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Sharepoint Security/ Site Access

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Aug 28, 2002
Just implemented a new Sharepoint Intranet Website, taking all of the installation defaults, on a Windows 2000 Server. The only users that can access the new site are those in the administrators group.

I've tried adding users through site administration, enabled anonymous access, adding groups, etc - none allowed users outside of the admin group to access the site.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Did you try adding the domain users or everyone to the workspace as readers? if not, then:

Open up Sharepoint console from Start Menu - Programs - Administrative Tools - Sharepoint Portal Server Administration.
Right click your workspace and click properties.
Select Security Tab and click Add.
Add Everyone and select the role as reader.

This should solve the problem.



Not sure whether I'm stating the obvious, but when I implemented SharePoint I added all the users and groupd that required access but they still couldn't, until I seach Google groups and found that any new secuirty settings don't take effect until all the SharePoint and W3 services are restarted.
Below is a script that I run every night to ensure that any security changes I make take effect.

@Echo off
Echo This program stops and restarts the IISadmin Service
net stop w3svc
REM w3svc is the WorldWide Web Publishing Service
Net stop smtpsvc
REM smtpsvc is the Simple Mail Transport service
net stop msdmserv
REM msdmserv is the SharePoint Portal Service
net stop msexchangeIS
REM msexchangeIS is the Exchange Information Store
net start msexchangeIS
net start msdmserv
net start smtpsvc
net start w3svc

Additionally, as far as I'm aware SharePoint Portal Server is licenced per user, so if 'EVERYONE' is added as a reader, it is possible to use more licenses tahn you have. (If I'm wrong in this please let me know)


i have a similar issue where only users in the administrator group can add documents

does the user group 'EVERYONE' should be removed as a reader

This is a reply to girishchitre (MIS) on Sep 25, 2002 asks about the fact that on his STS server "only users in the administrator group can add documents".

I am a bit of a newbie to STS so take with a grain a salt please.

I have been SFTW for about 3 months now looking at every sharepoint news group and support board I can find and your question sounds very similar to another I read where the response that seemed to help him solve it was in regards to directory and file rights in NTFS.

IF (caps on purpose) I understood the posting correctly, Adding the users you wish to grant access to your STS/SPS server is the first thing to do. Then you also need to make sure that the users that were added to your STS/SPS server also have access to the directories and/or files on the web site otherwise they will be given a message stating that they do not have privileges to accomplish what they were try to do.

Also, as I understand this, this is more a function of IIS rather than STS itself. So reading up on IIS security may help as well.

John Fuhrman
Client Server Technical Support
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