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Setting user passwords without using passwd?

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Nov 4, 1999


Can I in some way set passwords in Linux without using the passwd command?<br>


What I want to do is from cgi change a users password from the web.
Ouch! Changing user passwords from the WWW? Don't do it!!!!! Lots of nasty, nasty people who would just *love* to break in to your web page and start changing passwords on your system.<br>
If you *really* have to do it, though, maybe an 'expect' script would do the job for you. Caveat scriptor...<br>
If you're planning on doing this to save some time changing luser's passwords, you should maybe think about scheduling some time in to do extra security work...
From the WEB!?! I have to agree with AndyBo. if there's any way, Avoid it.<br>
if your scripts aren't airtight (and whose are?) you're practically giving your machine away.<br>
If its REALLY that important, change over to an NT box, and go in through BO2k, or PCanywhere. <br>
They're both more secure.<br>
If you're in a corporate environment, hire another Asst. sysadmin.
hi dear,
don't u worry ur problem is solved. this script would help u. this is written in expect. first download it and then compile it. now u have to make a web page containing a form and then give that form your user name, old passwd and new passwd and on submit call this cgi script. your password will change. variable or text boxes u required on ur web form are name, old, new1 and new2.
have fun dear.

#!/usr/local/src/expect-5.38/expect --

# This is a CGI script to process requests created by the accompanying
# passwd.html form. This script is pretty basic, although it is
# reasonably robust. (Purposely intent users can make the script bomb
# by mocking up their own HTML form, however they can't expose or steal
# passwords or otherwise open any security holes.) This script doesn't
# need any special permissions. The usual (ownership nobody) is fine.
# Don Libes, NIST

# Modified virtually beyond all recognition by
# Jim Levie (jim@entrophy-free.net) to work properly under Solaris or Linux.

puts &quot;Content-type: text/html\n&quot; ;# note extra newline

puts &quot;
<title>Passwd Change Acknowledgment</title>

<h2>Passwd Change Acknowledgment</h2>

proc cgi2ascii {buf} {
regsub -all {\+} $buf { } buf
regsub -all {([\\[&quot;$])} $buf {\\\1} buf
regsub -all -nocase &quot;%0d%0a&quot; $buf &quot;\n&quot; buf
regsub -all -nocase {%([a-f0-9][a-f0-9])} $buf {[format %c 0x\1]} buf
eval return \&quot;$buf\&quot;

foreach pair [split [read stdin $env(CONTENT_LENGTH)] &] {
regexp (.*)=(.*) $pair dummy varname val
set val [cgi2ascii $val]
set var($varname) $val

log_user 0

proc errormsg {s} {puts &quot;<h3>Error: $s</h3>&quot;}
proc successmsg {s} {puts &quot;<h3>$s</h3>&quot;}
# Need to su first to get around passwd's requirement that passwd cannot
# be run by a totally unrelated user. Seems rather pointless since it's
# so easy to satisfy, eh?
# Solaris 2.6 & later needs the -r option to specify which
# password service (files, nis, nisplus) see man passwd. Linux
# has passwd in a different location and doesn't need the
# service specification. (Note that I no longer have anything
# earlier than 2.6 to test with, you've been warned... there be
# dragons here).
# BIG NOTE!!! Linux has to have the &quot;sleep 1&quot; between each of
# the &quot;expect/send&quot; pairs. It puts out the prompt before it's actually
# ready to take input. You can comment them out for Solaris, but
# it doesn't hurt for them to be there and might be a plus
# busy server. (there be really big dragons here...)
# Change as appropriate to reflect where your passwd executable is
# The next line (commented out) is for Solaris, the one following is
# for Linux
#spawn /bin/su $var(name) -c &quot;/bin/passwd -r files $var(name)&quot;
spawn /bin/su $var(name) -c &quot;/usr/bin/passwd&quot;

sleep 1
expect {
&quot;Unknown (login|id):&quot; {
errormsg &quot;unknown user: $var(name)&quot;
} -re &quot;(.*) does not exist&quot; {
errormsg &quot;unknown user: $var(name)&quot;
} default {
errormsg &quot;$expect_out(buffer)&quot;
} &quot;Password:&quot;
send &quot;$var(old)\r&quot;
sleep 1
expect {
&quot;Sorry&quot; {
errormsg &quot;Old password incorrect&quot;
} &quot;incorrect passwd&quot; {
errormsg &quot;Old password incorrect&quot;
} default {
errormsg &quot;$expect_out(buffer)&quot;
} -re &quot;(.*)(login|UNIX) password:&quot;
send &quot;$var(old)\r&quot;
sleep 1
expect {
&quot;Sorry&quot; {
errormsg &quot;Old password incorrect&quot;
} default {
errormsg &quot;$expect_out(buffer)&quot;
} -re &quot;New (.*)password:&quot;
send &quot;$var(new1)\r&quot;
sleep 1
expect {
-re &quot;passwd.SYSTEM.(.*)&quot; {
errormsg &quot;$expect_out(buffer)&quot;
} -re &quot;BAD(.*)&quot; {
errormsg &quot;$expect_out(buffer)&quot;
} &quot;passwd: Authentication token manipulation error&quot; {
errormsg &quot;Old Password incorrect&quot;
} default {
errormsg &quot;Unknown error from passwd&quot;
} -re &quot;Re(.*) password:&quot;
send &quot;$var(new2)\r&quot;
sleep 1
expect {
-re &quot;passwd(.*) try again&quot; {
errormsg &quot;$expect_out(buffer)&quot;
} -re &quot;Sorry,(.*)&quot; {
errormsg &quot;$expect_out(buffer)&quot;
} default {
errormsg &quot;Unknown error from passwd&quot;
} -re &quot;(.*) successfully changed (.*)&quot; {
successmsg &quot;Password successfully changed&quot;
} -re &quot;(.*) updated successfully&quot; {
successmsg &quot;Successfully updated password&quot;
Salman786, do you know that this post is 4 years old! I don't think this guy is still waiting for an answer....
Not sure if it was mature enough in '99 but webmin ( might be a solution for what he was looking to do. In short, it's a web-based administration tool and provides communication via an SSL-enabled browser. You can do everything from account management to process checking to simple disk administration. And it's free and open-source.

This approach may in fact be more secure than setting passwords in the traditional manner via telnet.
I think this is the oldest resurrection I have yet to see on Tek-Tips.
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