen to have any HotSync Manager shortcuts in Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp delete them, close all applications, restart Win95, and then try synching again.
Good luck and do not lose your job over it, or get too stressed out, as life is about other things too!
(can't remember what they are though, must rush)!!!
Hope you had a good weekend. I had my kids for the weekend so I guess I was working on the important things in life!

The files you suggested I transfer across but it didn't work I'm afraid. However even on the tosh selecting tools/snc/trusync it does not recognise CE divice. It only works when you launch truesync from the icon in the task bar.

Clearely this exe program recognises the link between truesync and side kick somehow.

Also the files within Accessor where found in Microsoft active sync which suggest they are related to this program rather than truesync or sidekick program as you suggest.

My version of Trusesync plus is caled Truesync plus for rex pro. This did not come with side kick but from rex pro divice I had sometime ago. Is it possible that the upgrade I talked about was in fact for Truesync. Also when I install side kick I dont allow it to intall the palm bit. ie truesync is not installed from here.

There are a number of truesync files on the tosh that make referance to CE link, also as I said Truesyn exe file and TS tools, prog extension are both bigger files on the tosh. I have tried to copy these over but till now its made no differnce when I launch truesync.

TS tools is the only file in truesync I cannot transfer from tosh. The computer runs this file all the time and thus it wont let me change it. Do you think its important.

With the knowlege we have within this forum do we know of a palm computer that definately will syn with side kick on todays new desk top computers. If we do I could just go and buy one of these machines, rather than stick with win CE.

Have a good week James and thanks for your help so far.

Kind Regards


Its a pitty you cant see my files that way you maybe able to make sence of them.

I guess the other point to make clear is that activesync, truesync and sidekick all seem to run together somehow on the tosh. Taking Active Sync out of the equation is fime by me but clearely this would be a different set up to the one I have on the tosh.

Are we sure intellisyn is a no goer. It does not mention sidekick.
After reading all the messages from this forum it does seem I am the only person using sidekick and syncing with win CE which I find quite supprising as Ipaq's are pretty popular.

Andybabe, you are not the only one with this problem. I have been using Sidekick 2.0 and Sidekick 99 and syncing it with my Toshiba PDA for years. I'm trying to duplicate the setup on my laptop with no luck.

Like you, I haven't found any PIM to match Sidekick (certainly not Outlook).
Dear Jack,

It would be great if you could find the time to post this as a FAQ,

Perhaps a good title would be:
Sync WinCE on PDA<-->Sidekick99 on XP

Or whatever else you think would be most likely to be picked up on by someone who was in the same situation as yourself.

Describe the symptoms and then go through the above solution.
If you put it in the:
Synching Problems WinCE-Palm
Section with the other TruSync questions it would be great!
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