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Setting permissions and Firewall...

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Dec 20, 2001
I have three question.

First, I have mounted my windows partitions to /mnt/c and /mnt/d. How do I set the permissions on them so that users from a particular group(say home) can write to it? Because everytime I have to delete/move/copy some file to those partitions I have to relogin as root. I tried setting the permissions by using the chmod command but that doesnt work. It says "Operation not permitted" even as root. Those are fat32 partitions.

Second, How do I secure my system with a firewall? How do I set my firewall's policy? I am using RedHat 9. Also, while using the AMSN messenger, I am unable to transfer files. I think its prolly because of the Linux firewall.
Also, I am using a 24x7 connection so I like to keep a monitor for the network activity. So I always have KSIM on my desktop. The funny thing I see is that even when I am not using the internet connection it says IN: 0.5K(may vary upto 1.5K) and OUT: OK in the network activity tab. Is this normal or someone has remote access to my machine?

Third, I recently installed the tcl/tk libraries on my machine. I dunno why but the wish command doesnt work. So someone suggested me to use this command:
export "PATH=$PATH:/usr/src/tk8.4.5/unix"
I've put this command in the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file but it doesnt have any effect. How do I configure it?


Nobody is perfect =(
I am nobody =D
I forgot to mention that I have to always run the export command and then I can use the wish command else i have to use the wish command as '/usr/src/tk8.4.5/unix/wish msn' (without the '').

Nobody is perfect =(
I am nobody =D
Um...it says that it couldnt find ifconfig or similar.

Nobody is perfect =(
I am nobody =D
ifconfig is in /sbin. /sbin isn't in normal user's $PATH by default. If you are doing an 'su root' before running your command, make it 'su - root' (or just 'su -' will suffice).

You may also want to consider adding ~/bin to your user's $PATH, then doing an 'ln -s /usr/src/tk8.4.5/unix/wish ~/bin/wish'. You should be able then to just type 'wish msn' (assuming msn is also in your $PATH).

Thanx, I was able to solve the second and third problem. But the first problem still remains.

Nobody is perfect =(
I am nobody =D
Check out the 'vfat' section of 'man mount':
Mount options for fat


    uid=value and gid=value
        Set the owner and group of all files. (Default: the uid and  gid of the current process.)
Try 'mount /dev/hd?? /mnt/c -t vfat -o gid=<gid of windows writer's group>,umask=002' (may need some tweaking, can't test it, no vfat partitions to mount on the box). Add a group(say 'home'), do a 'grep home /etc/groups', and use the group id shown.

You may want to tweak the umask value. 002 means owner and group can read/write/execute/do whatever they want. root is owner by default. Add your windows writers users into the 'home' group, should be set.

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