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Should I change my carreer or study more?

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Mar 8, 2004
I am so glad I foun this forum.
I had been IT professional since 1996.
For the first 2 years I've been working as a Junior VB Application Developer creating user-friendly GUI for the almost existing project, so it was fun and just to my level. It took us 1 year to finish the project and for next year I was kind of responsible for checking coffee machine an cafeteria. I choose that job myself as there were no other projects antil I realized I have to move on.
My second job was Systems Engineer where I learned customer support skills, Crystal Report writing, editing ODBC.ini file, installation of software for multi-user environment,
uploading/downloading data form any format, working with data model etc. for 1 year until our department was pronounced not profitable and I was the last in the group of 6 to be laid off. So, last 6 month I was surfing web waiting for some clients to call for support.
I am at my existing job for 3 years. My title for some reason is DBA. I am writing Access Reports for pharmaceutical companies, working with data ... actually all in past, it's stopped this summer.
Client's contracts weren't renewed and now I am facing lay off.
So, for 7 years I've never had a chance to do something for a long time to become an expert in any field.
I am SQL Server/Oracle, VB/VBA, Crystal/Access/Excel Report professional without big confidence.
During my 7 year ordeal I was taking Web Development courses, Java courses. Paid - never used knowlege.

I was thinking of changing my career while unemployement will pay for it.
Where would I be needed except IT with above mentioned skills? I am tired of gypsiying around. I want stability, more/less.
Or may be you can advise me on what tools to learn.
I am in Philadelhia area in case it is important.

Big THANK YOU all for your time

I am in the philly area myself and I would like to welcome you to the IT non-work force - where there is 1 under paid job and 10,000 over qualified applicants.

To switch careers would have to depend on how long you can last bieng broke.

When I got laid off I was looking into the automotive field where computers and mechanical skills are in much demand. With computers in every car it will take computer savy people to run the machines and diagnose the information.

Check it out and good luck

Accourding to our papers here we added 12,000 new jobs in the month a March (it you don't mind flipping burgers)


"ZOINKS !!!!!"


automotive field???
If you are serious - please, tell more.

Is it really as bad as you pictured ?
So, I have practically no chance ?

OK, let's talk about changing career.

What about staying in the same field as you are now, just go self employed as a consultant or something, uild up a group of associates and you will be able to do just about any job!
Let say "no business brain" and also if you read my post - I am the one who knows "little about everything" so I am not kidding myself thinking I am some kind of guru.

I would like though go to school, but for what VB.NET, SAS?

What's hot today?
I do not want to be a nurse, though.
I looked into all sorts of computer related fields in this area

Programming is slowly being shipped off shore
Help Desk is being shipped off shore
Networking jobs - good luck there

There where basically only 2 fields I found that where booming and had potential growth

1> Network and data security - to include computer forinsics
2> Automotive computer field

I went the automotive cause I hate desks and just landed a job making 45 an hour doing diagnostics on todays auto systems. 8 hours a day and no weekends

Basically I diagnose cars and report what was discovered and then corralate the data to find trends for restocking and man-power I even fix the cars and now I am working towards my ACE and more money

I am finding this new position rewarding because I don't do the same thing every day I am either on the computers or under the hood.


"ZOINKS !!!!!"


So, Shaggy, should I go to Monster and plug into search Network and data security ?
Thanks for your support
If somenone were iterested in programming right now, I would point them toward Java enterprise development. Just my $2E-2.
It's a rare software hacking job these days that offers $45/hr outside of maybe high-cost areas of the U.S.

Looks like somebody found the correct formula for success! Not even certified yet too.
Looks like somebody found the correct formula for success! Not even certified yet too.

You were saying???
UPS in NJ pay automotive mechanics $15.37 to start, and $23 after 2 years, along with 2 years of experience to start.

$47,698 is also the 75th percentile for automotive mechanics in the US, with $34,068 being the 25th percentile.

For Philadelphia, the 25th percentile is $41,701 and the 75th percentile is $52,204 for an Automotive Mechanic III, which means you have years of experience.

So to espouse that you earn $45/hr is really hard to believe given that you have no experience in the field. And if it was as lucrative as you say, more people would be clamoring to get into the field. People go into fields where they think there is money, regardless if they truly like it or not. Look at IT in the late 90’s. People say the same thing about nursing. Look at the pay – average is $40,000; yet you hear some people say that nurses can earn $90-100,000/yr., which is absurd because even if there is a shortage, a hospital is non-profit (mostly) and try and justify the expenses to the governing board for those salaries! The same thing can be said for plumbers, electricians, almost any other trade.

Bottom line is to do what you truly enjoy, don’t just go into it for the money because you will end up hating your job.

If you were a great stockbroker you can make very good money, and if you work for an investment firm the bonuses you earn can be phenomenal, but that requires time and an education. As for me, I could not be a stockbroker for the fact that people are investing THEIR hard-earned money with you, and if something happened in the market or with the company and they lost a lot of money, I would not be able to feel good about myself. Sure I made the commission and my firm made money but the other people lost their investments. Not for me.

Also ask yourself about the trades – is that something you want to do? Though there is nothing wrong with manual labor, that is what it is. On your feet 8, 10, 12 hours a day, sometimes taking a beating from Mother Nature. Be a plumber and be the one to roto-rooter the backed up toilet – at 2AM (yuck both ways).

Think about the money, too that some profess pays so well. Donald Trump just finished his reality show (never watched it myself) and the winner was given a job in one of his companies for one year at $250,000. Great money, but it won’t be for 8 or 10 hours/5 days a week. My guess is that individual will be putting in quite a few 16 hour days and be working 6 or 7 days a week. Do you believe a successful businessman is going to pay that much money for a 40-hour week? Which brings me to the topic of $100,000/yr for a 40-hour per week auto mechanic – it doesn’t add up!!!
I appreciate analysis you gave us, but OP asked about something else. Advise on what hot tool to learn.

And you know, what about people like me who never dreamed to be nothing. I never wanted to be a balerina or IT specialist, but when time came I choose to hate job which will bring me financial stability.
Actually when I am developing really into it, I just hate bench-time.

I actually read a few articles that stated the auto industry is having a shortage similar to the nursing industry. I actually was an LPN for several years before migrating to the IT field. Ironically I can get similar salary for LPN as Network tech/telcom tech. Companies by me are NOT paying top dollar for IT. RNs I know can and do make 60K+ a year but there are usually long hours, mandated hours etc (similar to IT actually when the computers crap out at 2am somebody has to fix it ;) )
I wouldn't mind finding more about the IT auto issue myself but I had an interest in cars and auto repair in the past.
-just my 2 cents
I can't believe this thread has popped up. I have been doing somer serious 'soul searching' lately as to staying in the IT field. I have been here since 96 and fortunately have never been laid off or without a job. I come from a long line of auto mechanics and have considered going into that profession as a break from the office politics / stress of white collar work in general. My BIG problem is $$$. I'm going on 10 years doing heavy duty cisco and MS work and while I surely dont make 6 figures I'm closer to that than 0. By starting over it would mean starting at 20k - 30k a year AFTER the appropriate training (2 years) I am only 28 however I have a hefty mortgage a wife and a child. So I guess I just wanted to add my dilemma to the mix. Good lick to all of you
I've been looking for a good lick all of my life, :)

There was an article on this lately that was posted at slashdot. Apparently if you have the knowledge, you can make some jack working on auto comps.
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