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Showing an email as Replied To 1

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Technical User
Jun 4, 2001
In Exchange, once you rply to an email, it is clearly indicated that it has been replied to. However, in Lotus Notes (R 6) all I seem to get is a change of colour to show an email has been read. I often read my emails and need to know which ones I need to revisit later to reply to.

I could move them out of the inbox to another folder. However, this could mean they are "lost". In Exchange I can create a follow up flag and even create a calendar or to do item from the email.

What are the Notes equivalents. Does notes have something even more advanced than Exchange and Outlook I should be using to do this.


A Notes User Novice!

Actually, Notes does ! It is called Mail Threads in v6. It is in your list of Views.
In v4, it is under the name Discussion Threads.

In addition, I would suggest you look more closely to the notion of Folders. They are very practical and efficient - when you know how to use them.
Exchange and Outlook have apparently lulled people into thinking that the Inbox is where the mail is. Well, I don't know about those products, but in Notes your mail is in your Mailbox - not just one folder or view in that mailbox.
Thanks for this - just what I was looking for.

Problem is I can't find the correct view. It's not an option under the view menu nor is it displayed on the mail window.

I've followed the Note Help but it just says that the threads option should be clicked on ... and I can't find it!

By the way, I do use folders but still need to see in the folders if the emails have been replied to. Others reply on my behalf and I also need to know if I have replied or just read the email.



You should have an option in the navigator called Views, with a twisty.
Open the twisty and you find it there.
If that is not the case, check the mail template on the server and find out whether or not that view is available.
If it is not available, I'm sure we can arrange something.

As for your personal folders, you can use the design of the Mail Threads folder to ensure that you do see responses.
Unfortunately, that will only work if you class the entire thread in the folder.
Remember : folders show the documents YOU put in them. If you do not put the answer, the folder will not be able to show that the document has been responded to.
Thanks again for this. I have to say I'm also learning a lot as we go along!

I found the template with the correct view. I did this by opening a database and selecting template.

How do I get my emails from my mail.nsf database to show up? Can I change the default view or something like that?


Okay, I think I need to backtrack a bit.

What is a template ? It is a Notes database with an ntf extension and a parameter in the Properties dialog box (hammer&triangle tab) that states "Db file is a master template", with a string of characters underneath.

How does it work ? A template is used to define the design of any nsf database that refers to it specifically. When creating the new database, you can refer to the template by selecting it in the list displayed at creation time. After, the server keeps track of any change and refreshes the nsf if something is out of line with the ntf.

How does that apply to the mail ? Well, check the Properties box of your mail database. You are in R6 format, so the db should refer to "StdR6Mail" in the "Inherit design from master template" parameter.

If that is so, then you have that view in your mail box also. If you do not, all you need to do is File/Database/Design Refresh, choose the server of your mail file and confirm. That action will update your design to the correct format, unless some developer has gone in there and wreaked havoc on the refresh parameters inside.

Have I been clear enough ?

I now have the correct view, showing the threads and others want it as well! Made life (and email efficiency) a lot better. I can now see if I've replied to an email or not.

Thank your for your clear and detailed instructions.

I've also learnt a lot about how notes works and the options available.
Thanks again,

You're very welcome. It is always nice to know when one's counsel has been useful.
Thanks for this link. I downloaded it and used it (as I learnt above from pmonett - see all your efforts are worthwhile!)

It works and gives me more than I thought I could ever get from Lotus Notes.

I wish that there was this wider knowledge amongst all the Lotus Notes administrators I meet who just seem to accept the defaults and say you can't do that.


Just a note on the above template (DaleFlannery 1st May). It looks good and is impressive but has caused no end of grief with serious errors in notes and loads of error messages.

I've reinstalled notes and tried it and got the same problems so beware that if you are a novice like me then you may have problems. May be resolvable but take care. I've only put this here for anyone reading this in the future. It's not to say that the template does not work etc.

I've stuck with the default notes views as described earlier in the thread and have had no problems.

I have encountered another problem related to this question (not allowed to do something by the Notes Administrators)

I have started a new thread "Using different templates on laptop and server." as it's a different problem.

Wow, this seems to be very useful.
I was wondering though...
I am using Notes 5.09. My company controls all the templates etc..
Can I also add the threads to my own view so that I too can see which mail I have replied to or not....
I don`t know a great deal about Notes and would appreciate any help you can provide.
That would depend on whether or not your company allows you to work with a non-corporate mail template.
Ask your IT department if you can integrate a new design element, or use the above linked template (for example).
If the IT department is not willing to play nice (for some very good reason btw), you can always suggest to your manager that a view with responses would be a practical thing to have. If your manager buys the idea, you'll have a chance of seeing this implemented as standard corporate policy, instead of just you doing it in your own corner.

If you obtain the standard Notes 6.5 template this includes a number of new features.

One of which is to include in all folders incl. the inbox a small icon which very quickly shows whether or not an e-mail has been replied to (shows arrow pointing left), forwarded (shows arrow pointing right) or both (shows two headed arrow pointing left and right).

You can run this R6.5 template on an R6.0.x Server, with no adverse affects.

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