I have created a threading application that has a couple of processes accessing the same variable. I want them to both check the variable to see if the other process is using a shared file. If one is the other sleeps.
This is what I have done thus far:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define FNAME "data.dat" //The file that will be read from and written to
#define MAXREADERS 100
#define MAXWRITERS 100
#define WRITERS 5
#define RUNS 1
void CreateWriter(struct state Reader[], struct state *Writer, int
int main()
pid_t mainPID;
FILE *inFile, *outFile;
int tmp=0;
int i,pid, NumReaders, NumWriters;
int seed; //Seed for random number gen
int WriteLock=0; //Shows if file is locked for writing
for (i=0; i<WRITERS; i++)
Writers.seed = i + (int)pid; //Gives each thread it's //own seed
Writers.who = i;
CreateWriter(Readers, &Writers, &WriteLock);
void CreateWriter(struct state Reader[], struct state *Writer, int
int i;
if ( (pid=fork() ) !=0)
for (i=0; i<RUNS; i++)
sleep(rand_r(&(Writer->seed))%3); //Random sleep before
while(WriteLock==1) //Checks to see if other writers are writing
printf("Waiting for writer finish"
sleep(rand_r(&(Writer->seed))%3); //Random sleep
//since no one is writing now the writer can lock writing for himself
printf("\nThe lock var is: %i",*WriteLock);
*WriteLock=1; //No one else can write
printf("\nJust locked The lock var is: %i",*WriteLock);
sleep(rand_r(&(Writer->seed))%3); //Random sleep for a bit
*WriteLock=0; //Let the other process take over
It seems however, that neither process can see the others variables so both assume that they are unlocked at all times.
Any ideas?
This is what I have done thus far:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define FNAME "data.dat" //The file that will be read from and written to
#define MAXREADERS 100
#define MAXWRITERS 100
#define WRITERS 5
#define RUNS 1
void CreateWriter(struct state Reader[], struct state *Writer, int
int main()
pid_t mainPID;
FILE *inFile, *outFile;
int tmp=0;
int i,pid, NumReaders, NumWriters;
int seed; //Seed for random number gen
int WriteLock=0; //Shows if file is locked for writing
for (i=0; i<WRITERS; i++)
Writers.seed = i + (int)pid; //Gives each thread it's //own seed
Writers.who = i;
CreateWriter(Readers, &Writers, &WriteLock);
void CreateWriter(struct state Reader[], struct state *Writer, int
int i;
if ( (pid=fork() ) !=0)
for (i=0; i<RUNS; i++)
sleep(rand_r(&(Writer->seed))%3); //Random sleep before
while(WriteLock==1) //Checks to see if other writers are writing
printf("Waiting for writer finish"
sleep(rand_r(&(Writer->seed))%3); //Random sleep
//since no one is writing now the writer can lock writing for himself
printf("\nThe lock var is: %i",*WriteLock);
*WriteLock=1; //No one else can write
printf("\nJust locked The lock var is: %i",*WriteLock);
sleep(rand_r(&(Writer->seed))%3); //Random sleep for a bit
*WriteLock=0; //Let the other process take over
It seems however, that neither process can see the others variables so both assume that they are unlocked at all times.
Any ideas?