How are ya Guys & Gals . . . . .
Have a [blue]Yes/No[/blue] field as part of a table. A continuous form looks at that table thru RecordSource set to SQL.
What I'd like to do, is highlite a group of records and set a common [blue]Yes/No[/blue] value for each associated [blue]Yes/No[/blue] field in the selection.
Any Ideas?
See Ya! . . . . . .
Have a [blue]Yes/No[/blue] field as part of a table. A continuous form looks at that table thru RecordSource set to SQL.
What I'd like to do, is highlite a group of records and set a common [blue]Yes/No[/blue] value for each associated [blue]Yes/No[/blue] field in the selection.
Any Ideas?