We have a head scratcher here. We have Win2K Server (upgraded two months ago from NT4,) running Exchange 2000 (upgraded at the same time from 5.5.) This machine is a DC and hosts files made available over the network on a share. Conversion went very smoothly as did initial network operation. Within the last two weeks, however, the server has seemed to forget that it is to share.
Behavior usually begins with users noticing slow access to documents (usually Word) on the share. This will persist for a couple of minutes at least. Email seems to function normally. From the server console, the share can be browsed via network neighborhood. Suddenly, anyone (including at the console,) is unable to access the share and receive "network path cannot be found." The directories may be browsed at the console on the partitions, but not through the share via Network Neighborhood.
A reboot restores functionality. Event logs show nothing about the event and as yet, we've not found helpful information in TechNet. Any help in this would be much appreciated.
Behavior usually begins with users noticing slow access to documents (usually Word) on the share. This will persist for a couple of minutes at least. Email seems to function normally. From the server console, the share can be browsed via network neighborhood. Suddenly, anyone (including at the console,) is unable to access the share and receive "network path cannot be found." The directories may be browsed at the console on the partitions, but not through the share via Network Neighborhood.
A reboot restores functionality. Event logs show nothing about the event and as yet, we've not found helpful information in TechNet. Any help in this would be much appreciated.